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Northwave .951

Jack M

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The biggest difference I see to any other sb hard boot is hinge placement higher and further back more like a ski race boot and a buckle that holds the heel back rather than instep down


I'd be way more interested in a stepin binding that works with any toe/heel ledged boot with no need for a bolt on heel mechanism

Edited by b0ardski
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Here is a bit of information I thought might help answer a few NW questions:

Below is a link to a thread from a few years ago regarding Northwave boots, I think it helps to shine a bit of light onto the why guys Love their NW boots.  The guy who starts the thread is 'bad mouthing' the boots.  People always like to take a shot at who ever or what ever the perceived top dog is:)


Having used the Point 900's for over a decade now, I can say that I LOVE my boots.  I can't say they are the best boot or that they are hands down better than any other boot ... but they really are very, very nice boots that have an excellent design.  

So, will the sun shine out your a$$ the first time you ride them ... probably not!  The truth is it took me a long time to adjust the springs, cant, forward lean, tongue stiffness, etc, etc.  Now that I have put in the time and have ridden them in a lot of conditions,  I can't imagine not having them as they are a trusted old friend.  

Knowing what I know now, would I pay the big bucks for them ... yeah I probably would.  

Budgeting and saving the cash to buy one pair of the new NW951, even though they will probably cost me the price of 2 very good new boots from a competitor, is something I would do.  If you don't like them, I am guessing they will be very easy to sell!

Hope this helps


Burton Race Step In.jpg

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3 hours ago, loopback said:

... I would suspect they are trying to establish a baseline to build on...


Note also that I asked the question on their FB page, and they said that they will do a step-in, but not Intec. From that I suspect they will either go "old school" (step in without anything clever), or proprietary. I'm not sure I want to go back to the days before step-in, but there you go.

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2 hours ago, RCrobar said:

So, will the sun shine out your a$$ the first time you ride them ... probably not!  The truth is it took me a long time to adjust the springs, cant, forward lean, tongue stiffness,

At the current prices, I'd at least expect loose change to come pouring out of that particular orifice...

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14 minutes ago, b0ardski said:

love my later model burton stepin race plates but they're a frickin royal pain to step out of and finicky to step in

They look like they would be exceptionally prone to clogging (snow under that heel plate), and also a PITA to step into in deeper snow.

I think the Intec system is a simple design that works well, I'm very happy with it.

Edited by Neil Gendzwill
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16 hours ago, Puhutes said:

They won't cost more than 1000... or are you suggesting we sell them for 2000-3000 Euros? :confused:

I'm just teasing.

I'm not selling them although i did get an unprompted offer for them just before the last Olympics from a racer for an eBay price equivalent.

Mines are from 2002 or so (customize the springs, tongue and liners) and to be honest have not tried anything else so can't comment on how good they are vs other boots. 

Congrats for making them. Obviously you need to sell them at high enough cost to pay for your efforts.

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2 hours ago, Neil Gendzwill said:

They look like they would be exceptionally prone to clogging (snow under that heel plate), and also a PITA to step into in deeper snow.

I think the Intec system is a simple design that works well, I'm very happy with it.

They don't clog any worse than regular race plates/ibex/carve company but sometimes the heel bail doesn't engage right and you have to reset the cam lever and try again; to step out you have to squat and push the lever back behind the heel while lifting the heel up:freak3: . intec is great and I love my bombproof nitros even more for their simplicity but I use the burton "rattraps" for non-intec old snow board and new AT boots. the burton stepin dont work with UPZ or north waves ledge under the heel.


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Burton step-in: I have some, probably I stopped using them when the 1st profile intec came out in maybe 1997 or so. I ride plenty of power but never noticed much of an issue with either design. If you don't clear the show properly then nothing much will work. Not an issue for me.

What is an issue is the connection, which is much more solid with intec. That I remember feeling like night and day.

On balance I'd rather go manual than old Burton : I'm over those. 

I'm not sure if for dump intec for these northwaves - f they were that good, maybe. I want new stuff,. Everything else is old stuff in new colours, which doesn't do it for me. Maybe I need version 2 of the new old boots!

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3 hours ago, philw said:

Burton step-in: I have some, probably I stopped using them when the 1st profile intec came out in maybe 1997 or so. I ride plenty of power but never noticed much of an issue with either design. If you don't clear the show properly then nothing much will work. Not an issue for me.

What is an issue is the connection, which is much more solid with intec. That I remember feeling like night and day.

that softer spring loaded connection is exactly why I use them for AT boots in powder.

any new boot or binding coming to market is a happy thing:biggthump

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On 1/17/2017 at 4:09 AM, WinterGold said:

Jack, you doubt me? I am really disappointed ... 

Haven't you followed the story of the Northwaves at all? Why do you think it took more than 15 years to rebuild them?

They had to build everything up from scratch. That's why the whole project is so awesome!!!

Haha, not that I don't trust you but I didn't notice a source for that info, and someone else said the molds still existed. I'd love to hear how the molds were recreated. When NWs were being made I was getting proform Burtons and then proform Deeluxes, so I wasn't paying much attention to NW. They look great, I don't think I can tear myself away from step-ins though. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The boots look awesome.  Really looks like the've "done it".  But I knew they would cost a grand.  Not exactly an easy decision for us weekend warriors, especially if you have to convert back to standard bindings (I would).  I suppose there will be a strong market for boots that were tried and didn't work out, so that's a bit comforting.  I had 130 flex ski boots once.  I couldn't snowboard in them.

@GeoffV, you in?

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10 minutes ago, Jack Michaud said:

 especially if you have to convert back to standard bindings (I would). 

My pre existing investment in step-in bindings is the deal breaker for me right now.

I figured a grand too (was hoping  in CDN$ though)

The Track 425 Pro are $739 on BoL store, $211 more for the 951 is not unreasonable considering they are a new manufacturer where as Deeluxe has more than recovered the capital outlay for their molds. It's unobtanium either way for me (along with new Virus, Kessler, Oxxes).

Congrats to the team that pulled this off!!



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2 hours ago, Jack Michaud said:


@GeoffV, you in?

Great boot, love the features but I can't justify a grand for a boot. Add in no intec, a new thermo liner (there is no mention of what type of liner the boot has) and I am looking at a divorce if I buy these :argue: The racing community will be all over these boots. I would love to try a pair of course. Maybe some day they will have some demos, but that is probably a pipe dream for a New England rider.


Edited by GeoffV
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Hmm, well I'll try them at one of those demo sessions if I can. They're actually priced in Euros so not so expensive over here. But hard shell boots last forever, so the price is not quite so significant as it's written off over lots of seasons.

Flex... I used to ride in ski boots, but these have springs which is presumably where your flex ought to be coming from, no?

The lack of Intec is a negative - I'm not sure I'm ready to go back there. But if they actually rode better than other stuff then I'd have them.

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