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Covid #'s trending down in Canada


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8 hours ago, softbootsurfer said:

just so People Know, what you mean here...


and Here is a picture of a Woke, on the Gondo in Aspen, so apparently you can find them just about anywhere...









I think you're missing a Bogner jacket and Lululemon pants to complete the look.

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On 9/23/2021 at 9:08 PM, TVR said:

The FDA had a very long meeting.....  many, many doctors were in it....  Here is an interesting 2 minute section from what one doctor was saying, and the data he presented....


As for ridiculing Michael Flynn, UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories. This is not conspiracy theory, it is an actual study that the university is working on, is fully funded and they are making progress. 

Salon is such a reputable source, so here https://www.salon.com/2017/12/08/fox-and-friends-it-just-looks-like-the-fbi-created-the-steele-dossier/  as those damn conspiracy theorists are those who cannot accept the authenticity of the Steel Dossier....   Only to now have the Times admit it was fake in Barry Meier's piece...  

And here is another rabid article from Salon:  https://www.salon.com/2020/10/21/gops-invented-hunter-biden-scandal-isnt-going-away-are-they-shooting-for-2022-already/  ....  Too bad even Politico had to admit two days ago that the laptop and emails are real....  Do you think Salon will apologize? 

As for the 5G, who would pay you 5 grand to be a hotspot?

Just checked this thread again - been avoiding it a bit because I realized a while ago that the vaccination discussion bears to many similarities to politics and religion discussions.

But sometimes I like to check the crap you get thrown at you in the US.

E.g. the first link from TVR. In the article a guy Steve Kirsch cites the VAERS database which lists 6000 heart attacks within 2 weeks after vaccinations (https://openvaers.com/covid-data/cardiac). 

If these data would be correct.... Then COVID vaccines also protect against heart attacks!!!! There are 800,000 heart attacks in the US per year. That means 0.01 % of the population gets a heart attack every 2 weeks. 180 million have been fully vaccinated, so those 180 million should have had 18000 heart attacks. Since only 6000 are reported, I guess COVID vaccines provide a 60% protection against heart attacks!

A bunch of crap of course, just to show how you can play with numbers.


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Does having Covid and recovering mean all is well? Report here of a large followup study on "long Covid" symptoms. Researchers tracked 270,000 survivors in USA for 9 defined symptoms (up to 200 long Covid symptoms have been reported).

37% of survivors reported at least 1 of the 9 symptoms at 6 months after their illness.
(Can't find a direct link to the data/paper at this point. The link takes you to a Guardian article describing the paper)


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Not gonna change anyones mind, so more facts:

Peer reviewed study out of Israel: Natural immunity 13 times better than vaccine induced immunity.
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full.pdf ). This also shows an alarming rate of "breakthrough" cases, especially right after vaccination. 


Ontario now recommending against Moderna vaccine in 18 - 24 year olds due to myocarditis. ( https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/ontario-now-recommending-against-moderna-vaccine-for-men-18-24-years-old ) What isn't being asked is the why for so many cases and what will the long term affects be for those who just don't present immediately with myocarditis at a level sufficient to warrant testing for it. 


Maybe demonizing the unvaccinated who have already overcome the virus is unwarranted now?

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Interesting study. Found a news article about it here. The most problematic thing about the “natural immunity” crowd is that they use it as an excuse not to get vaccinated. You don’t want to catch this thing, period. And there is still a benefit to vaccination even after catching Covid. 

Regarding the Ontario decision: according to Kyran Moore who made the announcement, you are 18 times more likely to get myocarditis or other serious events if you get Covid.

So get vaccinated!

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6 hours ago, TVR said:

Not gonna change anyones mind, so more facts:

Peer reviewed study out of Israel: Natural immunity 13 times better than vaccine induced immunity.
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full.pdf ). This also shows an alarming rate of "breakthrough" cases, especially right after vaccination. 


Ontario now recommending against Moderna vaccine in 18 - 24 year olds due to myocarditis. ( https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/ontario-now-recommending-against-moderna-vaccine-for-men-18-24-years-old ) What isn't being asked is the why for so many cases and what will the long term affects be for those who just don't present immediately with myocarditis at a level sufficient to warrant testing for it. 


Maybe demonizing the unvaccinated who have already overcome the virus is unwarranted now?

Note that for that factor 13 they are comparing delta variant infections in jan-feb 2021 vs non-delta variant vaccinations in jan-feb. They are comparing the chance that you get the same variant twice in 6 months vs the chance of getting delta variant within 6 months of getting a non delta vaccination. And that vaccination is not as good as the real thing(having a high mortality) is as expected.

The second link is only a decision(recommendation) to use a vaccine with fewer side effects for this age group. Its the luxury of choice.

Both links do not give any reason not to vaccinate. 

And a previous infection count as a vaccination(in Europe at least).  But the immuno compromised and others are rightly fearful of those who downplay the risk of this virus, and spreading it.

Open your eyes. You might see the sun shining.



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Like I said, I am not going to change anyone's mind. Besides, I am not advocating either way for people to get vaccinated or not get vaccinated. I am just presenting the data that is either suppressed or censored so as anyone can read for themselves and make the decisions that are best for themselves. This is all constantly evolving, even as many hold fast to what they "know".

6 minutes ago, TimW said:

Open your eyes. You might see the sun shining.

Interesting comment. It would seem to me those who read all the information have their eyes more open than those who don't. The comment doesn't matter though, as those who ask questions have always been seen as the heretics and chastised. Only during those brief periods in history where enough people questioned the dogma was progress made.  

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The last two items you presented were neither suppressed nor censored. That study is easily found, as are articles pointing out the problems with it such as I linked. The Ontario decision was front page news in the National Post. 

Right now where I live we are in a world of hurt. Doctors are soon going to be making triage decisions resulting in unnecessary deaths of non Covid patients due to our overwhelmed hospitals. And part of that problem is squarely on the head of guys like you putting out misinformation under the guise of “just sayin’”. 

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Well I'm healing up pretty well now ive been out of hospital a couple of weeks 🙂. Still under doctors orders to keep it very easy going but im feeling pretty normal now and my lung capacity is back to being where it should be for someone my age. So it looks like by the time the snow starts landing i should be able to jump on a board again 🙂

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18 minutes ago, scottishsurfer said:

Well I'm healing up pretty well now ive been out of hospital a couple of weeks 🙂. Still under doctors orders to keep it very easy going but im feeling pretty normal now and my lung capacity is back to being where it should be for someone my age. So it looks like by the time the snow starts landing i should be able to jump on a board again 🙂

Good to hear.  Nice and slow.  I know it just takes some time.  A couple of my friends that had it early had some minor setbacks in the weeks afterwards.


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@TVR I read the articles your linked and for three of them I pointed out shortcomings in the articles or your interpretation. Yet you don't respond to them.

I am critical. I am critical of using vaccines for booster shots. I am critical of policies that sometimes still seem based as if we can eradicate the virus. And I am critical of antivaxxers who prolong the need for social distancing measures, preventing this virus from becoming naturally circulating, with us all converting vaccine based resistance to natural resistance until it is nothing more than another common cold.

But as I said before, these discussions are in the politics/religion category for me and I will let it rest.

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I am trying not to get into the debates as this gets political. If I go counter argument to every argument, it is definitely political, so I don't do that. This is just why I post any information I can and let people go from there. I will call out snide or disparaging comments and attacks, however, as they neither add to the content, nor are in the spirit of the forum in general. I do also feel however, as I see their being a definite loud pro-vaccine dogma, that the very decision should be one of a fully informed individual and why I post the information I do. 


Glad your feeling better scottishsurfer and looking forward to the snow myself.....  great place to just relax while the adrenaline is pumping man....  (oxymoron intended)

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3 hours ago, lordmetroland said:

I love me some facts. Can’t get enough o’ them facts. All facts, all the time. 

Howzabout some facts about your ballz, they grown enough yet to hop on that coila' more often, or do you need a booster( or 3)

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8 hours ago, TVR said:

I am trying not to get into the debates as this gets political. If I go counter argument to every argument, it is definitely political, so I don't do that.

But why wouldn't you want to?  Argumentation isn't necessarily political, and it is used all the time in science and engineering.  At the very least, it appears that you have a strong desire to help reduce the amount of ignorance in the world.  That is fantastic, but then you surely must want to present your best information and help people understand it in the correct context? 


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1 hour ago, Odd Job said:

I wonder if the declining physical health of young people is a contributing factor.

If you're young and huffing and puffing on an e-bike on 1-2% gradient...

literally 2 weeks before i got the rona i eventually managed to out climb my friend on his ebike. It did take 5000+ vertical feet of climbing but his battery eventually raised the white flag cue the heckling from me when he had to get off and start walking🤣

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12 hours ago, big mario said:

Howzabout some facts about your ballz, they grown enough yet to hop on that coila' more often, or do you need a booster( or 3)

Bruce does make nice boards and all ....   Its a shame he is getting older and won't be doing it forever....

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