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Heard it in the lift line 2011/12


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Our locker room for the instructors is next the the room for the race kids.... I had my little Rossi all-mountain board (with OLD Burton step-in plates) leaning up in the corner when one of the little race kids came out of the bathroom.... mom was trying to get him back together.... "Look.... it's a tele-board" his mom was not interested... "yes, mom, it's a tele-board!" still no response... after a few more tries from the little boy, mom busied him on his way.... I didn't have the heart to say any different! I just listened..... the kid couldn't have been more that 8 years old....

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Walking out to the rack first thing in the morning to grab my board and head to the lift. 16-ish girls/boys just dropping off their stuff before heading into the lodge.

Girl: "Wow, his board is so long!"

Boy, not missing a beat: "Yeah, but mine's thicker."


Ah, they start 'em young these days.

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Loveland Pass on Saturday, I was sitting on the wood rail at the top getting my bindings situated and this group of 20-ish folks come walking by to get above the traverse. The guys are talking about my setup, the usual "wow, look at that race board" comments, etc. But the (quite attractive) girl with them speaks up and says "no way, man - that thing's for powder!" then turns to me and says "that's a powder board, right?". I never thought I'd hear that - people don't even say that when they see me riding powder!

Meanwhile the 16 year old kid in my group is looking at this girl talking to me and giving me "go for it" signals behind her back. LOL.

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Last weekend a ski patroller stopped me at the top of a hill to inform that "I saw you go down the hill, and that board is... And you get so low...and well.. The trenches and.... Jeez... I never tried a snowboard, but if I did it would be one of those ski boot ones"

I was flattered and thanked him. :)

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Last weekend a ski patroller stopped me at the top of a hill to inform that "I saw you go down the hill, and that board is... And you get so low...and well.. The trenches and.... Jeez... I never tried a snowboard, but if I did it would be one of those ski boot ones"

I was flattered and thanked him. :)

i also always get a kick out of it when a skier says what were doing is cool..just last week when i saw a group of skiers sitting on the edge of the trail i did my best toe side carve close to them followed by a kinda decent heel side and when i met them in the lift line they told me they like how i was 'rippin a snowboard' and we proceeded to bs on the chair lift, tossed them a bomberonline card, and said have a nice day!

also, is everyone else guilty of enjoying when you come up to the lodge, do a hockey stop and enjoy seeing people stare at you like wtf is this guy riding?? cause i know i do!

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hoffmac11 - I'm guilty. Same for long lift lines. ;)

I forgot to add this one above...

I join up with two guys in the lift line. One has his front foot out and back foot in the binding. I say "Mongo? Don't see that much!"

He looks at me like I'm crazy. He's never skateboarded before and has no idea what I'm talking about. This is his first day snowboarding. I mention that it's common to take the rear foot out for lifts. He ignores me.

Cue about a minute later, we load on the 3-person non-detachable chair. His board spins sideways and catches an edge hard, peeling him off the chair in a massive faceplant just as we leave the snow. Somehow his buddy and I stayed on the chair. Nothing injured other than his pride. We shared a laugh all the way to the top.

I have to admit I never thought about why it's 'normal' to have the back foot out. I push a skateboard that way so I never thought about it. Could that be the reason?

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hoffmac11 - I'm guilty. Same for long lift lines. ;)

I have to admit I never thought about why it's 'normal' to have the back foot out. I push a skateboard that way so I never thought about it. Could that be the reason?

I would say for ease of loading and unloading as well as how the board hangs on the lift. I'm also thinking about how you can control your board better with the locked in foot closer to the nose, as this guy found out. It seems that the location of pressure on the board gives you greater control at that point , so if it is in back the front will want to wander around.

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I don't get mongo pushing on a skateboard either, seems unnatural. But if you think how much easier it is to pull something than push, that's the reason. Easy to pull a trailer, hard to back it up.

The only exception is a Skwal - easier to do it with front foot out...

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Today, teaching a friend on bunny hill, I opened up and slalomed tight deep turns. Some kid snowboarders (10-12 old, or so) started yelling from the chair: "Hey, how you do that?", followed by their skier buddies from the next chair: "That's soooo cool!"

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also, is everyone else guilty of enjoying when you come up to the lodge, do a hockey stop and enjoy seeing people stare at you like wtf is this guy riding?? cause i know i do!

:biggthump And let's not forget the jealous stares at the top of the mtn after getting off the gondola and getting clipped in....snap, snap, and we're off, with nary a buttcheek in the snow to boot!

On a recent day at Windham, same questions, different emphasis..

Grom at top of lift asks me as I'm clipping in: What kind of board IS that?

Different person, behind me, to his girfriend as I get on the chair: What kind of board is THAT?

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On the chair with 3 kids; 2 Jibrs and a skier:

Jibrs: What's that board?

Me: Alpine board. (I tilt it up so he can see my HB)

Jibrs: Cool... I saw you earlier from the chair...

Jibrs: So..do you ride real snowboard?

Me:...speechless :confused: yeah this also a snowboard..:rolleyes:


I've had this happen to me twice. The first time I just laughed, but a short while later, I realized there's a perfect retort for that question.

"Hey, I was just about to ask you the same thing."


Also, next time somebody asks me what it is, I'm going to answer "it's a bicycle." I forgot who posted that above, but it was brilliant. :lol:

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That last comment reminded me of an experience at the ski repair store last week. Took the SG 163 in for some needed work. After talking to the older repair guy about the work needed, and all things alpine boarding, he takes the board and motions for a younger tech guy to come over, and says to him, "Hey take a look at this, this is a REAL snowboard". Ahhh, made me smile.

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At Grouse training with my athlete today, my athlete got into the line-up first. One of the kids on snowboard pointed to my athlete's pointy nose F2 race board and said "I like your board!". Then, I came into the line-up and the kid looked at my stubby nose F2 race board. The same kid said "I like your board too!". I smile to them and said "Thank you".

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Riding up the chair yesterday with bobble (black 180 Donek FC) and me (180 black Kessler) at Spirit Mt, Duluth with two young teen boys on park boards. One asks, "what are those boards for?". Before I could say they're for carving turns, blah, blah, blah..., the other kid, with perceptive honesty, cleverly quips "they're for old people". Well, that triggered my alternate explanation.

After telling them that it was the most fun I've had on snow in 50+ years of playing on snow, I told them that it was very hard to master, taking years to learn and requiring an exceptional level of strength and fittness. Basically saying, "no way you kids could do this".

I've been wondering if using a little reverse-psychology might challenge one these kids with attitude to try it just to show the old guys how easy it is, and maybe discover something fun.

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Riding up the chair yesterday with bobble (black 180 Donek FC) and me (180 black Kessler) at Spirit Mt, Duluth with two young teen boys on park boards. One asks, "what are those boards for?". Before I could say they're for carving turns, blah, blah, blah..., the other kid, with perceptive honesty, cleverly quips "they're for old people". Well, that triggered my alternate explanation.

After telling them that it was the most fun I've had on snow in 50+ years of playing on snow, I told them that it was very hard to master, taking years to learn and requiring an exceptional level of strength and fittness. Basically saying, "no way you kids could do this".

I've been wondering if using a little reverse-psychology might challenge one these kids with attitude to try it just to show the old guys how easy it is, and maybe discover something fun.

Kids -- I just love em... once I rode up with a young kid that was fast --I saw him previously. He got on with me and that day I was riding my Volkl 178 with Step-ins. I love the step-ins cuz I could get off the lift by just stepping in and go. Well, this kid saw my board and asked if I wanted to race him down the hill, I initially said "No Thanks" But then as I got near the top I re-thought about it, looking down at his board he had 4 strap bindings, and I thought to myself -- I step in off the lift and he has to sit down and buckle his 4 straps. So I turned to him and said " On second thought, Lets race!" He said ok. We just as I planned I got off and speed by him, " He yells "Wait" I said back " See ya at the bottom" -- Sometimes it is good to be a old man!!!

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Kids -- I just love em... once I rode up with a young kid that was fast --I saw him previously. He got on with me and that day I was riding my Volkl 178 with Step-ins. I love the step-ins cuz I could get off the lift by just stepping in and go. Well, this kid saw my board and asked if I wanted to race him down the hill, I initially said "No Thanks" But then as I got near the top I re-thought about it, looking down at his board he had 4 strap bindings, and I thought to myself -- I step in off the lift and he has to sit down and buckle his 4 straps. So I turned to him and said " On second thought, Lets race!" He said ok. We just as I planned I got off and speed by him, " He yells "Wait" I said back " See ya at the bottom" -- Sometimes it is good to be a old man!!!

Way to cheat a little kid! hahahahah

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Dads know all

Kid - Whoa, look at that board what does it do (SIMS Burner)

Dad - Oh that's a ski board, it's uh like a mono ski

Kid - I wonder where he got it

Dad - Well they have special stores


Of course I let it lie, never correct a dad in front of his son...

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