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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Hey zeus! That's some hardware! Def not you; seen it in many of the videos from Japan/Korea with short 'powder carvers' too; almost like a micro, grip/slide/grip harmonic. Interesting you can feel it.
  2. Nice clip @Emdee406. I noticed (by no means a criticism) the board seems to 'scrabble' for grip in the turn - it's something I've seen in clips of other similar shapes carving too. Clearly has no effect on your ability to lay down a carve, but do you feel it?
  3. I think @lonbordin s idea of a power strap is def. worth a shot first - seems to me that is the weak point.
  4. Lurch

    2004-05 Tanker

    Nice work @crazyjeenyus - the path of the righteous man! :)
  5. Drivers come with extra plastic "powerup" tongue insert. I find their flex is not much different front to back to my stock T700s, but the drivers tend to balloon a little more in upper cuff.
  6. Perhaps it's the Fukushima edition :)
  7. Thanks Buell. You just described (one of) my problems and the solution in one short para. Appreciate your help. BOL can often be like the mining the El Dorado, amongst all the soil and fine print the occasional gold nugget of wisdom like this can be found :)
  8. @svr might be interested in this beauty
  9. Have you checked WikiCamps USA? Often some sneaky good 'overnight parking' sites on there.
  10. Agree. My Flux has these attributes which detract a little from it's all mountain ability.
  11. Sorry all, on the move & board is packed away.
  12. @workshop7 I can only go on what svr told me and have no reason to doubt him, he's a stand up guy. It is very damp, but apparently due to extra rubber foil, not metal. It's torsionally very stiff, so much so that I wonder if Sean didn't use some of his 'secret' construction methods on it (my NFC is a little more lively & less damp, but it's 22 wide not 26). Pretty sure @Sasquatch_Surfer has a non metal Flux too. Guess you could Sean a call to get the lowdown.
  13. I'm backing crack propagation from the bail attach hole too Pat. Quite different to Barry's failure.
  14. Hey @erazz this was indeed @svr's. Came to me in pristine condition. PM me if you want more pix or info. Thanks for looking.
  15. Hey Kurt hope you are doin' OK. I picked this up hoping it might have enough displacement to handle some pow while still being a decent SB carver. Offered to trade for a Nomad, so I guess anything along those lines might be interesting. You got anything hiding behind all those tasty Oxess?
  16. All good @moose, makes perfect sense. Seems a shame to break up that quiver, but we all got to pay the reaper at some stage. I will need to unload first before I go again, so no probs with you unloading the Nomad. For me on softies, I think the Flux would be much more manageable in a 170 (or with a softer flex at 182), and may well have been what I was looking for, although I read @Mathew + @piusthedrcarve review on the Flux and it sounds like some of the same traits are evident in this big boy, maybe on a larger scale. Appreciate the reply.
  17. So I was more thinking along the line of integrating your 'personalized" cant/lift plate with a extended, relieved base profile (along the lines of a gecko/duo system that is 'edge weighted') to also add leverage. Just a thought - you guys are killing it. :)
  18. Welcome Mike! There are a number of very helpful articles here: http://www.bomberonline.com/newbies/ which might help before you suit up and I also found Mr Beckmanns web page most helpful http://beckmannag.com/hardboot-snowboarding/hardboot-binding-configuration in getting set up in an orderly fashion. WCRM - nothing like starting a the pointy end :) Enjoy!
  19. @Jack Michaud has a ST (and a tasty one at that) - hit him up for some info
  20. Flux 182 built for "the high end" of 180-220 lbs.11-13 VSR. Waist 26, nose 320, tail 308. E/Edge 158. Non-metal construction, but still plenty stiff. Top sheet 9.5/10. Base 8.5 (two nicks per photos). Never ground. PM me for more pix. Got this beast off another member in as new condition. I've put 7 days on it, but it's too stiff for me in softies (at 215 lbs). I ran it on P/plates to help muscle it around. Think it would take 250 easy. $400 shipped lower 48.
  21. @jim_s @erazz You guys clock those new duo's in the plate thread? Could be a interesting project to add something like that on to your cants.
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