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Is EC carving your goal?


Is (or was) EC style your ultimate goal in carving?  

124 members have voted

  1. 1. Is (or was) EC style your ultimate goal in carving?

    • No.
    • Yes.
    • Other (explain please!)

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Ever since I started carving a few years ago, it's always seemed (and still does today) that the benchmark for "arriving" at expert status in carving is being able to drag your armpit (or at least both hands/forearms) in the snow on turns.

I can't even come close to doing this (yet)...and I'm curious to know for others who can't do it...is this your goal in carving? (And if you *can* do it, do you think you've reached the "summit" of carving?) If it's your goal, why? What do you see in it?

I know it's one of a few different carving styles, and I know they're all legit and respectable. But there seems to be a kind of mystique/obsession/machismo surrounding laid-out EC-syle carving...and I'm not sure I get it. Not dissing it or saying I don't want to do it...but just wondering why so many people seem to consider it the pinnacle of carving?

Is it a foregone conclusion that as everyone progresses they eventually end up dragging body parts? Or is it possible to be a world-class carver without ever once dragging anything?


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No, you get to the point where EC is boring. It requires special conditions to do it and sure, when they apply it's fun to pull a few EC turns. However I really feel the kicks of more dynamic riding styles with plenty of pop and quick push and pull make for a better challenge and more fun.


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"EC carving" sounds like echo ;)

Voted "no" though I ride Swoard since 2004 and hope that one day I can drag my arms as nicely as Jacques and Patrice...

But for me the ultimate goal is to have fun.

Swiss carving technique ( prerotation and push-pull) is visually appealing and quite effective, so I learn it. Extreme carving is development of it but it's not applicable in every condition. However when conditions are right then it's blast to drag your body and see heads turning.

Modern racing technique is another thing which I hope to master and use for the sake of fun and alternation.

But there seems to be a kind of mystique/obsession/machismo surrounding laid-out EC-syle carving...and I'm not sure I get it.

If you get this feeling from Carver's Almanac Extremecarving topic last paragraph then I think that you read this last paragraph too seriously :P

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I get as low as possible without the full body drag most of the time and do extend/ retract style riding with hop carve turns and tend to end my runs or burn off speed in big open areas with a EC then stand it back up and start my run again. I rarely ever get the conditions that are condusive to really ripping it with firm edgehold on steeps that allow full extension body drag.. and I agree with tex.... gloves, pants and busted pit vent zippers are not cheap to repair or replace .. LOL.

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My goal is fully "engaged" carving of every kind.

"you carve, you carve, you carve, you carve, you carve - no slide even if it is icy."

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp4uZckpcF4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp4uZckpcF4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

They might have been talking about euro style, but the words ring true for all types of riding for me.


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I voted no. I rode EC style a long time ago, but found that it wasn't nearly as taxing to your skillset, or as challenging as getting low without actually touching the snow, hands or otherwise.

I lightheartedly harassed Boris at last years' Whistler expression session. I told him I thought that EC'ing looked like controlled falling. He took it in stride because he has an excellent sense of humor. I don't think any less of people that EC, it's just not my bag baby.


Dave R.

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Interesting. I suspect (but obviously can't prove it) that a lot more people secretly *do* have the goal of dragging body parts while carving. It seems to be one of those "I'm cool too" kinda things. :) I'm gonna be watching at SES next week (and learning!)...and I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people I see are draggin' stuff in turns. LOL

I mean, let's face it: humans are competitive. And it's a lot easier to judge someone's "badass factor" by how much/how long they drag body parts in the snow...than it is to try to judge harder-to-see aspects of off-the-snow technique.

Now the hop in the transition...that's badass! :D I'm actually more impressed by that than by dragging parts...and I'd love to learn how to do that without killing myself! LOL


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Interesting. I suspect (but obviously can't prove it) that a lot more people secretly *do* have the goal of dragging body parts while carving. It seems to be one of those "I'm cool too" kinda things. :) I'm gonna be watching at SES next week (and learning!)...and I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people I see are draggin' stuff in turns. LOL

I mean, let's face it: humans are competitive. And it's a lot easier to judge someone's "badass factor" by how much/how long they drag body parts in the snow...than it is to try to judge harder-to-see aspects of off-the-snow technique.

No idea where you are getting this info. If I EC it is by accident and I call it a mistake.

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I mean, let's face it: humans are competitive. And it's a lot easier to judge someone's "badass factor" by how much/how long they drag body parts in the snow...than it is to try to judge harder-to-see aspects of off-the-snow technique.

Now the hop in the transition...that's badass! :D I'm actually more impressed by that than by dragging parts...and I'd love to learn how to do that without killing myself! LOL


Now to go back to your ride the black runs thread. If you are dragging your **** all over the place then you need a steeper run, cuz draggin is friction and that slows you down too much. Kind of self regulating how much you do at least on the flatter runs.

For straight up adrenaline, take it off the snow, add about 10 to 15 mph and then you're talking. Touching things down at 30-40 is a lot more painful than at the 20 to 25 speed range too.

I sometimes use a couple of EC turns to freeze the "deer" in the headlights, then crank it back up to get around them. It works.


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Making a perfectly laid heelside EC turn with full extension is still on my list of goals. There is a poster on this forum whose avatar is one of those. It IS very esthetic. That being said, I can think of a few more difficult goals: 360° carve, linking EC turns with jumps direct to carve, fakie ec turn (?)

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The wording of the question is kind of funny yet precise... Is EC my ULTIMATE goal... No.

It's definitely something I would like to do among a whole lot of other things like being able to comfortably carve down the hard end of black diamond runs, getting air and landing right into a deeeeep carve (like the picture in the Snowboard Life article about "alpine punk") and being able to actually ride down a mogul run instead of sliding down:freak3:.

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i have gone out the last few days. the snow here is perfect for carving. maybe 1/10th of the time am i laying out turns. whatever feels right @ the moment. my goal now is to carve switch. if i ever reach this goal then there will be a new one. i personally can't go out every day and do the exact same thing. cheers.


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Hmmm, I won't vote on this one.

I can do it and love it. It's one of the milestones at the journey, but not the only one. So many exciting things to do on hard boots... EC, race carve, pop-carve, Pure Carve style, switch, moguls, pow, trees. Who cares about the final goal (is there such a thing) as long as I enjoy the ride?

However, I believe that EC is the most head-turning style for non-enlightened masses, thus the best ambasador for our sport. Hell, even my fellow instructors give me the most credit for ECing abillity. To the point where I hear, when I do other things: "Back to what you do the best, as no one else can do it".

Also, a great tool to have when you get on steeper and icer pitch then you are liking ;)

As for the gear damage, well, yes. I go through one pair of pants every season and 2-3 pairs of gloves (improved a bit since I started wearing the wrist-guards on the outside). Last jacket lasted me 3 seasons.

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