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Lucky Fin


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Here is a short clip from Copper the other day of a racer kid jumping over Fin's head on the side of a trail! Youu can actually see that he jibs off the stick holding the OB rope up. Sick move all in all, but very stupidly executed. Fin could have been seriously injured, or even me for that matter if I was downhill more. Thank goodness nobody was hurt. This guy's coach is going to be hearing about this little stunt for sure! Sorry for the languauge, but I think you can understand.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxiCjL5Qq9E?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxiCjL5Qq9E?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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and gave him a stern yet polite lecture on the error of his ways, as I have been known to do on occaision.......:AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin :AR15firin

That is one of the things that makes me nuts about early season, all of the racers sking like obliviots @ mach 10 with no regard for others on the hill. I wonder if the coaches actually spend any time on etiquette with their racers when they are riding with the general public, methinks not.


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I would have kiiiiiiicked his a$$! He would have killed Fin with just a slight miscalculation. This one is so bad I wonder if charges could be filed for something like reckless endangerment.

I have had several similar situations, but nothing anywhere near that fast. I always chase them down and always get the same crap. "I was in total control and I was nowhere near you." I have dealt with race coaches with the same line of thinking. Hopefully this kid's coach is more tuned into safety. Maybe talk to the mountain manager if the guy is in an organized group at the mountain?

In most every case, what we consider a safe place to stop (edge of the trail), some jibber has a hit nearby and they will be damned if someone sitting next to it is going to keep them from hitting it.

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If that doesn't count as a near death experience (for both of you), I don't know what does.

I would even guess there might be a crime committed there.

I have been hit a couple of times from behind by junior racers. Catching this on video might be a good thing, if it would persuade USSA to include a directive on safe skiing off the course in it's materials to coaches. Maybe even suspensions for skiers caught skiing dangerously.

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Here is a short clip from Copper the other day of a racer kid jumping over Fin's head on the side of a trail! Youu can actually see that he jibs off the stick holding the OB rope up. Sick move all in all, but very stupidly executed. Fin could have been seriously injured, or even me for that matter if I was downhill more. Thank goodness nobody was hurt. This guy's coach is going to be hearing about this little stunt for sure! Sorry for the languauge, but I think you can understand.

So did you find the kid? And his coach? Man I hope he hits a tree in the near future.

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Since you have this recorded on video the evidence cannot be disputed. I would be talking to the management at Copper mountain that deals with these type of problems and demand that something is done about this. At the very least this person should not be allowed to race anymore because of stupid behavior. I hope this doesn't hapen to you or anyone else for that matter again. Good luck in resolving this. Please let us know how it turns out.

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That idiot could have killed or badly injured one/both of you if things had changed just a bit. Hope you can use the video to nail his hide to the wall.

I just don't understand why some people think it's cool to ride like that.

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Fin did seek the guy and talk to him.

His response was something like, "its all cool brah, don't worry about it man."

He even talked to the coach.

I hope Fin posts his side of the story, and I wish that he was wearing a helmet cam so we could have seen it from his POV.

Starting to think that having the camera rolling all the time is good thing after this and the Keystone Speed Patrol incedent.

I still can't believe that I got that shot so well.

Something should happen, but doubt it will...

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Come on now, I watched the footage five times now and carefully stop actioned the frames. There were at LEAST several centimeters of safety margin between the skis and Fin's helmet.

Too many hours cutting tight lines on Grand Theft Auto 5, for the young man to know the difference between a game and Fin's head...

Imagine how that kid will drive when he finally gets his license.:smashfrea

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Nope... all of you are wrong. Fin should have his pass yanked for being unsafe. It is clear Fin needed to yield the right of way. Fin should also have signaled to the skier that the area below the jump was free from 5 year old girls and German tourists. Shame on you, Fin! We expect better.

NOTE TO THE SARCASM IMPARED: This post contains sarcastic content. Do not interpret literally.

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Good Gawd I hate those ski team pricks. We have a bunch of them here too.

Been buzzed, had my board run over at speed - aired it out right through my class before.

What disease does the ski team system manifest that precludes these jerks from having even basic manners.

Combo of too much money, aggrandized sense of entitlement, testosterone and 16 year old knees is a bad combo. Nothing less than being kicked off the team and losing pass would be the minimum.

You need to approach ski team management and suggest if they don't discipline this kid then you will submit video as evidence at the personal injury trial that is inevitable if they keep allowing this.

Suggest to resort management that if they don't start pulling passes of ski teamers and disciplining the team for unsafe skiing that they are setting a pattern of negligence that leave them liable to damages if there is an injury resulting from ski team members.

If they don't they are silently endorsing unsafe skiing.

Glad you guys are Ok, that was a bit scary.

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I had dropped-in just seconds before - and was waiting further

down the trail - Wondering why you guys didn't show..

Some of the ski racers were pulling off this little move all week long.

Eagle Chair up > get speed > launch knoll > to training course..(repeat)

(Though I don't remember any of the racers ever being this fast.. or reckless.)

This guy was not thinking about the safety of others..

Thanks for sharing your capture Ace

Was nice to meet you in person.

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Imagine if Fin had seen him coming, and with a well placed hand, induced a 90 degree spin...


season ender.

I've been thinking much the same as Jack. If Fin'd turned and saw this guy in his peripheral vision and instinctively lifted an arm to shield himself, the skidiot ricochets into the woods. Doubt it would do Fin's arm any favors but it would be taking one for the team.

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I went back through the original video today and started to really look at it. I pulled a longer section of the video so you can see the approach to our position. As the the video starts you can clearly see a snowboarder in a red jacket parked to side, notice that this person stays there the whole time. After passing that person you can see how much it rolls over, and that you can't see the landing. Then notice how close we actually are to the side of the trail! The pole I slide by is the one the skiier jibs. So that means he raced down the slope, did some slalom training with red snowboarder and Fin, did some park training on the pole, into a blind landing, nearly out of control! At the end of the video you can see that Snowman had no idea what was going on, and Fin was confronting the skiier about the situation. Hope this adds fule to the fire. Would love to hear from you Fin!


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU7hXd4wlz0?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU7hXd4wlz0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

*Scuff makes a short appearance in this film as well!

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