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I'm Fat, I'm Dieting & Exercising - Who's with me?


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Misery loves company

6/10/2008 - 234lbs

goal - 210 lbs by Labor day...

method - eat healthier (I'm not good at structured diets so I'll just say more fruits & vegetables and less Steak), Gym at least 3x/week, and (laugh if you must) Wii Fit balance board - yoga, strength, and balance exercises

where are you now? what's your goal?

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6/10/08 : 215 lbs, 19.5% body fat (according to my Tanita scale). At 5'9", according to the BMI scale I'm "obese" :( - I prefer "stocky".

Goal : 195 lbs, 15% (or less ?) body fat by Labor Day

Methods : more epic (3-6 hr) mountain bike rides on the weekends (if winter ever does end here in the Northwest !); more frequent bike commutes to work (10 miles roundtrip); maintain gym 4-5 times/week; more salads, more lean protein, less carbs (EXCEPT for beer - I live in "Beervana", so that's just not going to happen :nono:).

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6 1 and 187, formerly 205.

I'm going to ride a single speed 29er as much as possible while school is out..

BMI actually indicates that I'm only a little overweight or just upper normal weight, but I'm at high risk for diabetes and/or insulin resistance. (Thanks Mom)

At 14! Damn you Mountain Dew!

Oh yeah, and I'm about as busty as most girls my age. :rolleyes:

I've been told (actual quote from doc here) to "Get the hell off my ass and do something"

I'll get plenty of seated time taking OEC..

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So how does this happen - I start training for a sprint triathlon. So I'm swimming, running and biking for between 30 and 60 minutes a day, six days a week, on top of the four days of weight training every morning (this was all I was doing until Feb).

I've GAINED five pounds. WTH?

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I'm 5'10". Last November I was 213 (heaviest ever). I'm now at 178. I skied a lot, worked out at the gym a bit, didn't drink much beer (nor wine), stopped sitting in front of the TV eating junk at night. Also at most I'd have a yogurt for breakfast, often a jamba juice for lunch (Protein Berry Workout with Whey is delicious and a good meal replacement). Then a healthy dinner like a big salad with salmon. I still want to lose another 8-10lbs. I'm aiming to start next season at or below 170.

Oh, it didn't hurt that my mother bet me money that I couldn't lose the weight and keep it off. After all, I am coin operated.

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So how does this happen - I start training for a sprint triathlon. So I'm swimming, running and biking for between 30 and 60 minutes a day, six days a week, on top of the four days of weight training every morning (this was all I was doing until Feb).

I've GAINED five pounds. WTH?

Muscle weighs more than fat.

Happened to me..I haven't gotten much taller in the past ~6 months, and my body fat has gone down, but I've weighed less than I do at this height. I just want my feet to not grow so I can stay at or under 30 mondo!

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So how does this happen - I start training for a sprint triathlon. So I'm swimming, running and biking for between 30 and 60 minutes a day, six days a week, on top of the four days of weight training every morning (this was all I was doing until Feb).

I've GAINED five pounds. WTH?

Yeah, I gained weight last summer when I was training for a double century, but it was all muscle, so I was also getting thinner. (That is, my legs and glutes bulked up a bit, but my gut got smaller and I'm pretty sure I was getting leaner.) I bet you're adding muscle too.

I just half-assed my way through a sprint triathlon 2 weekends ago -- my first time. I'm a lousy swimmer, and the swimming leg was tough, not from a conditioning perspective as much as from a "am I going to drown?" perspective. If you don't have experience doing open-water swimming and/or wearing a wetsuit, I would definitely suggest renting a wetsuit and finding a lake a week or two beforehand to get the feel of it.

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Misery loves company

6/10/2008 - 234lbs

goal - 210 lbs by Labor day...

method - eat healthier (I'm not good at structured diets so I'll just say more fruits & vegetables and less Steak), Gym at least 3x/week, and (laugh if you must) Wii Fit balance board - yoga, strength, and balance exercises

where are you now? what's your goal?

I've usually been pretty good at maintaining my weight, but I did have a brief encounter with the corn chip diet during grad school, putting on about 10 pounds in 4 months or so.

I went to 3 days a week of lifting, and cardio 5 days a week - usually 30-45 minutes of elliptical or cycling. It took forever to get my metabolism jacked up (and this was at 30!), but after 2 months or so, it finally kicked in, and the beer/chips belly melted away.

Sounds like you're on the right track. I'd recommend both weight training and cardio if you have time, and I've also used the carrot diet pretty effectively: every time you're hungry, eat a carrot. If you're still hungry after that, have a small meal. I found that carrots are really filling :)

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I just half-assed my way through a sprint triathlon 2 weekends ago -- my first time. I'm a lousy swimmer, and the swimming leg was tough, not from a conditioning perspective as much as from a "am I going to drown?" perspective.

OMG, ditto! I had to go right back to the beginning and start swim classes at the "Swimming for Dummies" level. I couldn't even make a 25m length. Now I'm up to drills +14 lengths four weeks later, but the lengths take me half an hour, and I still have another 6 to add to make distance. I think I'm going to drown frequently, so it's jsut as well this thing is in a pool and I can cheat like mad by using the walls and things...

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Misery loves company

6/10/2008 - 234lbs

goal - 210 lbs by Labor day...

method - eat healthier (I'm not good at structured diets so I'll just say more fruits & vegetables and less Steak), Gym at least 3x/week, and (laugh if you must) Wii Fit balance board - yoga, strength, and balance exercises

where are you now? what's your goal?

Hey! I lost 25 pounds!!! ....Oh, never mind, I found it.

6/10/2008 - 257lbs

goal - 220 by first snowfall.

method - cut out fatty foods, (doing that anyway to reduce cholestoral) do as much windsurfing as possible, swim my gut off at da' poo, sign up for that mixed martial arts class I've been putting off.

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Muscle weighs more than fat.

Happened to me..I haven't gotten much taller in the past ~6 months, and my body fat has gone down, but I've weighed less than I do at this height. I just want my feet to not grow so I can stay at or under 30 mondo!

2 years ago I weighed 305 due to repeated knee injuries and depression. Pappa Johns pizza and Guiness 3-4 times a week will do that. 2 injury free years later I'm down 50lbs, but most impressive is the fact I can buy clothes at Pac Sun again!!! I swear an xl was bigger when I was in college.:lol:

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So how does this happen - I start training for a sprint triathlon. So I'm swimming, running and biking for between 30 and 60 minutes a day, six days a week, on top of the four days of weight training every morning (this was all I was doing until Feb).

I've GAINED five pounds. WTH?

Lean Muscle mass is heavier than fat (not to say you were/are fat...)

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and Tex -

I'm with you...I never thought I could get in Shape with a video console, but I'm dinking the Wii Fit Kool Aid. definitely feeling it a little after "working out" last night and this morning.

Skiing is pretty cool too, but very touchy.

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I'm actually underweight, but I'm still on a special diet and should be exercising more. I'm sure I'm way more out of shape than most people an equal amount overweight. I used to stick with it, but I need to get a little more cardio in and alot more weight training in.

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