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Covid #'s trending down in Canada


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I'm not making any recommendations about anything...I barley made it thru school. There may not be any official studies but the data don't lie. Here's some interesting data from India's database today. I not sure of the refresh rate [day-to-day, week-to-week, etc.]. If there are confounding inputs delivering the positive results I would like to know what they are so I can factor them in.  I will say this with confidence. The data counts are corrupt, the data collection system is corrupt, the data analysis is misleading and the treatment protocols are never discussed. Limiting treatments to states that don't conform to the narrative in order to give it to states that do conform but need it because of breakthrough cases speaks volumes to the efficacy of the vaccine and the simple minded leadership of the nation. The leadership should be ramping up production of a apparently useful treatment much like the 5-year development/production cycle of the vaccines were pulled ahead instead of rationing a limited supply. I'm still waiting for all the criticizing nations to step up with something better than what the US has produced in record time. I would rather see trillions of dollars spent to eradicate this scourge, a real investment in human infrastructure, rather than piss it away on bs. And in the mean time 1,000,000+ potentially unvaccinated people are poring thru the border stoking the fire yet again.




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The FDA had a very long meeting.....  many, many doctors were in it....  Here is an interesting 2 minute section from what one doctor was saying, and the data he presented....


As for ridiculing Michael Flynn, UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories. This is not conspiracy theory, it is an actual study that the university is working on, is fully funded and they are making progress. 

Salon is such a reputable source, so here https://www.salon.com/2017/12/08/fox-and-friends-it-just-looks-like-the-fbi-created-the-steele-dossier/  as those damn conspiracy theorists are those who cannot accept the authenticity of the Steel Dossier....   Only to now have the Times admit it was fake in Barry Meier's piece...  

And here is another rabid article from Salon:  https://www.salon.com/2020/10/21/gops-invented-hunter-biden-scandal-isnt-going-away-are-they-shooting-for-2022-already/  ....  Too bad even Politico had to admit two days ago that the laptop and emails are real....  Do you think Salon will apologize? 

As for the 5G, who would pay you 5 grand to be a hotspot?

Edited by TVR
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7 hours ago, TVR said:

The FDA had a very long meeting.....  many, many doctors were in it....  Here is an interesting 2 minute section from what one doctor was saying, and the data he presented....

For the sweet love of Jonas Salk, I wish I could get myself vaccinated against reading these posts. They're depleting my already scant grey matter, but I can't seem to stop myself...

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2 hours ago, lordmetroland said:

For the sweet love of Jonas Salk, I wish I could get myself vaccinated against reading these posts. They're depleting my already scant grey matter, but I can't seem to stop myself...


Every morning after making coffee I open up the forums and think "Oh no, another new post in The Lodge!  It couldn't be THAT thread again...  Hmmmm...  I better check.  Oh no! It IS That Thread!  Welllllllllll...  Hmmmmm...... I could check it out one last time." and boom here I am again. 

The discussions revolving around correlation, causation, statistical fallicies, etc were interesting, and despite rubbing some sore nerves at times, it has been informative.  However, this thread has now taken a decidedly political turn in the last few posts by specifically linking to stories involving overtly political content and minimal/no Covid content.  (Before anyone gets their tinfoil knickers in a knot, I am also referring to the post I laughed at that ridiculed Flynn).  We appear to be charting a course into darker waters.  Kill this thread?

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Rather than refer to nonverified sources could we restrict comments to verified sources and personal experience and observation ? We are now at the point no one wanted to be in Ontario. Numbers have exceeded previous point and  hospitals have mandated that employees be vaccinated or placed on leave. The province of Alberta is getting military assistance and hospital emergency depts. are strained operating @ 170% capacity. Patients may soon be flown to other provinces. Living in a rural bubble as I do this is sounding more like a bad movie script where the hero is creeping closer and closer to that dark corner in the plot where everything is about to go to shit . Time to close my eyes and hope for the best.

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3 minutes ago, lowrider said:

Rather than refer to nonverified sources could we restrict comments to verified sources and personal experience and observation ? 

Verified, by who? I gave two great examples of how snopes, founded as a fact checking site, for "verifying" sources, has been wrong over and over again. (I could also mention the founder, David Mikkelson is in legal problems right now with charges that say allot about his character, but this doesn't contribute to this point.) Verified is a great word, but are the doctors on that FDA panel any less credible than the other doctors because they disagree? 

Verified is a great concept, but with data suppressed for political reasons, what is debunked one day ends up being shown to be true another so who verifies matters and no one will agree on that.

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The lifesitenews article you posted was very misleading. The hearing was about Pfizer’s proposal for a 3rd dose, not vaccines in general. It was written in a deliberately confusing way so that it was difficult to parse which quote was coming from a legit source and which was coming from anti-vax activists. 

Here in Saskatchewan we are having to use paediatric ICU facilities for adult patients. We are back to cancelling elective surgeries and have put the organ transplant program on hold because we don’t have the ICU beds. This is all in large part due to our government pandering to its base of vaccine skeptics and maskholes which caused them to delay implementing badly needed health measures. And of course if people would just get the damn vaccine and wear a mask, this would all be fading into the rear view by now. 

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:07 PM, Chouinard said:

If there are confounding inputs delivering the positive results I would like to know what they are so I can factor them in.

So my computer wouldn’t boot up this morning so I had to call the corporate help desk located in of all places…India. After fixing my system I asked the tech about COVID cases in India and whether or not they have been using ivermectin? The tech says he hasn’t heard much about that but said they were using the other drug…dare I say it…hydroxychloroquine. By the way he said cases have dropped off but its only anecdotal information.

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1 hour ago, Odd Job said:

Life is normal here other than some woke companies requiring vaccination cards to eat at their overpriced cafeteria as a virtue signal. *cough* Vail *cough*

*sniff sniff*

just so People Know, what you mean here...


and Here is a picture of a Woke, on the Gondo in Aspen, so apparently you can find them just about anywhere...









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3 hours ago, Odd Job said:

Life is normal here other than some woke companies requiring vaccination cards to eat at their overpriced cafeteria as a virtue signal. *cough* Vail *cough*

*sniff sniff*

You want to see a show? Get vaxxed. Want to eat inside at most resorts in Colorado? get vaxxed. Using common sense is not "woke", its considerate of others, and smart.  Got both of mine, I'm not magnetized, and try as i miight, I can't seem to get my laptop to hookup to me for that high speed 5g hotspot on my jobsite


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21 minutes ago, big mario said:

Got both of mine, I'm not magnetized, and try as i miight, I can't seem to get my laptop to hookup to me for that high speed 5g hotspot on my jobsite


Evidently though, according to Nicki Minaj, the vaccine might make your onions swell, which in your case would be on theme. I’m totally expecting it to improve my snowboarding.

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37 minutes ago, lordmetroland said:

Evidently though, according to Nicki Minaj, the vaccine might make your onions swell, which in your case would be on theme. I’m totally expecting it to improve my snowboarding.

Well, I guess with all of estrogen you're surrounded by you need all the help you can get


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