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Everything posted by davekempmeister

  1. lovely car, Phil. so is the landscape. where is that, exactly/roughly ? my first right side driving experience was in Brisbane in July. it had it's own sort of amphetamine effect. complacency seemed more of a threat than any fixed object.
  2. bear with me folks. i will be home sopn and will update. thanks.
  3. hi Dr. thanks for asking for important details. yes, World Cup and 4 X 4
  4. i was on a chair at Jackson Hole a few days ago, riding with a bunch of late teens/early 20's guys. the chair behind us was loaded with friends of mine, all in their late 40's and early 50's. one of my buddies on the chair behind us said something about not having ridden the Hobacks (perimeter area at Jackson) for 30 years or more. suddenly, one of the young guys next to me who'd heard it, launched into this impersonation of my friend that was feeble, shaky and in an old man voice - hilarious. definitely a trip highlight.
  5. Kessler K Plate (used) purchased several years ago from fellow BOL member. I have never used it but all hardware is present and accounted for. I found something else that I want more, hence the sale. asking $50 less than I paid. pics coming later this evening, when i get back home.,
  6. i have avoided asking this very question, for fear of being overcome with temptation. thanks for asking Armtron (-:
  7. high quality boards priced at $100 sell themselves. nonetheless, you are welcome, Moose. it's me who should be thanking you, really. stay healthy.
  8. looks like a good deal to me. Moose is a gentleman and I will gladly guarantee that anyone who does a deal on this board will end up satisfied. Moose was very kind and understanding on an occasion when I made a mistake while selling a Donek, awhile back. Through no fault of his own, he did not end up with the board (he should have) and he was gracious enough to be cordial about it. i am grateful to Moose and the least that I can do is inform the community that he is trustworthy and vouch for his credibility. All the best to Moose.
  9. HI. I have been on a Pogo Impact (168) for a few days and I love it, of course. Amazing stability and predictability that I did not expect in a board so highly cambered and lively. Beautiful finish quality. So, if I were to consider acquiring an additional Pogo, I would be interested in something with very similar characteristics but a more of a gs type length (180-190). I'm big with a narrow stance and I was envisioning something that would have a broad spectrum of feedback through a big turn. Over time I have gravitated toward gs and freecarve boards that are 20 -22cm at the waist but I have ridden plenty that were as narrow as 18. With gear, I am about (220lbs). 6' 4" Pogo appears to have many, many boards on offer and I am trying to gather any information that I am able. Anyone here similarly sized have any experience on a Pogo that fits the description ? thanks in advance
  10. with Beijing and L.A. slated to be Olympic Host cities in the coming years, it seems that air quality still does not factor much into the IOC criteria. i know that the subject matter is temperature/winter games but i always think it's such a contradiction to organize an event that is predicated on best athletes/best performances and then subject them to horrendous breathing conditions.
  11. GONE! off to CA. and you want 8 original (Catek issued) Kingpins (for free), just send me an address. i got them delivered to me in err way back when Catek was a functioning business. i ride OS1 bindings and i either ordered incorrectly or it was a mistake on the part of the shipper, i do not remember. they are wasted on me. 1st responder gets them ( be someone who will use them, please)
  12. hi Pius. the Flows (NX2-GT) are fantastic. Starcarver was kind enough to part with 2 pair (XL) and i am smitten. exceeded expectations and i have been on other Flow models for 15 years or better. btw, i love the Pogo i got from you. it is a trampoline. suits me nicely. i do wish it was hot pink, puke green or something other than yellow. i have had a lot of yellow boards, that's all. but i love it anyway. the Osin is nice too ! i will be at Whitetail tomorrow with my kid. hope to catch up to you before long. all the best. dave
  13. probably stating the obvious but Airbnb is loaded with listings that cover those dates, beginning to end. looks like about $4k - whatever you want to spend.
  14. Obviously, agreed. No argument. That said, your (Sunsurfer) avatar and most of the pictures that you post show a GoPro mounted prominently on your helmet. For sure, GoPro designed the device to be used in this way, as evidenced by the mounting systems and the marketing material that accompany the product. What I am much less certain of is whether the helmet makers have accounted for the concentrated force that would be generated by a small polycarbonate cube that is affixed to the helmet's surface. I am no expert (and not an engineer) but the practice of mounting cameras on helmets would seem to potentially undermine their effectiveness. Maybe even catastrophically. Again, I agree with Sunsurfer. Helmets are the world's cheapest insurance policies. I wear one 95% of the time, or more. The days that I don't wear a helmet, I should. Once in awhile I ride a bike sans helmet, which is even less intelligent. I hope this does not read like some snarky comment or the highjacking of a feelgood thread. I just got to thinking about this and it seems like a subject that goes unmentioned.
  15. wow ! that is a beast. sweet ride! thanks for humoring me. no pesky escape latch on the inside of the trunk, i am sure. drive around telling people your a "business man", adjusting your tie every couple of seconds. looks like fun.
  16. how about a pic of the Lincoln ? 1970 ?, plus/minus. you can rent it out for scenes in mob movies.
  17. weeble maneuver. 0-08 Watch later.webloc
  18. nicely done ! this makes me happy. when BOL was off-line, it really seemed like each day was about 20 minutes or a half of an hour longer. but not in a good way.
  19. I know these things can be subjective but I am grateful in advance for any feedback. I have had a good result from Jans Rennstall in the PC base area whenever I needed some superficial work done (edges, quick run on the belt, wax). Still, I would like to know of anyone or any shop in the greater PC area with a stellar reputation as it pertains to grinding and structuring a raw board that is new from the factory (sans tune). Years ago, i had a single, poor result with a very long board (here in the mid-atlantic) that enlightened me to the fact that not all tunes are in any way equal. I have been sort of PTSD , ever since. also, I am not one to confuse another's recommendation with the actual result that I ultimately experience. Nothing binding here, I assure You. I am compartmentalized with that sort of thing. again, thanks
  20. that is hilarious. my attitude, exactly. i looked up that hill so many times - forbidden fruit is the sweetest. only problem is, i think it's a dedicated lift. Emdee would know more than I. one night when i was doing laps under the lights off of Payday lift, i ended up around a bunch of kid racers and their Coach....... all of whom were asking me questions about the boots and the boards. we all rode around together for awhile but it did not result in an invite to ride Picabo's or CB. you'll love that place.
  21. Jim and Angie (I have never met them) deserve much better than some of the conjecture broadcast in certain comments. Folks really do shoot from the hip. Maybe I am just being sentimental but I think a couple brought together by snowboarding (and Bomber) should get the benefit of any gracious efforts that we can muster, as a community. There may be a few who are owed some $ or an answer but they owe most of us nothing. If anything, most of us owe them. If I'd hosted someone in my home (gratis) for years and then hit on some difficulties, the last thing I would want to hear from them would be something tantamount to; "what's going to happen to me?"
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