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Jack M

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Jack M last won the day on May 7

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  • Home Mountain/Resort?
  • Occupation?
    Software Developer, Photographer
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    Winterstick Squaretail Plus 185, Winterstick Squaretail Plus 170, Winterstick Squaretail Plus 163, Kessler Custom Alpine 180, Kessler Alpine 185, F2 Speedster World Cup 163, F2 Speedster Proto 163, vintage Coiler 196 Super-G, Winterstick TB 172
  • Current Boots Used?
    Mountain Slope Point .951 Standards, Burton Step-On Ion
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    Bomber TD3. 6 degree Toe lift on front foot, 3 degree heel lift on back foot. Burton Step-On
  • Snowboarding since
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  1. No, NOS = new old stock. check yyzcanuck.com for prices on new current boards (in Canadian dollars)
  2. No I mean a new current model. We can get cheaper NOS boards too.
  3. https://www.ray-ban.com/usa/ray-ban-meta-smart-glasses?cid=PM-SGA_000000-1.US-RayBanStories-EN-B-NA-Related-Exact-Prs-NA-Ecom-NA_RayBan_Related_ray+ban+camera+glasses&s_kwcid=AL!16196!3!676854207497!e!!g!!ray ban camera glasses!15590003234!133748971880&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWaUPOsa7vnonPD3FYrHQ6QGAe4v4b0FJ92ZZPJZVQ7m60M48lFJg84aAh6GEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  4. I think that might only be possible at a place that doesn’t need much or any snowmaking. Or maybe it’s not even possible to make something like that accessible for low 6 figure earners, and have it be a place you would want to invest in. Costs of running a serious ski resort are very high.
  5. I believe it's the swifty
  6. Get ready for Timberline Express 6... https://liftblog.com/2025-new-lifts/ It should run on the same alignment as the current Timberline, but extend down to the elbow in the new trail Chipper. That way you'll be able to ski down to it from Bullwinkle's or Bucksaw Express.
  7. I thought this, but then I was surprised that both you and Sean Martin got nailed in Europe. Two veteran riders, on the same trip, it just seemed to beat the odds. I think the situation isn't as bad at more remote places like Sugarloaf. It attracts a higher caliber of skier since it is inconvenient and further to get to from just about every population center. You have to really want to come here. Not to say it doesn't happen but I've only had a few close calls and no collisions here. I am super diligent about timing my starts with lulls in traffic.
  8. I don’t know the temperature needed, but the material is Grilamid. Maybe your bootfitter is familiar with it or can research it. @MountainSlope, is there an optimal temperature for shell stretching?
  9. Welcome @Spoon Shao, glad you found us. You can mold the stock liner yourself. I strongly recommend the oven method. There are good instructions here. It's certainly worth a try for your wide feet. You can add padding (like layers of Moleskin) to the sides of your feet during molding to create more room. And definitely make a toe cap. The rice sock method only heats the inside of the liner. This results in less deformation and doesn't mold the liner to the shell. If you mold your liners and they're still not wide enough, the next step would be Intuition Plug wrap liners. Good luck!
  10. Here. https://forums.alpinesnowboarder.com/topic/40762-gilmour-bias/?do=findComment&comment=415270
  11. Centering the boot on the binding and centering the binding on the board is a good practice, but not the only way. Then both your feet are aligned and levering the board on the same axis. Due to the hourglass figure of the board, this usually results in your front foot toe and rear foot heel being inside the edge of the board - "underhang". You can compensate for this by moving the front foot toe and heel blocks forward, and the rear foot toe and heel blocks rearward. This way you can really geek out and zero in on a stance that minimizes both binding angle and underhang. John Gilmour of Madd Snowboards stamps his name on this as "Gilmour Bias" but he didn't invent it. Maybe he was the first to describe it online. You can search that term here and see his thread about it. I've tried it (before reading about it) and I'm not sure it amounts to a hill of beans for my riding. YMMV
  12. As winter in the northern hemisphere draws to a close, it gives me great pleasure to say that together, the subscribers and advertisers of AlpineSnowboarder.com, along with PowerRide softboot tongues, have donated over $4000 in the past 12 months to our partners, the US Snowboard Racing Team (USSRT), and the United States of America Snowboard and Freeski Association (USASA). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If you are not a subscriber yet, you can remove most ads from your browsing here with as little as $3/month or $35/year. Click here for more info.
  13. That is putting it nicely. As long as we're nitpicking, the hands/arms are rather deliberate, like he knows he's putting on a clinic for the camera. Which is fine, it's a good example of not being lazy.
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