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On 11/20/2020 at 6:41 AM, Corey said:

I'm really curious how an actual cotton or medical masks will work with condensation, freezing, and goggles on cold days. Neck buffs work but studies have shown they are effectively useless at filtering droplets. i.e. They'll satisfy the rules of wearing a 'mask' but don't actually help. 

Maybe a benefit for us in colder areas is that those droplets will freeze and fall to the ground faster? 

I fell in love with simple cotton bandanas; think of a wild west bank robber, but with goggles closing the top. Sadly, this 100% does not meet the function or intent of a Covid mask as very little air goes through the fabric. Air goes out the bottom and sides if you drape it over the top of your jacket. 

Don't see an actual answer and having spent last tuesday using a medical mask I will.

Medical masks are 95n, so safe both for incoming and outgoing, the moisture that accumulated going downhill evaporated going uphill, that was my concern, if it got to wet would it fall off, no, goggles only fogged slightly when going uphill breathing hard with my head back, fogging was easy to control, no fogging going downhill, Smith IOX, that was at 30ish degrees, at 5 degrees frozen moisture may be a problem, but, then it rained.

The cotton and bandana and skier masks are useless, stay away from the fools in them.

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On 11/20/2020 at 11:26 AM, JRAZZ said:

There is a difference between mask types (see this article or the image below). All masks protect others, some masks protect the wearer better. All masks protect better than coughing into your elbow simply because you constantly shed vapor particles, coughing is not the only time when you could expose others.

I did not mean to imply that masks are not effective, or that coughing into your elbow is all you need to do to fight covid, lol.  I meant that wearing a mask is like holding your elbow up to your face constantly.  I am all for wearing a mask when appropriate.  Some people have gotten carried away, like those driving in their car alone, wearing a mask.  Huh?  Covid is not like yeast or pollen, it is not floating around everywhere.  Interesting point about neck gaiters being worse than nothing.  It's amusing what is passing for compliant masking at ski resorts.

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How Those Bogus Reports on ‘Ineffective’ Neck Gaiters Got Started

Seems the mask is only one part of the story... distance is the other

I've not seen any 8 foot wide chairs.... if so they would only be good for two people... one at each end.

As with all things in life there's a risk assessment that you have to make and yes your risk depends on the decisions of others (quite unsettling).  

My local opens Friday.  Rain is in the forecast.  I'm planning to go but assessing throughout the visit, probably will have an old n95, pre-COVID purchase NOS, in my pocket to slip under my mask should my assessment lean COVID. 

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All of which points to one of the biggest failings of government in this crisis, the lack of data on masks. There should have been government backed research into the effectiveness of different mask types and materials. Ideally, standards would have been issued, so we would all know what works and what doesn't   😡

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59 minutes ago, BobD said:

All of which points to one of the biggest failings of government in this crisis, the lack of data on masks. There should have been government backed research into the effectiveness of different mask types and materials. Ideally, standards would have been issued, so we would all know what works and what doesn't   😡

Still in prepublication, but it is being done


Heres some really basic stuff about the different materials, maybe not as specific as you are looking for 


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Maybe not the right comparison but Gov't got caught with their pants down on the mask thing. The first response was to ensure front line workers had mask so recommending everyone wear one would have resulted in shortages when and where they were needed most. Just in time delivery was a great idea for bean counters and bankers but we see now how supply chains work in the real world when everyone is after the same thing at the same time. This mask discussion isn't really  the issue it's the fact that not requiring people to isolate when returning to their home country was what caused explosive spread. Governments have pandemic plans but reading them after the fact doesn't stop the spread. 

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7 minutes ago, bumpyride said:

Never one to shy away from facts:

Say whatever you think about Covid, how it started, how it spread, but it NEVER would have happened if mankind didn't eat ANIMALS.

Mankind is batshit crazy.

Humans wouldn't exist if we didn't eat animals. 

Just a couple of sources, there's so much literature (facts) on this-

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19 minutes ago, lonbordin said:

Humans wouldn't exist if we didn't eat animals. 

Just a couple of sources, there's so much literature (facts) on this-

You're absolutely right.  The answer to this is we've evolved enough to no longer depend on meat.

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6 minutes ago, bumpyride said:

You're absolutely right.  The answer to this is we've evolved enough to no longer depend on meat.

The role of meat in a diet is nuanced... not all "meat" is the same nutritionally... not all plant based products are worthy of eating as well.  It's easy to sit in an metropolitan area and say you don't depend on meat.  It's not so easy to live in less developed areas of the world and not depend on meat in your diet.

Dr. Mozaffarian, Dean, Tufts does a good job laying out the arguments with source materials here-


As we've drifted WAY off the topic I propose if you want to continue the discussion it should be in a new forum post.

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Steady upward growth of Covid since Christmas in Canada. British PM is hoping to curb their latest increase by middle of Feb. Not looking great for a return to the slopes here in two weeks. I don't think Christmas turkey was responsible for the latest outbreak the blame is on the two legged red meat humanoids and their bad behavior.

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On 12/30/2020 at 9:31 AM, bumpyride said:

Never one to shy away from facts:

Say whatever you think about Covid, how it started, how it spread, but it NEVER would have happened if mankind didn't eat ANIMALS.

Mankind is batshit crazy.

Our eyes are in front to judge distance to our prey.  We have incisors, canines, and molars to rip off and chew flesh.

Bacon tastes good.  Porkchops taste good.  Because you know, science. 😉

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On 1/5/2021 at 9:13 AM, Jack M said:

Our eyes are in front to judge distance to our prey.  We have incisors, canines, and molars to rip off and chew flesh.

Bacon tastes good.  Porkchops taste good.  Because you know, science. 😉

That's why we have short puny little incisors, and weak stomach acids like herbivores and long intestines unlike carnivores that have short intestines and dissolve bones and fur in their short digestive track.  

Rationalization and deflection does not alter facts. I chose not to get into an argument in this thread, but here you go:


Seventh-day Adventists have been the subject of many studies on health. One of the most well known is The Adventist Health Study (AHS-2), which involved more than 96,000 Adventists and looked for links between diet, disease, and lifestyle.

The AHS-2 found that those who followed a vegetarian diet had a significantly lower risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar — all of which are strong risk factors for heart disease and early death (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source).

Additionally, Adventists who followed vegetarian diets were found to have a decreased risk of colon cancer, compared with non-vegetarians (11Trusted Source).

May support healthy weight loss and maintenance

Research shows that whole foods and plant-based diets that include little to no animal products help support a healthy weight compared with diets that include more animal products (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).

A study including over 60,000 adults who participated in the AHS-2 found that those who followed a vegan diet had the lowest body mass index (BMI), compared with vegetarians and meat eaters. Average BMI was higher among those who ate more animal products (8Trusted Source).

Additionally, a review of 12 studies including 1,151 people found that those who were assigned a vegetarian diet lost much more weight than those assigned a non-vegetarian diet. Those assigned a vegan diet experienced the most weight loss (13Trusted Source).

May increase lifespan

Blue zones are areas around the world in which the population is known to live longer than average. Many people who live in blue zones live to be at least 100 years old (14Trusted Source).

The blue zones include Okinawa, Japan; Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; and Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. The fifth-known blue zone is Loma Linda, California, which is home to a large number of Seventh-day Adventists (14Trusted Source).

The long lifespan of blue zone populations is thought to be related to lifestyle factors, such as being active, resting regularly, and eating a nutritious diet rich in plant foods.

Research on the blue zones found that 95% of people who lived to be at least 100 ate a plant-based diet that was rich in beans and whole grains. What’s more, it was shown that the Loma Linda Adventists outlive other Americans by about a decade (14Trusted Source).

Additionally, studies have found that vegetarian Adventists live 1.5–2.4 years longer than non-vegetarian Adventists, on average (15Trusted Source).

What’s more, a large body of evidence demonstrates that diets based on whole plant foods can help prevent early death, largely due to their ability to reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source).

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eating healthy ain't cheap 😞

one pound of chicken breast $1.99
one pound of Brussel sprout $5.89

high calories/sugar diet/fat used to reserved for the rich and now eating whole grain/vegan/vegetarianism is catered toward the elite.

I did invest in Zen Palate and practice vegetarianism for many years.  restaurant was doing really well but the restaurant wasn't able to sustain when we hit economic downturn.  timing; expanded too fast, zen burger(fast food).  just a few year too early.  now seeing impossible food/beyond burger taking off oh well.... I am glad it's catching up in the main stream and have alternative.

Eating meat isn't bad but all thing in moderation.

Capitalism/freemarket extract efficiency:
poor animal treatment, condition they were raised are part to blame.

Joke goes: "if a vegan does crossfit; which one does he/she talk about first" 
It's unlikely we will able to change mind/opinion over internet.

i don't really have a point just droning on to delay my run; it's cold outside....

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21 minutes ago, Jack M said:

@bumpyrideyou are right, it is healthier, of course. Two things prevent me from being a vegetarian: I love a good steak and I have no interest in living past 100. 

Of course I'd like to see everyone live the healthiest life possible.  On the other hand, those that choose a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle have a healthier and more vigorous life up until their passing.  This I take it to mean, able to hard charge for years longer.  I'm at 71 right now, and a bit of a maniac according to my like aged friends, and would like to keep it that way for at least the next 10 years.

There's been several on here (alpinesnowboarder) that have dabbled in dropping from animal products and seen a change.  Nothing could make me happier (well covid could go away) than to see you at least try it and see how you feel.  30 days is a really good start.  I remember when I first tried it in 2011 and it was immediate.  I just felt a lighter sense of being, although it's hard to really put into a quantitative value, it is pretty remarkable.  Those days that I felt a bit sluggish, disappeared.  I never dropped a pound, but was light to start with, and yet I walked with a more springy step.

30 days and it could change a life.  

Best of luck always.

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Covid has derailed this post and has had a profound effect on peoples desire to voice their opinion. Here's mine since animals caused covid we must get rid of all animals. Also since my post title has now proved to be a total lie just let the tread drift .

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1 hour ago, lowrider said:

Covid has derailed this post and has had a profound effect on peoples desire to voice their opinion. Here's mine since animals caused covid we must get rid of all animals. Also since my post title has now proved to be a total lie just let the tread drift .


3 hours ago, BlueB said:

 Can we move the vegeterian posts into a separate thread? It's an interesting topic that I'd like to comment, but we derailed this thread... 

BB is correct, just continue here, this is another sinkhole thread but reviving it with an intelligent series of discussions about sustainable foods that are life giving not life taking would help this fight against covid disinformation. 

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