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The Launch Of Carving Magazine!!!


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It is finally out!!!

And as the first copies are already on their way, I cannot describe the feeling of having the magazine come to life. After all the work and the countless hours in front of the computer screen we get to have a magazine dedicated to our community. Will it be successful in bringing our community together and promoting it in the right way? Thats for all of you to judge and evaluate. Personally I am happy that I decide to do it and went through with it even if the economics of the project prove to be unsustainable.

Hopefully people can use this thread to post their comments.

Here are some facts about the magazine that everyone should know.

- Not a single ad that is included in the magazine was charged. All the ads were free. The goal is to break even only with the sales of the magazine.

- All or at least most of the manufacturers (globally) were contacted to provide material for the magazine (ad or company profile). The ones that are included in this issue were the ones that submitted material. Nobody was excluded.

- The price of the magazine is not what we were hoping for. Unfortunately our intention to produce a luxurious publication ended up with a magazine (book more likely) that weighs 800 gr. As a result we made the postal service very happy since half of the price is shipping. Still, I would not go for something less (in terms of printing quality and paper) than what it is since it is an annual publication even if it affect the sales.

I hope you enjoy it!!!

Thanks for the support.



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It is so overwelming to see people responding to the magazine. Within the first 24 hours from the launch of the website we have gone over the 100 barrier with orders coming from all over the world. US, Canada, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan, Australia...etc. We have a long way to go yet in terms of sales but I would like to thank everyone for their trust, going forward and buying something that they don't know exactly what it is and if it is worth it. BIG, BIG THANKS!!!! I hope what you will be holding in your hands in a few days will meet your expectations!!!!

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I think I had received 1 email from you and answered right back that we will accept any ad for free. Apart from that I have received nothing else. Please send me an email so we can figure out what happened. Whatever the problem is it is not intentional and we will definitely make it up for you.

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Might read ok, but I'm really wondering how well it performs. Does it turn tight for a GS sized magazine? I mean can I expect to get it into the space I could fit your average tabloid? Is it going to be damp, or very lively feeling. Narrow or a wide spine, and how does that affect my ability to handle it?

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Well done Alex for taking the initiative and producing this annual. I've placed my order and am waiting with bated breath for its arrival!

Hehehe!!! Imagine my state of mind when I went to the publisher to pick up the first print. Just taking it in my hand and smelling the ink and paper...I cannot describe this.

The weight of the responsibility however is pretty heavy. Making the first magazine to express, describe, represent our community!!!!

We will see!!!!

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