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Critique my riding


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I finally got some good follow-cam footage of myself this past weekend. i'm fairly happy with my riding, but i know it can be improved. I don't know if this is actually the case, but i feel like toe-side to heel side transition could be quicker and perhaps higher up on edge. In this video i'm riding a brand new coiler AM that bruce built for me. It has around a 10-12 vsr. angles are around 65f 60r. 6 degrees toe lift in front, 3 heel in back. about 18.5" stance width. I feel fairly relaxed and centered on the board but i noticed that while on the flats, my body still naturally wants to settle its weight onto the front binding and i still feel like i have to fight with my back foot just a little to get centered again. I'm not sure if i possibly need more toe lift or if i should mess with canting. Or perhaps i need to straighten the forward lean on my boots a bit more. I'm running with a dgss v1 spring system on my upz boots. Again, these are all minor issues and i think my setup is 90% of the way to being perfect. I don't have any foot pain or any other weird pains besides general muscle soreness at the end of the day. Any way, let me know what you guys think. 



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Inky and i both were watching you on roulette last Sunday and couldn’t find anything to critique, you were looking nice and solid, relaxed and in control. He couldn’t believe that it was only your second or third day of the season. High praise from the coach!!  The only question i had was what was happening on those few turns you blew out of

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15 minutes ago, big mario said:

Inky and i both were watching you on roulette last Sunday and couldn’t find anything to critique, you were looking nice and solid, relaxed and in control. He couldn’t believe that it was only your second or third day of the season. High praise from the coach!!  The only question i had was what was happening on those few turns you blew out of


Thanks! Throughout my riding, i blew out just a handful of times. And I'm pretty sure all were on toe side. I'm almost 100% sure it was me getting ahead of the board and weighing the nose too much causing the tail to disengage or because of such weighting when I hit a small bump, I was unable to absorb it. I think it might just be a timing thing, like not letting the board come around enough and getting established in the carve before weighting the nose a little bit?

Edited by Colozeus
grammar and spelling.
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i call shenanigans 😉  Detect humble bragging/fishing for compliment!  Looks smooth. 

Not that I am qualify to critique. 
What's your goal? 
Why do you want to get the board higher up on edge?  Which imply you want something? bleed off more speed?
Do you prefer one edge vs the other edge?  Looks pretty even to me
Currently I am working on getting faster transition/timing as well. 
I tend/like/prefer to ride tall; if i stay compress/low I can get the board to edge much faster but I would like to have my cake and eat it too.

Before I rage quit this carving business lol...
How long have you been riding?  Around how many day per season?
If you just started this season then I need a ledge whisper.

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1 hour ago, pow4ever said:

i call shenanigans 😉  Detect humble bragging/fishing for compliment!  Looks smooth. 

Not that I am qualify to critique. 
What's your goal? 
Why do you want to get the board higher up on edge?  Which imply you want something? bleed off more speed?
Do you prefer one edge vs the other edge?  Looks pretty even to me
Currently I am working on getting faster transition/timing as well. 
I tend/like/prefer to ride tall; if i stay compress/low I can get the board to edge much faster but I would like to have my cake and eat it too.

Before I rage quit this carving business lol...
How long have you been riding?  Around how many day per season?
If you just started this season then I need a ledge whisper.

Ha. well yeah, it's the first good video anyone has ever taken of me, and i'm not gonna lie, i was pretty excited when i watched it. 😄 my goal is to carve as good as @Corey in this video. i think this is my 5th season riding. Last season i barely got 15 days of riding and i think the same before that. I live in Texas now. But i have attended a few of the Expression sessions and taken the group lessons with Corey. The big breakthrough for me was when i finally got my boots fitted correctly and eliminated all of my foot pain and i added 6 degrees of toe lift (up from 3). I feel like i could possibly use more toe lift but that's all i get with the sidewinders. i eventually would like to get the cojones to ride a race board and carve at 40mph. 


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1 hour ago, Colozeus said:

it's the first good video anyone has ever taken of me, and i'm not gonna lie, i was pretty excited when i watched it. 😄 

Shouldn't you post a video of your most common problems if you want 'critique'? 

Looks good to me... 

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7 hours ago, Colozeus said:

let me know what you guys think. 


7 hours ago, Colozeus said:

I don't know if this is actually the case, but i feel like toe-side to heel side transition could be quicker and perhaps higher up on edge.


7 hours ago, Colozeus said:

I feel fairly relaxed and centered on the board but i noticed that while on the flats, my body still naturally wants to settle its weight onto the front binding and i still feel like i have to fight with my back foot just a little to get centered again


7 hours ago, Colozeus said:

about 18.5" stance width.


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4 hours ago, Colozeus said:

my goal is to carve as good as @Corey in this video.
I eventually would like to get the cojones to ride a race board and carve at 40mph. 

LOL.  Damn only 5 years and you are already technically competent ahead.
Now I think it's really just matter of personal style development.
Kudos man!  It just show that session/riding with other really help.

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I am curious as to what Beckmann is thinking right now. 


The one genuine observation that I have for the toe to heel transitions is that you up unweight whereas when you transition from heel to toe it's a bit of cross through at times. You get a little energy release off the tail and the board travels underneath your body a bit, thus allowing you to change edges faster. This isn't consistent throughout your run. 

What is the feedback that you are getting from your feet. Does the pressure remain consistent, or does it shift around. More front heel pressure on heelside turns and more rear ball of foot pressure on toeside? Your front leg may be pretty static. Are your turns actually equal? How much of a ramp angle do your boots actually have? If you aren't stable in the flats then something is amiss. 

There's a lot that cannot be seen in the video. Get some other angles. 

If your goal is to tip and rip then you are well on your way.  Gotta love activities that offer a lifetime of learning. Keep it up! 


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14 minutes ago, alpinegirl said:

I am curious as to what Beckmann is thinking right now. 

I'll walk the plank.

@Colozeus Said he felt like all his weight is on one leg.  @Beckmann AG points out that @Colozeus mentioned his stance is 18.5" which is possibly the reason for the one legged riding feeling.

Edited by lonbordin
arrrrrrgh matey... now the question is how tall is @Colozeus
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8 hours ago, Colozeus said:

6 degrees toe lift in front, 3 heel in back.

Nice and smooth!  Not a lot of wasted energy.

Looks like it's working for ya.....but my only question is what was your rationale for  increasing front toe lift and decreasing rear heel lift  ??  That 6/3 would have the effect of  placing your weight more towards the rear.....................compared to the standard 3/6 being "lifted" towards the nose.  ??

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Pretty damn nice and solid carving, IMHO!  As good as or as solid as Corey is, well, probably not (who am I to say as I've never seen either of you ride) but you certainly appear to be well on your way to developing very solid, consistent linked up zero skid trenches.  I like the follow from behind vid as it shows your carving from about the same distance for quite a bit of the run down the hill without a bunch of zooming in and out.  Was that taken with a cellphone?

Great job.

I must get busy and have a vid like that taken this season.  I am not as solid as you are, for sure, but maybe by March 8th a vid will be worthwhile.


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That is one of many questions.  I am unaccustomed to beckmann not writing very explicit things. And I hesitate to break down the set up without seeing all the pieces first.

My initial thought is that the present set up has artificially pre rotated the hips towards the nose of the board thus reducing the input offered by the front foot on toeside turns.

Arrrrgh! On a better day my inner pirate would have shown up instead. 

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The riding looks solid but when comparing your video with videos of riding i'd want to imitate it looks too controlled or easy. I want more speed, more fall line (less carving across the hill), more power, less static riding the turn until speed bleeds out and faster edge changes.
When you achieve this you are probably a world cup rider but anyways 🙂

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@Beckmann AG are you suggesting that my 18.5" stance width is too narrow? I'm 5'5" and i have limited dorsiflexion on my back ankle. This is what feels the most comfortable. Though i guess i could go with 6 degrees heel lift in the back as well and experiment with a wider stance. 

12 hours ago, barryj said:

Nice and smooth!  Not a lot of wasted energy.

Looks like it's working for ya.....but my only question is what was your rationale for  increasing front toe lift and decreasing rear heel lift  ??  That 6/3 would have the effect of  placing your weight more towards the rear.....................compared to the standard 3/6 being "lifted" towards the nose.  ??

i never decreased rear heel lift. I use to ride with 3/3 and then switched to 6/3, i'm thinking i might try 6/6 next. Before switching to 6/3 i had a lot of problems with my tail washing out on carves which, to me, suggested that my weight was too forwards towards the nose. 

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12 hours ago, lonbordin said:

I'll walk the plank.

@Colozeus Said he felt like all his weight is on one leg.  @Beckmann AG points out that @Colozeus mentioned his stance is 18.5" which is possibly the reason for the one legged riding feeling.

I am 5'5" and i forgot to mention that my left ankle has limited dorsiflexion. I think i get less than 25 degrees on that ankle. Does it sound like 18.5 is too narrow of a stance? I would probably have to go with 6 degrees heel lift on the back foot to get a wider stance. 

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23 minutes ago, Colozeus said:

Before switching to 6/3 i had a lot of problems with my tail washing out on carves which, to me, suggested that my weight was too forwards towards the nose. 

Hmm...Interesting logic........   you feel changing cant disk more effective than  just moving your rear binding back a slot....??

Wonder if one is recommended over the other as a first step go to?

Seems like a good option...if ya got the extra cant disks.......

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1 minute ago, barryj said:

Hmm...Interesting logic........   you feel changing cant disk more effective than  just moving your rear binding back a slot....??

Wonder if one is recommended over the other as a first step go to?

Seems like a good option...if ya got the extra cant disks.......

so i just measured my stance again, center to center of binding, and it's actually 19". I'm not sure why i just didn't try moving it back, i think i experimented with the stance while carpet carving and 19" felt the most comfy to me. But the higher toe/heel lift should allow for a wider stance. Fwiw, the distance from the bottom of my foot to the center of my knee is about 19". 

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