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I'm Fat, I'm Dieting & Exercising - Who's with me?


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I'm 5'8" and hit 181 a couple of years ago. I switched from Big Stuff to regular Oreos and dropped back to 165. I think I read I read in this forum that mass cannot be destroyed so that if you do lose the weight, someone else will have to gain it.

I'm still light enough for gymnastics but I promised my wife I'd give it up. This little video of me was taken on my 50th birthday (almost 12 years ago) and it was my last ever standing back flip.



My wife lost 40 pounds a couple of years ago. She had tried South Beach and a bunch of other diets with no luck but then started seeing a professional nutritionist and that did the trick. I think it cost her $600 over six months. Good luck!

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How do I get rid of my gut? I drink rarely (SES excluded) and am at the gym 3-4 days/week doing all kinds of cardio and versions of situps/ab work. I'm also pretty active outside, hiking and biking and etc. I don't eat many carbs, and being a veggie I'm pretty healthy but can't seem to get rid of the love handles. Any suggestions?

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How do I get rid of my gut? I drink rarely (SES excluded) and am at the gym 3-4 days/week doing all kinds of cardio and versions of situps/ab work. I'm also pretty active outside, hiking and biking and etc. I don't eat many carbs, and being a veggie I'm pretty healthy but can't seem to get rid of the love handles. Any suggestions?

maybe try the amy winehouse diet......:rolleyes:

I just ran into a high school buddy I haven't seen in over 20 years. Even Rob the ex HS QB put on a bunch of weight AND lost enuf dome to shave the whole scalp.

I still have all the hair up top at 40+. the forest has thinned and hedged back a bit but no "O".

Now, if only I could get my chin back :biggthump

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How do I get rid of my gut? I drink rarely (SES excluded) and am at the gym 3-4 days/week doing all kinds of cardio and versions of situps/ab work. I'm also pretty active outside, hiking and biking and etc. I don't eat many carbs, and being a veggie I'm pretty healthy but can't seem to get rid of the love handles. Any suggestions?

sounds like your doing everything right. Maybe youjust need someone to hold the handles, and yuo'll be happier with them???


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2 years ago I weighed 305 due to repeated knee injuries and depression. Pappa Johns pizza and Guiness 3-4 times a week will do that. 2 injury free years later I'm down 50lbs, but most impressive is the fact I can buy clothes at Pac Sun again!!! I swear an xl was bigger when I was in college.:lol:

Skating today, pulled several muscles in my left leg and my knee feels gnarly..gonna be swollen.

It's gonna be a nice summer.

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As an ex ( in HS and college) assistant chef in a semi famous French restaurant.

body excess is all about what you eat. Even if you only get variable excersize.

The French eat super rich foodsmost of the time ( that all our doctors say is bad for us) they all smoke like chimeneys and yet they have no overweight problems as a general rule (if you have been to France you do not see very many fat folks) , a lower rate of heart disease and very little death from lung cancer compared to the USA.

I have been the chief cook and chef since Marilyn and i married 32 years ago.

I now have a bad back and other med problems. I was as a first year wrestler in HS in CT 1969, and as a first year competitor was runner up for the state championship against a 6th year wrestler, three time state champ in our weight class, and we emptied the stands 3 times because the ref would not call my pins. I wrestled at 198 graduated at 210. was 227 in training at Coronado (special operations) in San Diego in the navy in 1971 after a year plus at Colorado State in Ft Collins where I also wrestled. Still weigh in at 227 at age 56 even with all my med probs.

so give me a pm and i will help you with eating habits.

Plus can clue you in to a dance excersise routine that will help with weight , balance , snow board specific movements and more. Inversion, Eversion toe jam and shin strength. Been teaching since 1965. !!!!! I'll train you and you can tell the gang how it goes.

It's called Dance Therapy!!!!!!

and it is fun!!!!!!!!

Hope you like Pink and Cristina A.

Madona's not bad for it either.

Gypsy jazz is good and some beat full type pounding blues works too.


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Yeah I know this one well.

for those who don't have the normal tendencies towards gluttony which is a human survival thing. Pre programmed.......!!!! eat as much as you can who knows when your next meal might be....... survival gene.!!!!.

there are those of us who only eat to feel fed NOT FULL (supposedly 10% of US and 85% of France).

If you are like that then the thing is a good French style diet.

The sauces and other things that are so rich and satisfying keep the nibblers that are trying to find a good diet to loose weight, from eating between meals. So that helps them loose the extra LBS.

For those like me who pig out on the veggie dip platter before dinner; The rich food makes up for it in giving a balanced diet of nutrients and carbs and calcium and minerals in a small portion ( all I have room left for).

For example: tonight I barb'd two nice small boneless chicken breasts for the wife and i. Marinated in beer 1/2 and 1/4 terriaki and 1/4 home made Chipotle marinade. cooked on real hardwood charcoal not (yech) brickets (invented by henry ford (actually it was kettering's idea)to maximize profits from auto manufaturing by selling waste by products at profit). Olive oil on grill just before putting them on (don't worry about flare ups just use a real long handled brush and put the oil on it then on the grill metal). Olive oil the breasts lightly and put them on (olive oil is the good Cholesteral) close cover . turn when ready. when almost done baste heavily two times and turn both sides with super sweet spicy bbq sauce. Tonights was a honey/chipotle variation based on "sweet baby ray's sweet and spicy".

Well, with the home made red cole slaw and the special baked beans ....... We did not even finish one of the discount frozen pack breasts off. So the no. 2 will become chicken salad !!!!!!! they are just to rich with the honey bbq sauce and all.

So bottom line is you eat less but it is more filling more satisfying more rich and more sustaining to your individual correct weight. Forget the DR charts. My own doc told me they are for the average couch potato and have no accommodation for serious atheletes.


P.S. the DR. : So his book says I should weigh 195 I have not weighed that since a sophmore in HS. He has been my PCP for 15 years and knows if I get below 220 I am seriously sick.

P.P.s. What you save on portion sizes goes towards good appropriate dry wine. Which cuts any fats and breaks down the richness and what little fat is left from the cooking style to ease your digestion and keep you healthy.


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Yeah I know this one well.

for those who don't have the normal tendencies towards gluttony which is a human survival thing. Pre programmed.......!!!! eat as much as you can who knows when your next meal might be....... survival gene.!!!!.

there are those of us who only eat to feel fed NOT FULL (supposedly 10% of US and 85% of France).

If you are like that then the thing is a good French style diet.

The sauces and other things that are so rich and satisfying keep the nibblers that are trying to find a good diet to loose weight, from eating between meals. So that helps them loose the extra LBS.

For those like me who pig out on the veggie dip platter before dinner; The rich food makes up for it in giving a balanced diet of nutrients and carbs and calcium and minerals in a small portion ( all I have room left for).

For example: tonight I barb'd two nice small boneless chicken breasts for the wife and i. Marinated in beer 1/2 and 1/4 terriaki and 1/4 home made Chipotle marinade. cooked on real hardwood charcoal not (yech) brickets (invented by henry ford (actually it was kettering's idea)to maximize profits from auto manufaturing by selling waste by products at profit). Olive oil on grill just before putting them on (don't worry about flare ups just use a real long handled brush and put the oil on it then on the grill metal). Olive oil the breasts lightly and put them on (olive oil is the good Cholesteral) close cover . turn when ready. when almost done baste heavily two times and turn both sides with super sweet spicy bbq sauce. Tonights was a honey/chipotle variation based on "sweet baby ray's sweet and spicy".

Well, with the home made red cole slaw and the special baked beans ....... We did not even finish one of the discount frozen pack breasts off. So the no. 2 will become chicken salad !!!!!!! they are just to rich with the honey bbq sauce and all.

So bottom line is you eat less but it is more filling more satisfying more rich and more sustaining to your individual correct weight. Forget the DR charts. My own doc told me they are for the average couch potato and have no accommodation for serious atheletes.


P.S. the DR. : So his book says I should weigh 195 I have not weighed that since a sophmore in HS. He has been my PCP for 15 years and knows if I get below 220 I am seriously sick.

P.P.s. What you save on portion sizes goes towards good appropriate dry wine. Which cuts any fats and breaks down the richness and what little fat is left from the cooking style to ease your digestion and keep you healthy.


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I've read in many place and have certainly found to be true for me, that you have to make up the muscle that you lose as you age. Starting in your thirties, most people start to loose muscle mass as part of the aging process. The less muscle you have, the less calories you can burn at any given time. The only answer is to include strength training in your activities.

I have found that workouts with free weights twice a week not only are essential to general fitness, but seems to rev up my metabolism in a way aerobics alone does not. Once I've reached a better muscle balance, I can cut the weight training back to once a week. You can do this with only a few pairs of dumbells. Use weights that will allow you to do 10 to 12 reps of whatever it is. You'll find you go to a new size weight every other week at first, so don't buy expensive weights. I do a fast paced workout that keeps my heart rate up and can be done in 30 to 40 minutes.

The two most important factors in a weight loss diet for me are, minimise fat (and then only the good stuff like olive oil, canola etc). Whole grain everything with as much fiber as possible. I try to double the rda for fiber.

Having said all that I fell off the wagon a while back. As the cook in the family, I got grief for all the healthy meals. Then I also thought I would spoil myself while I gave up nicotine gum. Put on a pound a day for two weeks. So now I have to lose it.

[Edit] Also, eat like a Hobbit; breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, etc. Several small meals spread out through the day. Never get hungry, even in the evening. If you get hungry, your body will think it's time to store some more fat in case you get hungry again.

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I'm 38, six five 220 and still wear some stuff I've had since I was 18. Problem is, like Boris, I struggle to keep weight up. I don't expect any sympathy but could use suggestions other than to simply eat more. Tried muscle milk type stuff - it's disagreeable.

My dietitian has my brother and I on low fat/high calorie diets. Granted the low fat thing is because our bodies don't process vlcfa's the way they should.

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like Boris, I struggle to keep weight up.

I actually struggle to keep the even weight. Through my life I had coupple of skinny periods, few chubby periods and few "normal" ones... My veterinarian whife thinks that I might have a slight thyroid gland problem, which would explain it.

At a cinch under 6' tall I look ok in between 180 and 190lbs. My weight culminated in 2002, prior to sailing in Finn Gold Cup. I knew that I was going to be one of the smallest guys in the fleet and I more or less purposelly pigged myself to 200+ (to lazy to build up the musclle mass to that level). Sailing shorthanded from South Africa to Vancouver in 2003, burned all superficial fat, and alas, the musclle mass.

Living in Van and doing a lot of winter sports I tend to loose 10+ lbs in the winter. 2 years ago I started at 180 and in the spring I was well under 170, looking like a ghost. Last fall after I had my, and then Maja's mom staying with us (cooking differently and more cakes then we do), I went over 190. By the end of winter I was 180 again. Up to 182 now.

I'm near vegeterian - still eat the cold meets in my sandwitches, meat meals maybe once a month and fish 2-4 times a month. I like cooking and eating Italian and mediterreanian style. Got sweet tooth too.

I hate running, weights, gym or any kind of meanningless excersise. Never was too fit on cardio level, but am blessed with naturally strong legs and core.

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I'm 38, six five 220 and still wear some stuff I've had since I was 18. Problem is, like Boris, I struggle to keep weight up. I don't expect any sympathy but could use suggestions other than to simply eat more. Tried muscle milk type stuff - it's disagreeable.

Try a few more protein drinks. They're a whole lot more agreeable than they used to be. Smoothies with fruit, milk, protein powder and MCT oil are fast, high calorie and easily digested.

It's hard putting on weight - I know I struggled with it for years when I was bodybuilding. The keys for me were eat, eat, eat, ten or eleven times a day, to the point where you're just sick of eating, and lots of rest - if you have an active job putting on weight can be almost impossible.

Keeping a track of calories when hard gaining helps a lot. I used to go through 3000 calories a day (at 150lb) and it's surprising how much food that is. Get a Nutrition Almanac and do some calculations, you might be surprised.

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6 1 and 187, formerly 205.[snip]

BMI actually indicates that I'm only a little overweight or just upper normal weight [snip]

BMI is a useful tool for measuring populations but can be misleading for individuals, especially if you're athletic. Ali in his prime would be considered "overweight", Tyson "obese" by BMI standards. BMI can't tell you what your fat percentage is.
Keeping a track of calories when hard gaining helps a lot. I used to go through 3000 calories a day (at 150lb) and it's surprising how much food that is. Get a Nutrition Almanac and do some calculations, you might be surprised.
A really handy tool is www.fitday.com. It lets you set up an account and track calories in and out, and also break down where your calories are coming from (fat, protein, carbs, alcohol).
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I have that same problem. I mean I'm in the gym at least three days a week, water-ski regularly, eating healthy and supplementing and I still have a little pooch pocket :|

I'm about 5'7 145lbs, mostly muscle though and I still have this stupid little pooch pocket, I mean what gives :(

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I'm 38, six five 220 and still wear some stuff I've had since I was 18. Problem is, like Boris, I struggle to keep weight up. I don't expect any sympathy but could use suggestions other than to simply eat more. Tried muscle milk type stuff - it's disagreeable.

I've used full-fat chocolate milk when cycle touring and wanting to get a lot of calories quickly. Not sure exactly, but I think it's around 400 calories/pint. Hard salami and cheese sandwiches are another high-calorie (and high fat, but who's counting) and compact food that's pretty easy to take in.

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Say that in 20 years!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I had a 28 inch waist when I graduated highschool!!!!!

30 years later.... I weigh 5 lbs more than I did when I was 14, but I'm stronger now, so I'm cool with that. :D Just thought I'd add to the misery (though not the company) of the dieters. :ices_ange

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30 years later.... I weigh 5 lbs more than I did when I was 14, but I'm stronger now, so I'm cool with that. :D Just thought I'd add to the misery (though not the company) of the dieters. :ices_ange

Arghhhhh.......it's just not right. All I have to do is looking at a cookie and I gain a pound.

So this is what I have done in the last couple of months. Went to a no sugar, no wheat diet ( for lack of a better word ). Haven't stepped on a scale once. I was looking at things that cause joint irritation cause I am feeling - O. L. D. old these days. Seems like wheat and sugar have correlations with joint pain, muscle fatigue etc. ( all the things I've got going on ). Ponce de Leon where are you?

The good news is I have dropped about 20 lbs, two inches on my belt size and I feel quite a bit better. I do drink some diet sodas, but have been real good about not cheating. I mean why do it half way right?


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I'd love to know the answer!

The answer is ... welcome to 40. I swear I've spread six different ways in the last year. I like me with curves, but the speed and stealth with which it happens is shocking.

In another few years we get hormone hell. I have a GF turned 50 a year ago, she exercises like a fiend and is the best eater I know, and just can't keep weight off now. Something to look forward to, hey?

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