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Everything posted by ursle

  1. The thing about alpine snowboarding is you get more leverage out of your body because both feet are connected to one edge, skiers can't apply as much force to the edge. Muscles have two options on or off, on, a muscle can only tighten, it takes months, years of practice to teach the muscles how to react to snowboarding and during that process, at any time the muscle can and will lock up, cramp, at which point the ligaments and tendons on both sides are stretched, when your knee hurts, there's a muscle connected that's pulling on the ligaments and tendons running through your knee, feed the muscle, roll the muscle with a Triggerpoint roller, (https://www.amazon.com/TriggerPoint-Roller-Online-Instructional-26-inch/dp/B006GUC9KC/ref=pd_sbs_200_t_1/136-0027825-2784007?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B006GUC9KC&pd_rd_r=76feef1d-18b5-42ae-8667-545d5f673776&pd_rd_w=T1c7t&pd_rd_wg=pL8RR&pf_rd_p=5cfcfe89-300f-47d2-b1ad-a4e27203a02a&pf_rd_r=3ASMK14MHTD2QW0W3TZF&psc=1&refRID=3ASMK14MHTD2QW0W3TZF) get the wide one. Stretching a tight muscle, na, roll it, roll the calves and hams and shins and quads and lower back and hips, and especially the it bands, roll the backbone and the ribs under your arms and anything that you can roll, roll, get the muscles relaxed, rub on some arnica. If it's a bone, get to a physician, if it's muscles or ligaments or tendons, get a triggerpoint. Starting a weight lifting routine when you already have damaged muscles or tendons or ligaments might be the wrong direction.
  2. Kessler Shape Technology (KST) is the dynamic interaction between the baseline and sidecut. The 2005 patented technology uses all the advantages of the rocker line in combination with a sidecut based on a clothoid geometrical formula. It is the sophisticated interaction that is causing the brilliant revolution! The KST Baseline shows reverse camber. However under pressure, the front and back contact points move towards the middle of the ski or board. The nose and tail rise slightly. The aggressive radii are being negated. This results in turns being easier to initiate, easy edge changing, and a safe, catch-free downhill run with increased stability. However, it’s when the ski or board is edging that the interaction between the sidecut and the rocker line really comes into play. As the ski or board tilts, the contact surface area with the snow is increased, allowing the rider to consciously select the radius of choice. This is where the full force of the clothoid shape comes into effect, giving the rider totally controlled carving ability and a high level of grip, also on icy conditions or at high speed. World-class performance and easy handling. With that said, rocker rules.
  3. You don't mention lift or cant, riding flat makes it very difficult to get into the position needed to carve on hard snow, F2 makes cant and lift kits, YYZCanuck sells the kits, many find that doubling the lift under the rear foot heel, stacking two 4mm lifts gives the desired result, one on the front foot toe. Cant, tipping the foot side to side, is a personal thing, many use a little bit, asking questions here will be a good start, technique is helped when you can get the board on edge.
  4. Great choice, 9 meter turns, strightlines like a raped ape and hold ice like a knife, and has a very large sweet spot Get a good structure and edges at 1-3, the factory tune is not credible. The definition of flickable, and it's a copy of the madd 158, but better. Race on the MK, why not, it's as fast straight as it's fast on edge.
  5. YYZ canuck sells cant kits and lift kits, buy a few, then source longer bolts for the spots needed if you double up the 4mm lift kits, you should recreate the setup you had with cateck and you can with F2, just buy the cant's and risers. Yes, go to a good shop and stretch the boots, I imagine after getting set up correctly some of the new pressure may change, so set up then boot fitter. Catching up to the new question, heelsides. First, setup, then, drop the butt lower, get the board on edge, more.
  6. I agree, biking for the heart and lungs, muscles go away in two weeks, but keeping the heart and lungs in shape will allow new muscles, fast. I also rollerskate, outdoors, backwards, all wheels down, in a figure 8 to Biggie, great for flexion, flexibility and lungs going into winter is what I want, a few days on snow and voila, muscles.
  7. I like it, my last ski boots(20 years ago) and Alpine snowboard boots both have hard custom foam and are cold, I put the chemical pack on top of the liner over my toes and used boot gloves. Because with the hard foam, there's zero allowance for blood flow, this is a no brainer, thanks Beckman AG. Intuition liners aren't solid hard foam, they give a bit, but I'd definitely pad the vein coming down the inside of the ankles around the foot and back up the outside for better blood flow, warm feet. You could reheat your liners with the padding in place for free, rice, a sock a microwave and a huge pot of boiling water to heat the shell, hold it over the water in a towel.
  8. https://www.sidas.com/en/bootwear/242-pu-transfoam-flex.html This custom foamed liner and orthotics are as good as it gets.
  9. I recommend you get off that broken board that will now flex like a broken leg and get something safer not labeled priorly.
  10. So they took off the flexon tongue and added gills. CARVE FLEX Additional reinforcements in the ankle area stiffen the boot‘s flex, making it ideal for progressive freestyle and powerful carving.
  11. My input, the shell-tongue are to soft and aren't keeping pressure properly off your surgically installed pins, which have no ability to absorb another solid object. Yes, reading this thread, northwave was the first and so far best way to answer a vexing problem. And luckily, there's a reboot.
  12. Cant or shim away from pain. Boy do you want one of these, wait till you kneel on this sucker and roll the shins 10 times. https://www.amazon.com/TriggerPoint-Roller-Online-Instructional-26-inch/dp/B01K44LAS2/ref=pd_sbs_200_t_1/142-3377044-8101967?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01K44LAS2&pd_rd_r=bb3d99f4-bd89-429b-9689-666650de6fd7&pd_rd_w=LZpyz&pd_rd_wg=woRve&pf_rd_p=5cfcfe89-300f-47d2-b1ad-a4e27203a02a&pf_rd_r=B8FW0VT0QNSSH6QQ4R30&refRID=B8FW0VT0QNSSH6QQ4R30 The muscle will relax fast with the roller, roll before riding and after, if the pain continues, cant ot shim away from the pressure.
  13. ursle


    Exactly, if you're booting out in soft snow or powder, you're not pressuring the edge. I think of horse reins, the closer your hands are to the horse's mouth, the more control you have of the horse, (I use a hackamore and hardly ever touch it) well, the feet are the first thing to engage the edge, then the ankles, immediate control, if you're leaning your chest over and waiting for the edge to support your weight, well, you're not pressuring the edge. And, if you shove it on edge but don't have an edge, the boards not bent, your boots may touch, a carving board or ski doesn't expose a straight surface to the snow but cutting semi-circular knife. For "help", contact Gilmore...in an hour he'll have you set up and carving 360's, make sure to pay with unobtanium. Or, Go to Beckmann AG and have him set up your bindings so you can physically get into the position needed to carve ice, no cant or lift isn't it, and get some riding tips.
  14. The Madd157 has a tiny sweet spot and can't be ridden in a straight line, it will stop, the tail drags. (old school design) The MK makes as tight of turns and can rip in a straight line and it's sweet spot is the whole board, err, concerning hard snow and ice, pow and soft snow, who cares? I think boards prior to Kessler's decambering are old and in the way, boards built afterwards (decambering) are all current, thank god for plates.
  15. I would think at this point the swoard riders would be adapting soft boots and bindings, mid way between soft and hard boots in stiffness and flexion, lots of choices, warm, and the soft stuff is getting stiff.
  16. Yes, moving back or forward changes the nature of the ski board, forward slalom, mid Giant Slalom and back Downhill. Forward- shorter turns like a slalom course, tight turns Mid-longer turns higher speed. Back-large turns high speed. Aso moving your feet closer to the front or rear edges changes the turn shape. Also the distance between your feet changes the turn shape. Even the tightness of your boots.
  17. Taking pressure off the edge is not conducive to carving, with that said, I've seen photos of GeoffV with a beautiful edge while touching the snow bodily, that's great form. When the board is skipping along, no form whatsoever.
  18. "Still on the hunt for a turny little Bandit" Well, the MK is a turny little bandit, but if you want all day riding now you're describing a schtubby. Bigger radius, damp, ice hold, all day long.
  19. ursle

    FIS PGS/PSL Bias

    In the 90's we had two teams(animal house#1 & #2) ski racing at Okemo on tuesdays on a nastar course, it was great for years there were about 250 people, then. Somebody got control that wanted a dual course, one race later there were 30 participants, now the tuesday league has fun with 30 people instead of 250, and yes, it's a single course again. The Okemo regular weekend nastar runs two courses in the space that one course doesn't quite fit in.
  20. This is simple, if the side of the board my toes are facing is on the snow, it's a frontside turn, if my heel side of the board is on edge it's a heel side turn, simple concise.
  21. You can ship a board for 30$ish each way via UPS, wrap the board-boards tightly, make the package as thin and short as possible, pack boots and bindings in your luggage, unless 250-300 in shipping isn't a problem, then ship a trunk full of boots and bindings as well.
  22. You're describing a donek MK I've got a virus berserker 203 and I feel the MK has the same edge feel at times, like it's glued down and won't bust out of a turn, the 203 has an awfully long edge to work against, the MK is very similar, and it cranks out less than 9m turns all day long.
  23. The shell of the boot isn't as important as the liner. Getting a smaller shell would be good, but a custom foamed liner will take up the slack, of course after footbeds are installed, either custom orthotics or just a heat moldable sucker, you want the thin hard ones, not the gel or soft ones. Call around to the ski shops and find someone that offers custom liners,
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