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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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Friday was great! What a great day to end the best season in memory. I think I got in 18 - 19 days (really 4 hour days). No weekend days. 

Friday was bright blue skies with surprisingly good snow. I thought that it would be either crusty or mashed potatoes. It was nice soft groom that was great for carving. Ptarmigan and #6 got a bit crowded so we went over to #9 and Rookie Road. 

Snow on RR was fabulous. Nobody there. Wide open carving. Some of the best carving of the season. We then went over to #8 but the lower elevation & southern exposure was quickly turning the snow to lumpy. We then returned to #9 but our legs were pretty shot by 1 PM.  

We have been using a GoPro with a Karma gimble to tailgun each other. This has been a great help. Its amazing to see exactly what I was doing wrong to help improve my carving. It is very satisfying to actually be getting better at something at 60+ years of age. 

Great day. Great season. No injuries. 

Looking forward to doing it again next season.


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you guys have a great carving group at loveland, and i was delighted to be a part of it for so long.

next year it is Ski Sante Fe passes for me and G (who is making quality turns), and an Ikon pass for me, which = five days at Taos. 

Come down any time.  there is quality carving at both places.


enjoy the summer.

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Another great Lovey season, but I have to say I'm glad it was the finale....

Keep your hands off the snow, they said.  Don't pat the dog, they said.  Reach for the outer boot, they said...  What they failed to say is, if you're going down on heelside, let your arse take the impact!  That nasty black and blue thumb, nauseating everyone in the Rat Sunday afternoon was diagnosed as a crushed carpometacarpal joint.  Splint for a few weeks, then therapy.  Maybe it's off season, for a reason.

On a few sentimental notes:

Pete, we missed you this season, but so glad you're enjoying your new surroundings.  As a former southern flatlander, I too enjoyed Santa Fe, Taos and Angel Fire as viable alternatives to CO.

Monodude leaving us?  Dude, what can I say?  So much in common, yet without our band of hooligan misfits, our paths would likely never have crossed.  Slow Lovey lifts will be utter molasses without our engaging conversations on old school m/c road racing, your latest, greatest and most freakish mono, comparing old guy joint pain and concussions.  I promise when I bring out the Easy Jungle, I'll have Hailey make a video for your viewing entertainment!  If you're ever in the hood, you always got a room!  Enjoy your new PNW digs!  Old Guys Rule! 

Seasons come and seasons go, but the LCI lives on!




Edited by Dusty Bottle
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2 hours ago, JRAZZ said:

It's called withdrawal syndrome. It's for your own good. Go and break your bones in the alternative way!

Rodger, I’ll get right on that this coming week 👍😄

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Rumors of possible collaboration between Loveland and A-Basin for next season for a combo pass. Don't know if there is any substance to this or just speculation. 

If they were to offer a combo pass for say $100 more than a Loveland only pass, how many on this forum would be interested?

I don't know if I would or not. My ruts at Loveland are pretty deep and it would take a lot for me to decide to make the additional drive over the pass. Also, I'm afraid it would bring more aliens to Loveland. 

Anyone here know if there is substance to this rumor? If so, anyone interested?

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I think people are just making  this shit up. or they got suckered. or wishful thinking.  If it were to come to fruition, I'm not so sure if i would partake or not, id have to think about spending extra.  Check the date on this article:


Edited by big mario
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And snowboarding is not biking.  Different vibes for different seasons.  For me it's all about flow, be it snow or dirt. or rocks. either way, I am at peace when I am in motion.

ride on


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Railing a downhill, goofing around on a pump track, hell even suffering on a climb leave me with a soul cleansing stoke and  and a perma grin



Edited by big mario
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Though I may not have mastered snowboarding (or mountain biking), the fun factor (for me) is so much higher on a snowboard. Maybe if my biking skills were on the level of Danny McCaskill I might feel differently. Also, as I have gotten older, I won't take the risks that I used to on a mountain bike. I don't like pain. 

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57 minutes ago, JohnE said:

Though I may not have mastered snowboarding (or mountain biking), the fun factor (for me) is so much higher on a snowboard. Maybe if my biking skills were on the level of Danny McCaskill I might feel differently. Also, as I have gotten older, I won't take the risks that I used to on a mountain bike. I don't like pain. 

Fair enough. Can you see that other people like biking?

What are you trying to say? It's coming across as I'm better for not liking to bike. Sounds silly to me. I love snowboarding AND biking. I'm better for it and don't feel the need to compare.

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It was simply my comment in response to Mario's post. He wasn't comparing. I was. I've had biker friends (who don't snowboard) that comment on how much fun it is. My thought is simply that it is fun but not so much as snowboarding. If others think the opposite they're not wrong. If one chooses not to compare, that's fine. I ride my bike about 3 times a week. I'm lucky if I snowboard 15 days a year. My opinion is that snowboarding is more special and more fun. 

If the opinions that divided us were as simple as biking -vs- snowboarding "What a beautiful world it would be".


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