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How cold will you go?


How Cold does it need to be for you to not go carving?  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. How Cold does it need to be for you to not go carving?

    • 20F (-7C)
    • 10F (-12C)
    • 0F (-18C)
    • -10F (-23C)
    • -20F (-29C)
    • -30F (-34C)
    • -40F (-40C)
    • does it matter anymore?

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I'm sitting at home in a comfy chair with strong sunlight streaming in the window keeping me warm and snuggly. Outside it is -6F (-21C). Last night I had been considering getting out and riding today but this AM just couldn't get all that excited about my 450 ft hill over an hour's drive away, considering the temperature. I've got good cold gear and in the past have had good times being out in -20F with modest winds. If I had been at a nice mountain I have no doubt I would have made 1st chair... but today I just said 'Why bother'.

And so my question... How cold does it have to be before you say 'nuts to this, I'm not going up today'?

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years and years AND MORE YEARS ago I went out and did a circuit around my home town (Aberdeen, SD) on XC skis when the temp was -50F with a wind chill of -60F. Several years ago my ski club made a stop at Duluth and I believe the temp was near -20F when we were on the slopes. With the right gear I'd probably do that again (Duluth, not the -60 XC thing!)

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Well as usual it all boils to, it depends.

For our little bump here in Ohio, I'm more concerned with too many people, than with not enough degrees. I'll happily go when it's -10F out, as long as I can move up the lift and down the hill. Standing in line then sitting on the slow lift at that temperature will certainly dampen my enthusiasm.

If I'm out west on a vacation with limited time to ride, I'll suck it up and go out.

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went riding early this morning. the temp on the website said -16F. not sure if it was that cold, maybe -10F. not much of a wind. didn't take long for toes to get cold. practically had the hill to myself.

took a break, went out at noon. it was about -5F. wasn't too bad.

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Its all about the wind-chill.

If the temp is 30 and Im doing 44mph down a hill its about 0.

If It is 0 and A wind chill of 20 and Im doin 44 down a hill...... NO FN WAY.

I was out today it was -3 before wind....blowing snow, 40 mph winds, and I was wearing 3 layers and warm gear, I did like 8 runs, and said "DING- I'm DONE !" A popsicle; flavor of: me.

It gets "Unenjoyable" at a point and I'd rather watch Warren Miller movies or drink wine around a fireplace and terrorize the local Innkeepers pet cat or dog (or hot wife) with affection :)

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Yep, wind chill is part of it, but humidity can make it feel colder. I'm usually a wuss when it comes to cold because I'm always the first to start teeth chattering, but sometimes I have to be out there for work or competition or whatever, and usually I find that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I found a pair of thin padded shorts and they really help keep the butt warm. Why don't snowboard clothing manufacturers put insulation/padding in the butt? I would rather look like my butt was fat than to not feel it at all.

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The only time I stayed at Copper it was crazy cold, it didn´t go much warmer than some -15F. The first day was actually the coldest day I´ve ever experienced, it dropped to -30. Wasn´t that bad at all, groom was perfect, slopes absolutely empty, but it felt weird when I couldm´t take off my sunglasses, because they were frozen to my nose. Much worse thing was altitude sickness:smashfrea

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"And so my question... How cold does it have to be before you say 'nuts to this, I'm not going up today'?"

Just like age is only a number, so is temperature :D.When you are dressed 'right' and riding with 'good friends', who pays any attention to the temperature :confused:

I've skiied in -54*F (w/wc factor) @ Mt.Tremblant, boarded @ -43*F (w/wc) a couple of weeks ago with LCI, with no issues.

Then last week riding locally & alone, had to put my glove liners in for the first time ever @ -14*F (I don't know what the w/c factor was, but it certainly wasn't -43*F) go figure :confused:

To me, too many factors go into the equation to make a decision based on temperature alone. It would be like NOT trying a trail because it is a "Black".

Take the numbers and the colors as information to be processed, throw them out the window and have FUN :biggthump

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If I could board pretty much any time I wanted, I probably wouldn't go much colder than -10 or 15 F with a bit of wind and then only for great groom or pristine powder..

This being Possum's Pouch, and my "quality" on-slope time being very limited in recent seasons, I'd probably take it to the far edge of sanity for a few good rides.


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If you dress correctly yer good to go, some people are cold at 40 degrees

Wind chill is relative, you create more than nature usually


(protective shorts to keep the bum warm)

The snow's always great when it's below zero (as long as there's coverage), the people are not in the way so the whole trails open and you don't have to look back every turn, as long as there's visibility it's the best time to be out

Hand warmer Hotties over toes (on top of the innerboot, under the shell)

boot gloves over the boot and the feet are warm and the boots flex

On the really cold days I can't go inside because I overheat immediately


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Many, many moons ago, I went whitewater kayaking (squirt boating actually) at -10F.... trying to get out of the river without getting sucked under the ice is about the third closest I've ever come to dying in a river. :eek:

Older and wiser, these days I stick to sliding on frozen water instead of trying to paddle in it! The coldest I've been out in recent years was -24F. Seemed just fine - but I live 3 blocks from the lift, so I can head home anytime I start to get chilled. :ices_ange

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Two years ago my wife and I rode a bitter cold morning at Giants Ridge in northern MN. Think the temp that morning was -18F with a -38F degree windchill. Rode for about two hours on a (two runs>lodge fireplace warmup) rotation. Snow was great, sun was out and Jessie LOVED carving while having the entire run to herself!!

Told one liftie "just stay in your hut! We're the foolish ones out here-stay warm!"

If there has been any more wind, or if we were able to return our 2-day passes, I doubt we would have rode that day.

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I'll still go out in -20 if it is good mountain/conditions ( pow or groomers )...but it's hard to find the wiener afterwards.

If there is lots of wind in the foreacast I'll bag it sooner than cold...it sucks when they shut down the lifts for wind...especially after a 4 hour drive to the Loaf.

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Just add more layers! :eplus2: I LOVE riding in the cold because most of the straightliners stay home. I end up taking frequent breaks though, it's hard to keep your hands and feet warm at -40.

All of your equipment gets really stiff though, boots and TD3 e-rings are pretty darn rigid.

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