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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. The line went so far up the slope they might have well spent the day splitboarding!
  2. Generally speaking the grooming on SB is not as good as Copper/Keystone/Beaver. Also I found that SB after a big snow dump is an amazing place. Other times it's hard and bumpy. Still one of my favorite places tho.
  3. Dude, thus far I am the biggest threat to his top sheets. WROD+Icey lift dismount+wobbly legs = hilarity for some and abject anger for others. Just sayin' p.s. Yeah, it already looks blood splattered, just wait until I do one of my patented dismounts over it. I better run or it will be my blood.
  4. Just another pristine board for some dolt to run over.....
  5. What are you used to? Steamboat is fairly big so you can find enough space for most endeavors. I find that the grooming is sometimes spotty and the big wide trails can get busy. Both not ideal for carving but then again I usually like the tree runs there. That being said I would still pack the monster. Better to have it with you and not ride it than to want it and not have it available.
  6. My foot measures 27.5 as well. I tried 28's for the last two seasons and while they seem to feel OK at first by the end of the day my foot was swimming in the liner. I bought 27s for this year and while they are definitely tighter they do not hurt. FWIW I bought Track 700s since they have a bit more room up front and seem to fit my feet better. The 325s were too tight for me.
  7. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    I'm in the same boat. Saving up for a new stick.
  8. It would be easier (and cheaper) to create a custom mold than to mill away the plastic directly.
  9. My $400 printer is large enough to print a boot. If I could get the correct plastic and fuse it well enough.... Anybody wants a custom boot? I don't think I can trust the mechanical properties just yet but it's definitely coming. But just for fun... http://www.crptechnology.com/first-3d-printed-skiboot-prototype-windform-ispo-2015/
  10. Somewhat click-bait. They don't have fully printed ski boots yet. The tech isn't completely there (materials are either too brittle or too soft) but I imagine that this is definitely the future for high end and/or specialized boots. As 3D printing is a big part of my job I watch this closely and the advances in the last decade are awesome for us. In the not too distant future you will be able to scan your foot and send the file to a specialist. This will, in turn, be printed into a fully functional ski boot with the exact fit and flex parameters you want. This will also allow a lot of innovation because manufacturers won't be bound to $$$$ tools. I think it's awesome!
  11. If cycling has taught me anything it's the importance of fueling correctly. It's not just cardio (well, if you stop 4 times in a run maybe it is). Eating correctly before and adding small bits as the day progresses makes an amazing difference in my stamina.
  12. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    You're on FB. You know what we're all up to. Some remodel, some lay back and some have turned into the human gerbil - pedaling themselves up and down insane mountains. Here's my updated for the lone no-FB person on this thread ;)
  13. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Don't you know the answer to this already?
  14. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Came across this recently and thought of you @big mario... http://www.bmj.com/content/357/bmj.j1982 http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/5/e016114 http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/5/e015587 The short TL/DR of it: Arthroscopic knee surgery doesn't improve symptoms more than exercise. To quote them: I will caveat this by saying I'm not a doctor (my wife is the doctor). Your doctor is the authority on whether you need this or not. Just pointing out what the literature says on the subject. Either way, please heal quickly. Trying to cross your trenches makes the day very *interesting* :)
  15. Bit too late for that, isn't it?
  16. We're not worried about the structural part. Mentally is more concerning. Especially the added stress of your fellow LCI people. Feel better!
  17. This got me thinking.... (oh oh...) Why would it matter what degree the binding has your boot? Who really cares? The boot is going to be at a certain angle, then the footbed is at another angle, and the camber of the board makes a difference too... In the end you put on the boot, bind in, and go screaming down the mountain with varying levels of control (some less than others). As long as you are comfortable why should it matter what angle you got between the board and the boot? This obsessiveness with numbers is what got me into trouble in the first place. I tried to measure really accurately the binding angle and didn't ride any better. Only when I stopped measuring and made small incremental adjustment to how the setup FEELS did I get better... (and again, the enginerd being stupid here)
  18. ^^^ Being an engineer has nothing to do with not making stupid mistakes.
  19. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Ahh, see what 8.5 years will do to you? The terrain park was awesome today :D Somebody forgot to tell the snow machine that it's May. 3" forecasted, more than 6" in most places. Especially the terrain park! Met up with RacerH, OddJob, Dennis and PCD in the morning. Apparently only PCD and I realized it was a pow day and brought out the softies. A quick trip up Ptarmigan proved that firebowl/cut was not where it's at. Going up 6 the terrain park looked sweet. It was :) After 5 rounds of park-ratting the J-crew realized it was time to look for more freshies. Lovey provides! South chutes were awesome with more than a foot of pow! Total tally for the day: 13 runs. 12 of those on untracked pow. What a day! In the pic below pc denver aka park Pete getting ready to drop into the gnar!
  20. This board is sold. Donek REV 180 This board is in excellent condition. I rode it a total of 5 runs. Took me that long to realize that it's too much board for me. Slight discoloration in the back - purely cosmetic. I just left it like it is because I don't want to go after it with solvents. Looking to sell for $XXX or trade for a modern, single radius, titanal board (WCRM 183/177 for example).
  21. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Seriously....? And I'm stuck at work... :( Should be an awesome weekend though!
  22. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    And @big mario, This is for you. Can we make it happen? :)
  23. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    What an epic epic day. Bluebird sky, excellent snow all around, no traffic either way, and an awesome crew. The few who were missing totally missed out. Sorry. At one point there were at least 10 carvers laying waste to Lovies grooms. Snow was 1.5 on the MES scale and though complaining was rampant I think it was pretty neat. So in no particular order today's groom destruction was done by Mario, Monodude, Mr. Ice, RacerH, Swiss Arne man, pcdenver, Ink, Kai (who did an awesome job of plastering Mario), Shelly, a new (to us) Dennis, an odd person, and a small contribution was also made by me.
  24. Hehehe.... Happened to me this year on one of the best pow days. And yes, it was epic and totally worth the 5 hour drive back home. But I digress, @1xsculler, I feel you. I think I went/going through the same thing. I can see it. Immense stoke at the beginning of the season, gear obsession, etc... We're probably not the only ones to go through this. After a season and a half of trying to hardboot I am only marginally better. Season end duldrums? Ya betcha! Will I do this again next year? Oh yeah! My suggestion? Take a breather. Put the board back in the closet. Pick another fun way to fling yourself down a mountain (mtn biking for example) and rock on! The stoke will be back. And if it isn't? Pick something else? This is supposed to be fun. You're paying a lot of money and spending a lot of energy on this. Cut yourself some slack and don't fret about this*. *Oh yeah, if you figure out how to do that let me know!!!
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