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Loon/WV Opening Days


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Bonzi, I do pet the kitty at the end of the season for a day trip or two. Its great to mix it up with the kids to go to other mountains, but I never left there saying I want to come back in winter conditions on an Alpine board. From what I remember the top is choppy , its like cutting through Boston during rush hour. They do have a wide groomer towards the bottom, with some nice long rollers, but again, allot of zig zagging to get to that 1 trail. 

What are you riding when you go ? 


P.S I guess we should getting some snow for a snorkel day on Sunday, because Glen Plake is at the Loaf and he brought snow with him. 

Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
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32 minutes ago, trailertrash said:

You should be aware that the great Gilmore has rated Loon as "fun easy carving".

Yeah I saw that...………………………..What's funny about that, is we rode with him one day a long while back at the honorably  mentioned LOON, I want to say 2004-05. This was the old crew though, Petabilt and Manch Mike and pack of community smokes. JG wouldn't leave the kissing cousins triple chair I recall, which is "easy carving" but not fun. It's so flat you have to do pump turns to keep your speed, That trail is under a low chair lift usually filled with over served cougars looking for low lying fruit, and the trail funnels you to the Bunyan room which has 100's of deck spectators, who have great view of the last 200 yards of the trail. Truth be told the last 75 yards of that trail has great pitch and a single fall line, which is rare for the "easy" terrain. Hollywood loves ending his day there,  another plus is its even closer to the 100's of spectators who get a better view of the show. Example:  If CMC would ever come up and visit, he wouldn't leave that trail either, he'd eat it up and probably pad his stats in the Bunyan room after  !!

But we'll take the press, any press is good press, even if its bad press.  I'm shocked LOON was even honorably mentioned. I think it was only mentioned because it is arguably the carving mecca of the east coast...…….just sayin !!

GFY's and Go Pats !!!!

P.S I did however leave LOON that day with a 2nd generation MADD !!!! Thanks to Mike B and John G for trusting me to mail them a check if I liked it, after I rode it the following weekend !!! 



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Went  Monday , Wednesday, lower flume was good groom. Lower mt, N Star was a bit loose in the middle at some spots, but still good, Seven Bro , Rampasture , a little chunky hard, but still can cut into it, Coolage was very good=best  lower mt..  Overall good carve every where, good snow on edges of trails,  just watch for chunkies and skied off middles.  Still kind of pick and choose carve in some areas.  But after this past snow last night, should all be much better.   12 to 20" snow forecast, will see, but this next week should be the best.

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Powda day at LOON = Hysteria !!!

The perfect storm, POWDA day, MLK long weekend, all the cliché's in the mile long lift line, then 9,000 people flat out strugglin once it gets chopped up in 15 min !!!

Wind hold on all the chairs except the Kanc quad and the Seven brother triple. It was like a crash up derby, carnage everywhere. 

Still coming down at a good clip, so tomorrow and Tuesday will be a perfect All-mtn day. 

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RA- How bad was is today ? Just got the snow condition forecast from LRT and they said to put a hairy edge on the kid's slalom skis for this weekends races. Let me know what the snow was like, though  ? 

I'll be out early and hopefully often Saturday with my new Coiler Chubb III.  Switching over to the recently warranty replaced Kessler Cross for my afternoon lesson with the Swede. 


P.S Survived another week in Vegas. Started off rough though with a 29hr heater, which lead me getting escorted by security back to my room. Left Lincoln NH Monday morning at 1:30am, went to bed at 3am the following day Vegas time. Woke up with one pocket full of black jack chips, and the other pocket I had a 1/2 empty pack of Marlboro lights and I was fully clothed and a dip still in my mouth. 

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With much regret, I could not do  a single carve today any where , even being on the MK.  Spent some time w/others talking big about  last Wednesday in the bunyan.   We need another snow storm.  

The skiers seemed to like it a bit, sliding and the likes.


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JD- there's a couple runs at the cat that are fun carvers-Catapault, Cheetah and some other things that end in "Cat". There's one run under the Bobcat chair that's pretty fun as well. Really depends on where the traffic is headed. It's not a carver's mt for sure but..

It definitely favors shorter lengths so I find myself on the madd158 more..rode Nirvana Saturday, powder sunday on winterstick and skied the afternoon. Monday was brutal cold-kitty closed-bloody bar open..case closed. Give it a go again on superbowl weekend. Sunday is always great since everyone is off mt by noon. 

Time to start making loaf pilgrimages...January has left it's skid marks..we're on to February

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The fellas and I shrapled it up today. 

Porn Star was carnage by 10, from the 3 of us. The money maker was lower rum, B net, good pitch, my feet almost came out of my boots a couple times. The new Chubb is MINT, literally. 

Got about 4 Verbal BJ's during lunch break over at LRT a real ski racer strong hold.  

Quote of the day is a tie between " Do you eva snowbod "  and " my machine is at Pro Equipment Rental in for repair......Those F-in guys..………" 

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It was a good weekend at Loon. You had to be aggressive and show no fear. The firm surface had a ton of grip if you were brave enough to get after it. Rode K board SL on Saturday and Coiler 182 on Sunday. The Coiler is the most damp board I have ever ridden, I had to get used to running it fast and jamming the nose in on the initiation, that board is a ripper on ice. Already looking forward to getting out next weekend. Goon Wrecking Rules! 

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4 hours ago, Hollywood 90210 said:


How did TEAM32 do at WV?

She did well, 14th overall for U12's out of 52 U12's, and 32nd overall for U12 & U14 girls out of 109 girls. Only one other 1st year U12 beat her, so she's pumped. Used a mix between Old snow cold and Old snow universal, seemed greasy, thanks Coach !!! OJ could have used her edges as the murder weapon !?!?!?!?! 

Like her Dad, Slalom is not her thing, onto GS for the next 4 qualifiers. They take the top 25 out of each age group for State finals. So she should be good if she takes care of business.

FSC and WVBBTS are still the beast of the State, LRT is gaining on them, but clearly still 3rd, which is disappointing. I'm convinced that the programs that have a rope tows, and no lift lines have a huge advantage. More cycles through the gates, the whole day on your legs, more alone time on a rope top to gather your thoughts, etc, etc.



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On 1/28/2019 at 2:10 PM, MR. JOHN DEERE ! said:

I'm convinced that the programs that have a rope tows, and no lift lines have a huge advantage. More cycles through the gates, the whole day on your legs, more alone time on a rope top to gather your thoughts, etc, etc.


I concur. But how dare you bring rational thought to the proceedings.

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Gonna be MINT this weekend, I'm just gonna send it...……………………….on Hollywoods NSAHHHH !

Should be corky Saturday, and chalky Sunday, Love when the trenches are only 1/2" into the snow. 

P.S I heard there is going to be a mini session at SPOS. Couple wide hipped grey beards on some BX Schticks. 

aka 7 piles of $hit

aka Sunday River 

Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
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Our verbal blowjob count is way up from previous years. Most impressed are the ski racers on the hill, with daily

Ka-clug-clug, big gulp slurpy conversations with them wanting to rail turns on a snowboard. 

What we don't do is, internally give VBJ's to one another. We are still on the tough love method, with verbal jab aimed at one another, every chance we get. Nature versus nurture up at the Exit 32 on the weekends. 

True,  membership is down to 3 GUY$, but the tip of the $word is still in tact.  

So..... to answer your question TT, we still $end it !!!!!

Trying to get some old friends up/ova for a visit, and a quick little vid from the Main Grip, to put these rumors at rest.  

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1 hour ago, MR. JOHN DEERE ! said:

Our verbal blowjob count is way up from previous years. Most impressed are the ski racers on the hill, with daily

Ka-clug-clug, big gulp slurpy conversations with them wanting to rail turns on a snowboard. 


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Weekend recrap:

Turned out to be a manufactured good day with da BOYZ. With a couple days of rain then a deep freeze Friday.  Most people would have had a rough time, but with some experience on icy conditions, we were able to make a couple turns down Upper Walking Boss and Coolidge Street.    

A couple of the BOYZ came prepared for battle, with some very sharhp Kesslers and their thick grey beards. I had intentions on mounting up one of AJ Muss's old Kessler's, but after further review, NOTHING IS EVER FREE. So I grabbed a modest 168 Kessler cross, to see how she would do on the ice. Answer= mint. 

Now on to the debauchery

Fact: the numbers are way down, due to injuries, and in some cases domestics. So its really down to 3 of the BOYZ left. Again VBJ's are as high as ever, and we are still making friends everywhere we go. Still cant figure out how to get a pair of pants to last longer than 4 days for some us, but he has plenty of room in his Van to store duct tape and Free Candy for the kids. 

Recruiting: Spicoli. Very strong soft boot rider with one day of alpine experience. Old school rider, from back in the day, but he's ready to do the paperwork for a tryout. held his own n the ice on a what looked to be a dull deck, but definitely held his own on the chairlift rides. Sunday while our girls were over at Cannon, we were able to chat for a good 30 min, before my Dad swung over to bust his balls about being a snowboarder. He took it like a champ. 

So GUY, get your GUY on a set up quick, before he looses his T32 man chubb. 

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