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Everything posted by lordmetroland

  1. With XL El Hefes, my mileage is s***. The combo turns Power Plates into Mr. Softee Plates.
  2. Yes and no. Especially for big, dopey clown-footers like me. The metal chassis on Ride El Hefes cuts off right in front of the toe strap, leaving about 1/5 the EVA footbed with no support but the board underneath. Which is fine when there is board underneath, but the Power Plates don't extend much further than the chassis when adjusted for Bigfoot, leaving only the flaccid EVA footbed to support toesides and thereby defeating the purpose of the heavy Power Plates. Turning to XL Now O-drives, their footprint exceeds that of the Power Plate. The bumpers that support the binding, when seated on the Power Plates, hang off the sides by more than half. This may work, but any lateral movement under stress could send the bumper over the edge, likely causing the structure to fail. XL flows are fine, but again exceed the footprint of the Power Plate. These are the only brands I've tried... More evidence in the snowboarding industry of systemic discrimination against clowns. True that. May have been sourced by the Black Snow people. However, Ride components swap out beautifully in the FR2s. The fit is near perfect.
  3. So weird. I also tried my helpful hat on earlier for this thread. It quickly felt awkward and uncomfortable and I was relieved to replace it with the careworn a**hole hat.
  4. As well you should. But Mario’s Hi-Vis jodhpurs might make one wake up in a cold sweat. A daring choice.
  5. And naked snowboarding. I'm supportive of this suggestion.
  6. Brilliant. As binding angles and stance width increase, heel/toe lift will also need to increase (to some limit that's presumably less than the set of encyclopedias that our gentle poster is currently experimenting with) to maintain the comfort/power balance. This also - at least in my diseased mind - answers the question in another thread of why softbooters don't generally employ toe/heel lift: they don't need it. But as stance width increases, they will go looking for cant. The Beckmann manifesto is very useful, particularly the bits about DIY log splitters.
  7. Happy to be the idiot sitting at the feet of the masters here. Maybe a one line "what is the whole point of toe/heel lift" statement might help our friend? Clearly it's not "to make the front foot flat by canceling out boot ramp which would require a ridiculous amount of wedging."
  8. Unsafe At Any Speed, indeed.
  9. Coincidentally, that’s the newest Ben&Jerry’s flavor...
  10. Time to listen to the full Minutemen canon. D Boon was a supernova.
  11. Ah, the soothing tones of Alan Vega...it’s making me drowsy. Or maybe it’s these massive doses of Haldol. Either way, I was hoping to be released before the season started but, alas, I’m back in restraints.
  12. Laugh all you want but clearly that s*** worked.
  13. The over/under on this one seems to be 50 years old. Right around the time colonoscopies go from something to laugh about to something to dread. Having crossed that boundary, it's a protective instinct to not offer one's posterior in such an inviting manner.
  14. By that logic, if you're going to be cremated, you might as well just burn the bedroom down now.
  15. Exhibit A on why interstate immigration must be outlawed. Shayla should either get with the program of leaving your kids out all day in brutal cold or move the hell back to Missouri.
  16. It’s easier than having to repeatedly show your Jerry ID Card.
  17. I’m amused just thinking about this. Like an all day sack race.
  18. That’s what you get for taking up the whole roadway with your big, looping turns...
  19. The pattern looks like it might have been taken from Ethel Mertz’s housecoat, but I don’t think that’s detrimental. Unless you object to being beaten by Loveland toughs.
  20. Enough obfuscation with your "sensible comparisons" and "knowledge of Scandinavia." Clearly the point is that we have found the vaccine and it is homelessness. Finally, a compelling reason to get out from under this crushing mortgage and the suffocating expectations of my suburban neighbors. Freedom (and health) is waiting for me under a bridge!
  21. I don’t know anyone who died this year. Evidently the death problem is solved!
  22. Beef yes; stew never. Get yer stains right, Gremlin driver...
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