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Everything posted by Kneel

  1. Intuitions saved my 700's from the For Sale forum. They are SO good now and I'm sure a professional can make them better than I could with my hot sock filled with rice.
  2. Nowhere in the northeast. It's just a zoo. Sugarloaf and Sunday River earn honorable mention. Stratton. I love the place, been riding there 30 days a year since '87, but it's certainly not the best place for carving. Kick out every New Yorker with someone from NJ or CT strapped to their back then MAYBE. Though Upper Kidderbrook(when it's open) might be one of my favorite trails for carving, but ride on any other day than Tuesday or Wednesday off peak and it's kook central. Okemo has better carving terrain and conditions, but again high kook density.
  3. Positive mental attitude, Corey. It's pretty extraordinary the human body on how quickly it can heal when you have the proper mindset.
  4. Interesting. From a racers experience, freeriding, or both? I carry those t-nuts as spares and have never had to use them yet. Like I said, I have nothing really to justify why, other than zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance...
  5. Oh, try out Intuition Luxury liners in the 700. I thought the stock liners were fine, but was getting some slight upward heel movement. Not any more with the Intuitions. And they are ghetto fabulous in gold.
  6. I think you made the right choice going from the RS to the Titanflex. I've used my son's RS plenty of times without issue and if Sean says no worries I would value his opinion. HOWEVER, I just prefer the metal baseplate over the plastic RS. Just added piece of mind I guess. I wish the CNC toe bails were readily available for the F2 then I would be set, otherwise I'm swapping out the plastic ones every 3 years. Whether it's warranted or not, just piece of mind...
  7. F2 Ti Race Step ins. I'm 6'1" and 200. It's nice not having to negotiate around my belly to get at toe bails. If you're set on Sean building you something, consider the Flux. It really is a versatile board, especially for the robust conditions we have in the northeast. I have a few built with 22cm waists for us bigger guys that I ride with hardboots. I'd be happy to meet up at Mountain Creek if you'd like to try them out.
  8. Just throwing this out there. It's pretty damn good as a hardboot board as well in just about any conditions you can throw at them. I have 162(original) and 168(bomber) Fluxes with 22cm waist, 8.5-10 scr and they are the smoothest boards I've ever been on. Point and shoot predictability too. They are my late morning boards and they just beat northeast crud into submission.
  9. 1998. Love that 162 UP, especially the first year. 99 and 00 seemed a bit more tame.
  10. In order for any meaningful improvement to occur, you need push yourself just past where you are comfortable. Once that becomes the new comfortable, push a little further. Simple. Living and riding where we do, trying to shoehorn days in whenever you can, compounded by work and kids schedules, it's dam'n near impossible. Now throw in sub par conditions where it's more like dodge-ball than riding and you have a surefire recipe for mediocrity. It's impossible to focus on technique in those conditions unless you live on a mountain and can do it several times a week. I'm floored by how much I've improved, and I suck by most standards, by taking short quiet weekday sessions at local hills where I can actually focus on technique rather than the transfer of potential to kinetic energy of hundreds of skiers and riders of which I'm at the epicenter. I live in NJ, but my boys are at AOF so I've worn a path in I84. Mt. Southington is EMPTY at 10am on weekdays. Also, consider the MCC. We need more east coast dudes...
  11. How far out over the front of the slider is the bail? F2 cautions to NOT go past flush. That's a LOT of leverage to put on that single retaining screw. A pair of large toe sliders are $80. Cheap peace of mind if you ask me.
  12. Is that a Flux with UPM and an MK? I thought conditions were pretty good on Thanksgiving for November. I should have stayed a few more days...
  13. @barryj Just to circle back on the Intuition Luxury liners. LOVE them. Only 2 days on them so far, but the most comfortable yet firm liners I've used. Self molded/fitted as per Intuition's instruction. M29 2018 Deeluxe Track 700 shells, had barely two fingers and went with HV M29 liners. A little snug getting feet in and out, but a dream once they are on and there is zero heel lift. The tongue laces really keep things in place. A little long though and managing them is annoying, but that's really my only gripe. I think the Dreamliners would have been a little too soft. FWIW...
  14. And to compare apples to apples, the F2 Titanflex, which is basically the upgrade of a stainless steel center disc, plastic riser and hard foam heel and toe pads, sure it's lighter than the TDSW, but there's no comparison in quality. And I'm not bashing F2. That's all I'm using nowadays. But really scrutinize the plastic on the F2 now, where it was just set and forget on my TD's. FWIW...
  15. @icebiker I'm 6'1" 200lbs. I wouldn't use the RS. HOWEVER, my son does and we've swapped boards numerous times throughout the day. My fat ass hasn't broken anything yet. But that doesn't mean it's right either. New F2 Ti's are what $260 shipped from Canada with the exchange rate. That's half way to the TD3. But compare materials of the two side by side and to me the TD3 doesn't seem that expensive. I think the price is fair.
  16. @barryj The Deeluxe heel harness fits around and over the LINER, not between the liner and foot from what I understand. Which makes more sense. The picture is deceptive. But I would stay away from it for other reasons, namely the plastic buckle that would be pushing against the liner and into my shin. There was one similar in the old bomber store...
  17. I think the color is fabulous. ? But not as (ghetto) fabulous as the gold buckles on the black 700. Love those...
  18. Kneel

    Virus BX 168cm.

    My son has it and there is ZERO chance you will see this board for sale again. ? Seriously though, he loves it and it compliments his frenetic riding style. I rode it and found it rather bland. I suspect it was built for a lighter rider as his 5'11" 155lb frame threw it anywhere he wanted it to go whereas my 6'1" 200lbs of atrophied doughyness just beat it into boring submission. Typical Virus though. High quality. Rigoddamndiculous edge hold...
  19. I'll just leave these here for your review. While I love the Geckos, my non-engineer gut and first person experience tells me the fingers will be a liability in what you describe. This was with F2 Ti bindings. You can see the outline in the second picture. I suspect the metal edge of the binding compromised the structure first then the rest catastrophically failed, but was it excess flex of the finger that permitted the metal edge to come in contact first? The geckos also began to delam at the bumper, but I'll have to track down those pictures. Perhaps it was a bad batch? Dunno, but I'd look at the fingerless Kessler equivalent before the geckos...
  20. Queue porn music. Bow chicka bow bow...
  21. I think you're right on with 2000. I remember seeing BOTH those boards on numerous occasions and watching those guys from the gondola absolutely throttling Upper Standard. Watching and thinking I seriously needed to up my game...
  22. Yep. That could just as easily have been Stratton just to the north where it's black and white even on sunny days from November to March. Only thing it's missing is a shitton of New Yorkers...
  23. I've tried that on my PJ6. Once. ? Mark just shipped my 8RW...?
  24. Dave, I'll take the Full Carve if still available. ?
  25. I've used 1/2lb mass loaded vinyl before that I had lying around for soundproofing. It's 1/16" thick, super durable and smooths out the ride a smidge. I cut them just 1/4" wider and made a 1/2" wide gasket for the center disk. Sorry, no pics. Don't have TD1's any more. You can find MLV at Homies and Lowes. Or just plastidip?
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