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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. +1 on the Ghee. I had a great week at Revelstoke in very early Dec a few years back (above the gondola) Believe Whistler is pretty reliable well before Xmas too - paging @BlueB
  2. SBS I'm trying to decide if your post of Koa Smith's mile long ride at the Skelly Coast is as good as this, but it's like 20 or 25 inches of Utah blower.....
  3. Probably lighting a fuse here, but It would be nice if the FIS set the PGS courses with a little more of that shape
  4. Ive got a 10.5/12.7/12 vcam and its pretty good for tighter runs and unlocks easily if the trees get too big too fast Have you considered an Anggry?
  5. Thanks Walker appreciate the update. Still aiming for a Sept relauch?
  6. Lurch

    Yo Lci!!

    Mario I'd be interested to get any info re that new powder board I heard Sean has been cooking up if you get a chance to ride/view it
  7. The concept of isolating heel and toe sounds great to me but the dead band feel between that worries me so look forward tto the report
  8. Pat that rack of metal tells me you have earned the right to indulge yourself with a Thirst. YOLO my man. ?
  9. Mmm I keep getting an image of Anthony Hopkins " Hello ClarTDice"....
  10. ..edy Yak. Don talk back.
  11. Yep you are right @lowrider my apologies. A momentary lapse reason based on how keen I would be to rat through a shed full of Bomber components. ?
  12. @forrest Walker have you made much headway on sorting the inventory? Be great to know if there are any obvious shortages that may take longer to source. Thanks
  13. Hmm generally the community list items here at pretty fair prices, usually much lower than you would expect on fleabay. Without wanting to seem mean spirited, if we make it the "expectation" subscribers to also donate some portion of an already thin sale margin to ASB what is the point of subscribing?
  14. For $64 you could try a set of race tongues in your existing boots first
  15. Couple of different voice options might be useful: 1. Drill Instructor "I SAID DRIVE THOSE KNEES, MAGGOT! ANGULATE! GODDAM IT, ANGULATE!" 2. Nigella Lawson " Let the turn flow like warm, sweet honey ---- feel the texture of the snow, oooh just divine"
  16. It has been impossible to buy some Bomber parts new for almost a year. TD owners are currently reliant on fellow hard booters to source vital, (second hand) parts. Hardly surprising someone decided to scratch the supply/demand itch. Acknowledge there is a quantity of some parts still in limbo, but when all that stock is torn asunder by the circling carrion crows, what happens next? I prefer my TD3s to other bindings, so putting the IP arguments aside, it can only be a good thing if I can buy new parts if/when I need it.
  17. Sean would you be able to give a rough estimate of how much TD3 hardware is left? (Us Andean Vultures are impatient birds ) ) thanks
  18. Think you should be able to get them anodized for a reasonable price if you are willing to wait for a batch to come along you can toss them in with. Might not get your color choice; but for $40 nothing wrong with hot pink cants
  19. Thanks Wolf. Think second board kits were around $140 from Bomber, so his prices don't seem too bad.
  20. Anybody know the story with these? Few lots selling "as new, but without surface finish" on Fleabay
  21. Alexey which of the 3 samples is this top sheet?
  22. Wow it's turning into Bomber Lotto; Pay your money, take your chance!!
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