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Everything posted by lordmetroland

  1. In your Sansabelts and white loafers...
  2. Now you mention it, I’m surprised the run was on toilet paper and not tin foil. I know I’ve stocked up on Reynolds Wrap. It has the highest deflection factor.
  3. If you substituted "Larry Ellison" for "Bill Gates" I'd be nodding vigorously in agreement. As far I can make out, Bill Gates is a whole lot less sinister than when he took over the world in the 90s. Unless, of course, you're malaria in which case he truly is a treacherous, sinister SOB. You aren't malaria, are you?
  4. You’re lucky you came out with both UCLs intact with those big yellow thumbs all exposed! That seems to be the en vogue injury in our neighborhood.
  5. Wait, you’re telling me I “have to visualize a clothoid anti-derivative curve?!?” I have enough people at home whose job is to make me feel stupid, I’m not sure I should have to pay for the privilege here...
  6. That dude is reminiscent of some members of this forum in the “having figured out life” department. Makes me feel, rightly, like a schmendrick.
  7. Yeah, well that's all really great if you're into bliss and health and peace and prosperity and virtue and all that other s*** that's for wankers. Sturm und drang all the way for me, baby! Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger! Or weaker to the point that something not very threatening at all finishes me off.
  8. Ah, The Pass. About 1,300 skiable acres, maybe 3 of which were groomed. Some of my happiest days were spent at Berthoud. Most of my best snowboarding days too. And where I learned one of life's great truisms: Minivans NEVER stop for hitch hikers.
  9. Nice cover-up Beckmann. The source article actually reads:
  10. That is a great picture! If Burton has even a shred of reverence for their own history, they will outfit the next Olympic Snowboard Team with that exact, awesome getup.
  11. F*** me, what I wouldn't give to be a "40 year old on a snowboard..."
  12. Bring on the sadcore; I get my daily sodium allowance by lapping up my own tears.
  13. Great idea. I'm pretty sure this girl has some available time since she's no longer leading the crew team at USC.
  14. Then I want to see a picture of the teen mounted to the counter holding the jar in his mouth.
  15. Grabbed a jar of chunky, no-stir peanut butter out of the pantry to replace the hated, now empty creamy stir-in peanut butter. Opened it to find it was another fully separated jar of creamy. Now my f***ing arm is tired and I'm too mad for peanut butter.
  16. 'Cos even in the best of times I'm a vituperative SOB. Now..?
  17. Right on! Without hearing protection, please...
  18. Good god. First no kissing, now no playing with feces!? The world is truly a cold and pleasureless place...
  19. Good question. I’d say 170-230? I’m really just making stuff up. I go about 195 and it’s fine for me.
  20. I have been smote and repent of my wretchedness. Henceforth, i will not cast aspersions on this noble, coiled style as "silly looking." In feline solidarity, I will raise my bottom to the skies, my brothers. Not only on softer, surf-style Japanese boards where it is sometimes necessary, but on ALL boards, regardless of tail length or stiffness! As a show of good faith, here are some other things I no longer consider silly looking: Synchronized swimming Rhythmic gymnastics Cup stacking Jazzercise Oh god, the boredom...
  21. A coherent argument that seems reasonable and is based on experience. And I suspect it's true. And, at the same time, I'm pretty sure that Japanese snowboards are not solely responsible for the cat-butt scourge among my fellow soft booters, like this fellow on the Never Summer site. Oh well, as with most things, I'm probably wrong...
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