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Everything posted by davekempmeister

  1. i feel vindicated. i ride flat/no cant and with a narrow stance. but, i know nothing about racing. nothing.
  2. heal well, Pat. broken ribs are no joke. a hydrant at Copper claimed 5 of mine, about 5 years ago. wishing you the best. everything hurt.
  3. .late 70's, i was a kid on a narrow skateboard with both feet pointed very forward. just used the thing to get around, rain or shine. second nature standing on that thing. .started to ski as an early - mid teen and it never felt right. fun but awkward. .friend of a friend invited me to Tahoe and said he'd give me an airline buddy pass to fly out. but......only if i promised to try snowboarding (on Sierra Cement) the first day at Heavenly. i tried it and i think i have only skied three or four days since. .first time i saw hardboots and the stance that went with them, i knew what was up.
  4. when one Kessler arrives at it's end the thing to do is get another.
  5. Sorry I missed you. Sunday was move out day for me. I stayed at the Sitzmark Condos, last right turn before the parking lot for California Lodge. It was a great week. Couple days at Homewood too. Love that place
  6. i would guess that a fair percentage of people who are initially interested are almost immediately discouraged or deterred by the fact that it is almost impossible to try without purchasing gear. i assume most skiers' and boarders' first experience was likely on rentals and this is not going to happen with hard boots and alpine boards, in the States anyway.
  7. say what one will about the ad to content ratio, vibe and lack of coverage for anything non-mountain dew or red bull sponsored, they did have some great shots over the years. and i sometimes learned about a small or obscure place i'd not yet been and ended up at that mountain, perhaps because i was intrigued. occasionally, they'd do some really great journalism, IMO. (Marco Siffredi comes to mind). Kurt Hoy and Annie Fast, as Editors, gave women's riding some much deserved space (not just ads), I thought.
  8. Bump for a Legit seller. $1 per cm plus shipping. Not many 200s come up, y’know. i bought the other board (Sims Burner 197) and it is amazing. Seller is a great Communicator, packaging was the most pro, ever. Track #, answers his phone. Obviously cares for his stuff. Everything you’d want. dont be deterred by low post count/ new status. I vouch, for sure.
  9. per the postcard that i got in the mail today. December 2018 is the last issue. my first thought was sympathy for the Photographers. it always seemed to me that they were the ones who worked hardest for the shot. i know that, here, it is barely relevant.
  10. I will buy it for $200 sent message thanks, dave
  11. Tankers 187 and 200 (soft boots) Pogo Impact 168, Kessler 185 KST (hard boots) and Litespeed Road bikes
  12. a roll of Co-Flex is always in my pocket when i am on the hill. instant booster strap, helps the person who just got off of the lift at the top with a broken ladder strap, can be used to mount a GoPro, bandaging, etc. great all around McGyver type material
  13. precisely the board. thanks lonbordin, i had just snapped my own version.
  14. Hi Sandy.

    Do you want this stuff ?   Old Rad Air Binding parts (no hardware or discs) that appear to have very little use.  I think they were mounted on a board and had to be cut off.  Hence, no discs.  the four rectangle things, the straps, latches and heel cups are perfect.  

    you can have the stuff for free, if you want it.  no worries if not.  thought it worth asking.


    before you decide, look closely because there is some damage at a few points around one of the baseplates.. where the mounting disc is seated (30 degrees).   more evidence they were cut off of a board.

    let me know if you want the stuff


  15. I had a great time in the trees (very steep) last season in Utah on this set-up: OSIN 3800 ,length 168/169, Catek OS1 Intec step-in, Head Stratos Pro in walk mode. I got the board from contributor Pius and had ridden it with softboots and I liked it enough. However, when I put plates on it I think it got the Ninja quality that you are looking for. It was awesome and I only had the experience because on that particular day I did not have access to the boards and gear that I'd have preferred to use.
  16. Who is the GOAT ? (troublemaking, subjective question) LV is the GOAT, if you ask my 11 year old. In some ways, I think LV has done for skiing/girls what the USWNT has done for soccer/girls, but single-handedly.
  17. do you think that there was trauma to the scalene muscles that might be contributing to your issues ? i have had some very intense referred pain and a marked lack of mobility in the shoulder/arm that was attributable to those things. very tricky muscles, particularly behind (posterior) the clavicle. a very sensitive and potentially problematic area to manipulate.
  18. i grew up in Maryland, very near Ft Meade/NSA. and mass/global surveillance of any kind (echelon, omnivore, carnivore) has always been a part of my memory and been accepted as a fact of life by virtually everyone i know (from this area). sadly, i should add. i came to realize that i really do live in the D.C. bubble when the Domestic Surveillance Program that supposedly came out of the Patriot Act was met with such shock and surprise, publicly. that so much of the same is now commercialized seems normal to me. sadly.
  19. what is confusing about a free market ? pretend the question is rhetorical, if you like.
  20. if by some miracle no one in the cue buys the Tanker, I certainly will. please message me if that is how it works out. thanks
  21. I very purposely rarely give advice but I do suggest the above to determine regular/goofy, if someone asks. Wearing slippery socks and sliding On a smooth hallway floor = same idea. *no one I have ever seen do this ends up duck footed. they end up duck after they make their first trip to the local shop and have a chat w/bro/brahbiff
  22. What? This is still/back on the market ? I'd just gotten this outta my head.
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