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Surgery Done!: Name That Injury!


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Not sure how I crashed but took a header.....more like a WWF Piledriver to my shoulder yesterday....... arm was not outstretched or in front of me.                Head and shoulder took full brunt.......head fine.... shoulder, not so much  :cool:     Can't raise my arm in front or to the side.......forearm and wrist are aok

No pain or ache  with injured side.....arm/shoulder just won't work!   Went for xray same day.....but no results as of yet.
Did the whole RICE scenario + ibuprofen.    No issues or pain sleeping or sleeping on my arm last night.          A little bit more range of motion today than yesterday.  Can reach behind my back and pull arm/wrist away from back.  Can pick up a gallon of milk with forearm and carry it with arm extended to side, no problem

So it's not a broken bone,  it's not a dislocation,  it doesn't seem like a rotator cuff  ??

So, what do the Sages say?? 



Edited by barryj
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The lack of radiating pain or altered sensation argues against a squeezed nerve. The inability to move the shoulder while the rest of the arm works also makes nerve injury less likely. My guess is a muscle tendon rupture in one or more muscles around the shoulder.

The symptoms are significant enough to need formal assessment by an orthopaedic surgeon to really determine what works and what doesn't. Only then will the differential diagnosis list become clear. There may well be an MRI in your future to determine the extent of soft tissue injury, followed by an operation.

Edited by SunSurfer
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6 hours ago, SunSurfer said:

The lack of radiating pain or altered sensation argues against a squeezed nerve. The inability to move the shoulder while the rest of the arm works also makes nerve injury less likely. My guess is a muscle tendon rupture in one or more muscles around the shoulder.

The symptoms are significant enough to need formal assessment by an orthopaedic surgeon to really determine what works and what doesn't. Only then will the differential diagnosis list become clear. There may well be an MRI in your future to determine the extent of soft tissue injury, followed by an operation.

Barryj that's probably not what you wanted to hear !   How about a neck brace and a sling and off you go powder day !

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9 hours ago, daveo said:

may I ask how you did the E of RICE?

Hmmm.....I thought "E" was for large doses of  the drug Ecstasy  :biggthump

Thanks for the replies guys.  Still waiting on xray results....but I'm betting it will be inconclusive and Ill get a referral to the Orthopod and an MRI.

  Today I can  raise my arm (straight and bent) to the side almost shoulder level....still no movement forward....... but I Can Still Ride!!

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Torn labrum at the minimum.

See a shoulder specialist if you can.

If whomever you see doesn't physically manipulate your shoulder in the initial exam go see someone else.

A public thank you to Dr. Vivek Agrawal for his care. (I was lucky his practice was in Indianapolis at the time.)


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Back!  Well, Sort of..........

Still don't have full mobility in left arm...no pain but still can't reach left or scratch anything higher than my nose :confused:  Orthro appointment is (finally!) tomorrow.  Hopefully will finally know the full extent then.....

....... but gave the arm almost 2 weeks rest/recovery and went out today with the mindset if it's torn I can't make it any worse by riding on it!   So took my most forgiving board, the Swoard Dual 168 and went to Bretton Woods which is Way relaxed and Groomed to the Hilt riding on some long Blues!

All went well, and after an initial couple of "can I still ride this thing or not!" runs I could actually  get on  the gas a little bit and layed some toe side carves out....was cautious on the left arm/heel side turns and rounded those ....but overall a highly successful day....only lasted 5 or 6 runs (in the 10 degree weather) before  I could tell my arm/shoulder was saying...What the Hell is going on! 

So not a bad comeback for a "One Armed Paper Hanger", if I say so my self!




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barryj nice pics ! I especially like the view of the guns and hydrants. Home of the Brave and Land of the Free. On our little bump the only thing that isn't padded all to hell is the chairs on the lift. Everything is netted and guarded like your riding in a hamster cage. Nice to see a wide open run where the trenches are the only real hazard you need to worry about !

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After waiting 2 weeks and having spent half a day seeing my PCP and getting xrays last week,  the latest update after today's Orthopod appointment is,    Wait For It...........

"Yes Your Shoulder Has a Problem and You Need An MRI"   

Gee Mr. Wizard......ya think!

...and to top that off.....it will be another week before I can have the MRI done. 

Ugh!   This is me -  :smashfrea

This is my shoulder on drugs -  🤡🦄🌈

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do you think that there was trauma to the scalene muscles that might be contributing to your issues ? 

i have had some very intense referred pain and a marked lack of mobility in the shoulder/arm that was attributable to those things.

very tricky muscles, particularly behind (posterior) the clavicle.  a very sensitive and potentially problematic area to manipulate.  

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1 hour ago, davekempmeister said:

do you think that there was trauma

Yes,   to Rotator Cuff muscle.......not sure which one as of yet!   but "Probably Tore It" is the Expert Medical Opinion at the moment. 

I really got no pain except when I try to  lift it up or out to the side....only got about 40-50%  mobility in those two directions still ...... But I Can Still Ride!!  :eplus2:  ....well, at least up until the surgery happens.....which at the pace my medical services are going I got a better chance I'll die of old age first!

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Oh I thought the radiotracers can be swallowed. Maybe not for the shoulder then? I drank some PLUTONIUM (I'm sure it wasn't), when I had a few different injuries in a previous life as a fit athlete and not a morbidly obese sedentary slob like now.

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1 hour ago, SunSurfer said:

Gadolinium? Unless your MRI @daveo was organised by the GRU. 🤔

The discomfort of the the IV access being put in depends very much on the skills of the person doing the task.

Erm, not sure. It may have been a CT scan? It's not my area of expertise so I'm not sure, but I definitely was drinking radioactive stuff

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