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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. Noting wrong with those. I ride a Prior with Cateks myself :) (huuuuuge Catek nerd)
  2. 3D printing binding parts is the future :) My Cateks' front bail kept on flopping forward as it wasn't really designed for step-ins and doesn't have a spring. Printing a catcher from ABS (so it doesn't get brittle in the cold) was dead easy... The result is so nice I might do something similar to my TD2s
  3. 3D printing binding parts is the future :) My Cateks' front bail kept on flopping forward as it wasn't really designed for step-ins and doesn't have a spring. Printing a catcher from ABS (so it doesn't get brittle in the cold) was dead easy... The result is so nice I might do something similar to my TD2s
  4. You would not like riding Loveland on Sundays where a favourite pastime is to mess up a run and watch the carnage from the lift. Following @big mario down a run can be *interesting*.
  5. Heard at Loveland lift #1 last Sunday (by a liftie no less): "I've never seen so many alpine boards in one place" (May have been a new guy)
  6. Honestly it seems that we have a mini ATC/Clinic/Shredathon at the LCI every Sunday.... Last weekend we even freaked out the lifties!
  7. Ya beat me to it. Pow days here get tracked out within less than an hour. Considering the driving conditions, the crowds, and general rarity of true pow days you can see why having a fun activity for groomer days is appealing. The challenge associated with it, double plus good. Now, blasting through the trees in Steamboat on a true blower pow day is, and will always be one of the best. I guess it's the 21 year single malt to the favourite microbrew at the pub. Different kind of fun.
  8. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    A season pass holder can buy a friend a ticket for $57. Offsite (usually at Christie's Sports) you can get a ticket for $71.
  9. I actually took a day off to ride groomers... My friends are unsure about my mental state. (granted, that has always been iffy)
  10. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    ^^^ Seriously ow And also pain in the future wallet. That was not a healthy experience
  11. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    :D You put it up there, I had to respond.
  12. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Straight into a closed window. Preferably of a burning building.
  13. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Were you the only one that showed up? I thought about battling the conditions on I-25 and I-70 and decided my bed was far more enticing. I also think you guys kinda ruined me. I prefer groomer days now
  14. Soooo... What's the difference between walk mode and a BTS system? (in terms of risk of injury)
  15. Errrrmmmm... You can buy TD's today (I just did). . . . Just not from the Bomber store
  16. Don't know if what you have is like what I have but it might be worth a try. I used to have the exact same issue, e.i. straining of the front calf muscles. I, for some weird reason, press hard on the ball of my front foot and raise my heel when trying to initiate a toe side. Working on this but I think it's from the way I softboot. I tried a lot of combinations of toe lift and cant and they were all horrible (down side of riding Cateks - you have too much choice). Once out of desperation I set the front binding completely flat and eliminated any cant from the system. Lo and behold everything became better! Even one foot riding became much much easier. TL;DR - Eliminate the toe lift and cants, narrow your stance, leave a little heel lift on the back foot. Try once in the morning and let us know how you end up :) * Disclaimer: The above is not a hardboot doctor and the opinions expressed might or might not help you.
  17. Here's another take on this. As I was sitting on the side of the trail trying to catch my breath a pure s###nozzle (technical term) decided it would be fun/cool/neat to ride right up the side and jump over my board. Many many thoughts crossed my mind, most of those included my fist in his face but I ended up completely ignoring him. I guess he would have liked a "you expletive" comment. Probably would have made his day but honestly I was way too tired and didn't feel like giving him the time of day. I just rode away and didn't see him for the rest of the day. Guess what? I had an awesome time and didn't get hurt. Point is we are constantly surrounded by idiots on many levels. Some don't know the code and some don't care. Being "right" is a stupid goal. The lawsuit is small consolation when you're missing the season because of an injury. Be safe, wait until the run is empty and just let the idiots go away. Basically don't mess with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  18. Flow-decker.... (you can see the Nidecker influence)
  19. I don't know if that wiggle automatically translates to bad performance. It would be interesting to see a comparison to a HB setup (same camera angle). FWIW I saw a video where Burton engineers talked about the need to add some flexibility to the connection to match what softbooters are used to. That being said, there's more to it than the "wiggle". If the boot/binding combination is very rigid then the wiggle might be interpreted as a "dead zone" and might not affect how responsive the combination feels. OTOH it might be infuriating. I am reserving judgement until I get a chance to test it out for myself.
  20. The way the highback is designed you get a "preload" pressure on the back of your leg. This, I think, is the part that makes the flow bindings more responsive That being said, once you're strapped in the feel is no different than any other stiff binding (aka Genesis, El Hefe, etc...) with the highback canted forward. Burton's boots tend to have a small footprint. Flow bindings OTOH tend to be large. Size L for the 11 Burtons should be the right choice.
  21. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    ^^^ You certainly are missed! Get well soon!
  22. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    I can't feel my legs... Yeah, that kind of day :) Snowed the entire time but that didn't seem to make a difference. Seemed on the firmish side. Mario, Ink, Katie, Lance and the kids, and of course the odd one in attendance. Busy but thankfully the traffic was very manageable. That's good because I had no energy for driving. I'm sure my body will forgive me for this at some point. I'm going to sleep and probably dream of "driving the knees!". Happy new year LCI! p.s. That's one heck of a new year's resolution. Drive it! (oh the horror)
  23. This thread is going to end up being endless quotes of quotes of quotes. I'm getting carpal tunnel just trying to keep up.
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