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On my Coiler BXFR 160 (in a soft boot set up), I’ve had more confidence than any other board I’ve previously owned, though I haven’t ridden my newly acquired SG174 yet...

it cruises quite happily at 40+, feels really stable at 50...but at an accidentally occurring 73 mph, I thought I was going to 💩 my 👖!


Edited by Emdee406
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Interesting question!  I’m probably on the low side here. Checked through my data and I guess I’m nothing if not consistent.  Cruise speed is typically 35 - 40 mph and max is pretty much 45mph regardless of mountain, slope, conditions (given good enough visibility and sufficient pitch). 

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Same here, 25-35 mph (40-50 kmh) carving. Straightlining it already takes some commitment to reach 60 mph.

That 73 mph must be a bad GPS reading, that does not happen accidentally, it requires you to tuck in low on some gradient. I don't think I ever did 73 mph and I can keep up with good non-lunatic skiers.

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While I've been curious, I've never actually cared quite enough to take steps to measure my speed.  @Emdee406, what phone app did you use?  I suspect that average speeds are probably higher than recorded with how infrequently phones take GPS samples, and that peak speeds are likely not to be trusted.  

I have definitely slowed down over the years.  Frankly, I shudder when I think back to speeds I hit 20+ years ago, and the conditions in which I did that.  Ah, the perceived invincibility of young men... 

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22 hours ago, TimW said:

That 73 mph must be a bad GPS reading, that does not happen accidentally, it requires you to tuck in low on some gradient. I don't think I ever did 73 mph and I can keep up with good non-lunatic skiers.

@TimW When I say ‘accidentally’, a friend and I were on a deliberate speed run, on a long steep perfectly groomed empty black run at Canyons resort, in a full tuck. We rolled over a knoll, to find that it was not groomed. We would have slowed down, but were already going too fast to, without risking falling. We stayed with it, and accelerated unintentionally to our top speed, hence the ‘accidental’ aspect.

Foolish? Perhaps. Fun? Absolutely! 

I often snowboard with high level ski racers and have done the KL (Kilometer Lanceé) speed run at Les Arcs, where members of the public pay for a days training, to log high speeds on specialized speed skis. I recorded 89mph on this specially prepared piste, (on skis) and was nowhere near the fastest people, however my point is, that I do know what high speed feels like. 

I was also British Downhill Skateboard Speed Champion in my youth, clocking over 60mph at the Brands Hatch Motor Racing Course. 

You’re absolutely right, it does take commitment to hit 60+, but I’ve been taking part in high speed gravity sports my whole life. Slalom and Downhill skateboarding, skiing, and snowboarding up to World Cup level (GS & SL), and I’m comfortable with it. 🤷🏾‍♂️ 

I think over the years, as my experience increases, so does my confidence in my abilities, and my awareness of what I’m capable of handling (that speed run was DEFINITELY the upper limit). I do spend most of my soft boot time riding with 20-something year old SBX racers and fellow instructors/trainers, so I generally do ride fast as a matter of course. There are people on this site who have ridden with me, they may be able to better inform you. 

@Corey the app is called Ski Tracks, currently the most popular ski speed tracking app on the App Store. Steve Wilson designed it, he’s a former snowboard student of mine, and the guy who introduced me to my wife! 😄 

If you contact him, I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to explain the workings of his app.  https://www.corecoders.com/contact-us/

This is from his site:

“Ski Track Accuracy

How accurate is Ski Tracks?

Each version of Ski Tracks we try to improve both the GPS processing, ski algorithms and filtering techniques. We also calibrate our software for different iPhone types to improve the final results. The processing, algorithms and filtering systems provide a degree of accuracy that works best for mountain users. Generally for mountain users Ski Tracks provides accurate results given GPS and the environmental factors that the phone is working in. Generally most Ski data is accurate to around 5-10%. Plots and graphs use filtering techniques to improve the user experience so these can vary in accuracy over the plot but generally altitude is 5-10% and speed is 10-15%. These figures are based on our test data and cannot not be guaranteed as many other factors can cause accuracy issues. For more information please checkout the user guide available on our web site.”



Edited by Emdee406
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I have found that as I get in the upper 40's, the board is riding me, I am not riding it, 'm just hangin' on. some of my best days are when I can keep that board in the mid 30's, I know then that i'm controlling the board, and not just along for the ride


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Carving its a bit dependant on the slope blues and reds i tend to carve faster in the 25-30 range but as it gets steeper i ride slower as i turn tighter and alot + finishing turns going up hill to control speed so i sit at closer to 15-20 range. If im just rolling edge to edge i can comfartably crusie in the 40s. Ive been as high as 58mph in andorra on a long perfectly groomed blue the speed just kept rising pretty slowly so i didnt realise i was at that speed until it all i could hear was wind even though my music was at full blast...

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On 1/10/2020 at 5:26 AM, Corey said:

Neat! Nice looking app. Thanks @Emdee406

Now I'll be able to add an intelligent answer after this weekend. 🙂

The Ski Tracks app worked pretty well, though it confirmed the pathetic situation of skiing/riding in the Prairies.  :sigh:

Riding a Coiler Angry (~9.5m sidecut) in traffic resulted in a top speed of 28 mph (45 km/hr) down those whopping 260' (80m) runs.  I don't know what triggers the 'run count' to increment, but it's more than 260' as it indicates that I did zero runs all day long.  

It said 7 mph (11 km/hr) average speed, though I assume that includes the lift line and lift as it couldn't tell what was a run and what wasn't in the prairie wonderland.  I'm pretty sure I'm not THAT slow.  😉  

The track is pretty choppy, indicative of a low sampling rate looking at a waveform.  This IS a phone app that uses the on-board GPS, so no big surprise.  A 10Hz signal from something like this Qstarz unit would be interesting if it could communicate with the app.  

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I know Garmin watches sample at a max of 1 Hz which is not nearly enough for carving.

Accuracy on any given sample is only about 3 m with a good signal according to Garmin. If that’s the case in general I don’t know how this app can be anywhere close to reality for the way we ride. 

Do we know how fast the app is sampling? Any reason to believe it would be any more accurate than a Garmin specialized device?

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