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Goals for 08-09 season

Bobby Buggs

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Requisite perennial goals:

-75 riding days

-no injuries severe enough to shut me down for more than a week

08/09 goals:

-Solve my nagging hip/pelvic problem of many years before the season starts. This is the single biggest thing that is keeping me from getting to the next level. This is a goal for before the season starts.

-Finish at least 3 GS and 3 SL races, and not ride so * conservative in them like I did in 07/08

-Make race turns all the way down Beverly Hills without stopping. (I tend to get all Euro on that run, gotta keep the body off the snow!)

-Find a SL board that I enjoy riding

-One 60k+ vertical day

-Find a way to make OES even better than '08. Given how the weather and snow gods smiled upon OES '08 this is a challenge :)

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One of Shredder Jen's goals: "Competing well against Cindy in the USASA races"

BRING IT ON JEN!! I may surprise everyone and bring a pair of knees to Nationals next year, so watch out. Oh, and the top three riders in our age group for GS and slalom compete in Copper Series, so you may want to race at Aspen and kick Lisa Reugeri's butt to qualify for nationals.

Time to zip up the speed suit, baby!

the snow goddess

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  • Ride more often. I only went riding once last season. This year I only work 4 days a week (one day left for snowboarding) and I work next to a small ski hill that is open on evenings (go riding directly after work).
  • Install springs on my Catek's heel bail.
  • If I ride enough, get an all mountain board.

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Steph, make sure you make it to SES so we can ride together again... Although a little bird told me at the last SES that your riding now is really scary, so you'll have to wait for me :)

We've got some great girl riders, they're just never in the same place at the same time!

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Allee, SES is definately on the agenda for next year, since it will be an off season for ECES. Hopefully we can afford Aspen. I would love to ride with you again, and all the other ladies there.

What "little bird" might that have been...???;)

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Why yes I have a yellow 2006 monoposto sport classic.. which I think will be a collector piece since in 2007 they went to..two rear shocks and no longer the two into one exhaust.. Thanks Ducati!!

Its a hoot to ride.. but I need some Cycle cat clip ons.. as my neck and bone spurs in C4 and C5 are killing me..

Ouch said shred..


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So this is my first "real" post, beside inquiries for items on sale.

My goal for 08-09 is, after 11 seasons on softies and at age 54, to get in my new Deeluxe Track 325s, TD2s, and Prior 173 4WD, and go like hel--heck, dig some trenches, and not kill myself in the process! Wish me luck.

In the meantime, I'll ride my Yamaha VMax a bit, catch some fish, maybe shoot a buck, play with my new grandchildren, and have some fun in the Adirondacks of NY--my home.

As much as I LOVE snowboarding, summer is just so short up here, I hope we have a long hot one before all the leaves drop to the ground.

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Nothing special. Stay healthy, maybe start wearing my helment. Recover from nagging thumb and rib injuries from this year.

I want to ride more away from Snoqualmie where I have spent way too much time over the last three years. Maybe a little in Vancouver and for sure much more at Timberline. In any case I expect to stay around 100 days.

My riding continues to evolve and I don't really have specific goals for next year. By far the best run I had all last year was after a couple of shots of Jaeger. That was just before the fall that took out my thumb. In retrospect is was worth it to just go for it without the constant holding back/self preservation that seems to take over as I get older. Still, I probably won't try that again.

I guess I am not a good role model..... so it goes.

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1) 50+ days on the snow for the third consecutive year.

2) Instruct again at Jiminy and be a Crew leader.

3) Remain :"unbroken"

4) Perfect my left (heel) side with dropping the hip and opening the hand to the hill a bit more for a true euro carve..... ( hope for good consistent conditions allowing such)

5) attend SES. (and ESES)

6) collect unemployment for 3 months and still have a good chef job in april to return to :)

7) Have another Mountain Dew Vertical challenge First Place medal, and hopefully take home the allusive "fastest boarder of the day" monster of a paperweight trophy that I've missed by mere tenths of seconds for the past 3 years :mad:

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1) Get out to CO to visit Thor.

2) Get my friends onto alpine boards.

3) Get my girlfriend to actually GO snowboarding, and possibly carving.

4) Mount bindings to and ride the Crazy Banana.

5) Develop my binding idea into a prototype...

6) Snowboard everyday possible...

7) Make it to one of the 'Expression Sessions'

8) Meet more great people that are on this site.

9) Ride some more new terrain.

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