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Heard in the lift line - 09-10 Edition


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It seems like alpine awareness and attitude is definitely improving, at least that is what I experienced at Mammoth this past weekend. I had at least eight instances in the lift line where people knew what I was riding, and either directly complimented my ride choice or commented to their friends that they totally wanted one. I got a few "speed board" or "downhill board" comments, but the general attitude was positive, definitely much better than compared to previous years. Surprisingly, most of the comments came from the young jibber type.

What are you guys hearing out there these days?

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It seems like alpine awareness and attitude is definitely improving, at least that is what I experienced at Mammoth this past weekend. I had at least eight instances in the lift line where people knew what I was riding, and either directly complimented my ride choice or commented to their friends that they totally wanted one. I got a few "speed board" or "downhill board" comments, but the general attitude was positive, definitely much better than compared to previous years. Surprisingly, most of the comments came from the young jibber type.

What are you guys hearing out there these days?

That is cool, what were you riding? Describe the picture or post one. So we can get an idea what they were looking at?

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It seems like alpine awareness and attitude is definitely improving, at least that is what I experienced at Mammoth this past weekend. I had at least eight instances in the lift line where people knew what I was riding, and either directly complimented my ride choice or commented to their friends that they totally wanted one. I got a few "speed board" or "downhill board" comments, but the general attitude was positive, definitely much better than compared to previous years.

Same. Every time I was in the lift line at Sunshine last Wednesday the people behind me would be discussing my board, or they'd be asking me about it. Given that Sunshine isn't a carving hill and carving boards are pretty rare there, I was surprised.

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Groom was extreamly soft, we rode our medium sized pow/freeride boards with plates. Roy was on Winterstick ST 173 and me on Stepwatter 171... Most of the people noticed the difference in performance and boots/bindings and asked questions. Generally, very positive feeling.

However, one guy said: "Wow, nice longboards (still correct), how that feels?". Then before we finished our explanation, he completed his thoughts: "On a day like this, it is too soft to ride these". :D :smashfrea


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What are you guys hearing out there these days?

I occasionally hang out with a somewhat large-ish posse of softboot riders, and most of them have a pretty favorable view of alpine snowboarding. I occasionally hear a few lame remarks about alpine being passé but the vast majority of people just think watching us rail turns is pretty cool. I wish I could ride with them more often to spark some more interest in the sport, but they ride in big packed groups that a carver would be somewhat of a hazard to.

That said, I'm one of those guys that is more than happy to be the oddball alpine rider and likes the fact that our sport is somewhat small ... though I do think it is a bit TOO small.

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I can't remember the last time I heard someone say something negative about my board. If anyone does say anything, it's almost always inquisitive and/or positive. Mind you that there aren't too many gapers or jiblets here to worry about being so far away from a major city.

yeah the same here, people get erections when they see a metal topped board in particular.

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Last year at Mt High here near LA I recieved some interesting comments among the "what's that" comments. The best was when I was in the parking lot talking the some people who asked me about my board and the one guy turns to the other and says "Dude he's got suspension on his boots"(BTS).

They thought all my stuff was cool!

I've met a few people at Mammoth riding soft boots who said they were going to try hard boots soon.

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OSB: I was on a Madd 170 with TD3s (60+ deg angles), so to most jibbers, it was a pretty strange looking setup.

Fin: Sorry but, unfortunately no. I have cards, but they are in my Camelbak, which I neglected to bring with me this weekend. Next time I will definitely hand some of them out.

I'm pretty sure that it was not my riding that attracted the attention. This was my first weekend back on the slopes and I still don't think I fully got my snow legs back yet. :)

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This is quoted correctly..

Straight Outta Compton #1 "Yo, das some oldschool ridin right there!"

"All this stuff is from the last 5 years or so I think.."

Straight Outta Compton #1 "Ahh f'real? **** looks old to me"

Straight Outta Compton #2 "Naw man it's just like the gear back before snowboarding was straight."

Now I'm not one to be sparse in malapropisms, but....

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most of my comments are, " why are you snowboarding in ski boots"

Then I tell them to look closer and they realise that they aren't ski boots. Most people don't seem to realise that mark fawcett, jasey jay guys like that are riding this gear. But nobody's ever denied that a turn on hard boots looks really fun and cool.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Standing in a boot shop getting my liners molded, a middle-aged lady walks up to me and says: "You're a hardbooter?! So is my daughter. There are like, five of you in the world, right?" ;)

PS- I think she identified me by my protruding BTS.

Ha ha ha - this is me when I take my boards in to Ski Cellar for tuning. EVERY TIME without fail, I get s**t from the shop guys for being 'one of those damn hardbooters'. Which I give straight back by telling them put some real edges on, and they'd better put a proper structure on it, none of this girly softie s**t. It's almost a running gag after three years ...

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Had one this morning. First time out on the board this season, guy on softies tried (and did pretty well, actually) to follow my lines - I was pulling hard turns on an SL board... He caught up with me at the lift, where I was chatting with a colleague:

Him (with very english accent) - "Bonjour"

Me - "Hello"

Him - "Oh - erm - hello. Nice board. How do I get my board to turn like that?"

We rode up and down a couple of times together, showed him how to norm, he's heading off to the one rental shop that has hard setups this afternoon.

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