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Everything posted by dhamann

  1. don't think i posted this here, but going through old photos. some toes and heels.
  2. toe strap caution for softboot carvers. watch the buckles. depending on how you ride and how low you like to go, the buckles may catch on toeside turns. easy solution is to just adjust strap accordingly (maybe swap R strap to L and vice versa) to go over the top of the boot, regardless of the strap being a toe cap design. it rides fine. happy shredding and those A-10's look clean!
  3. is that even possible from a couple weeks ago? like a bad day in CO. i actually liked the boiler plate conditions i found at Crotched last week though. a little variation is nice. rip it up!
  4. i have the same boots, but almost sold them after about five rides (after molding liners). i was getting wicked shin bang and couldn't figure out how to adjust to avoid this. hopefully you don't have any issues, but if you do, here's my experience with this boot... a booster strap around liner at top of cuff (behind shell) is what helped with shin bang. some folks prefer around the outer part of the shell and liner cuff... whatever works. also, i would highly, like extremely highly recommend the BTS system for any deeluxe boot. more money, i know but more comfort that you won't care what it costs once you ride with them. get the most out of those days you're able to get out and happy riding.
  5. I don’t know the difference between Austrian vs Swiss made but it doesn’t appear to have a Swiss symbol on the “R” of “Kessler” on topsheet or base. Could be an indicator? Also, is there something going on with the sidewall near the tail and numbers? Numbers on tail could be indicator of age too? Haven’t been around this alpine gear too long to confirm but there’s gotta be someone to help get this board a nice home, if rideable. Kant go wrong with a Kessler.
  6. depends on binding angles and of course personal preference. i will agree to disagree. center binding over center of plates correlated to binding angle, with the front binding heel edge bumped up one hole slot due to higher load pressure on heel edge. in my mind, this evenly distributes pressures to the edge. for me. potato potatoe
  7. looking for specs. ie, how high riser extensions are (10mm?), durometer of bumpers, bumper options, plate thickness composite, etc. i see two plate options depending on width of board, but not any tech info. assume they're all pretty much identical to gecko cross and carve plates. definitely a sigh of relief knowing there's another set of bx plates out there, with gecko/apex gone. thanks for sharing.
  8. no need to demo an orca with step ins when you can just keep this.
  9. most snowboarders ride what marketing tells them to ride. if you're into numbers... lift/cant on softies is irrelevant for 99.99999999990187% of riders with the ability to notice any such of a difference, like it and have it affect their ability and performance in a turn *and* in a positive way. you can't carve three sixties without a heel lift cause you use your toes to press. that was a joke. sharpen and wax, yes. lifts/cants, gimmicks. hence, the SOFT boots. lift/cant makes sense in a rigid plastic boot and believe it has helped my personal riding, but even with the stiffest soft boot i don't believe in it whatsoever.
  10. @workshop7 likewise. pick of the week looks like thursday next week. following week at loaf. stellar conditions out there.
  11. i'm seeing less. the two hills i've raced at in past years aren't doing any adult racing. i've moved onto a third option running a <20 second course. yes. times are tough. that tough. kids getting stripped of a lot of things and this certainly isn't what they wanna hear, or their investors. by investors, i mean parents, family and those who support the athletes. agree, it sucks. good thing there's more to snowboarding than racing and competition. get out and shred.
  12. Good firm snow that holds anything you can give it. Gonna have to get a little more tomorrow mid day I think. More terrain opening up this weekend it looked like with mounds of snow all over skyway trail and guns lined out under the sunbowl lift. It’s only getting better out there.
  13. bluebird high 20's today. gonna be a day. k68 start, pantera or winterstick bx afternoon. cooler is full.
  14. stay clear of attitash. continuing terrain and lift issues, crowding, etc. sunapee and crotched still trying to get half the trails open. tough year all around so far. sunapee can be worth a day or two, but not a whole week late february. for the drive and no problem w/ quarantine, go to VT if you can get lodging. have yet to get to okemo but hear it's good. good luck to anyone anywhere on MLK weekend.
  15. a LOT of board here. great deal too Jack! if i didn't already have almost an identical board to this, i'd take it. someone at cva should snatch this up. one of the better bx race boards available to purchase. stiff, damp, holds, rails, bombs. not for the faint of heart. good luck with the sale. one lucky person is getting a deal here with this one!
  16. it's not the size of the dog in the fight. it's the size of the fight in the dog.
  17. bump for board buying season. it's that time of year again... (350 firm local w/out shipping if anybody knows someone)
  18. PM'd update: board arrived safe and sound. nice quick and easy transaction with @MIROSLAV
  19. messaged you about coiler angry and the oxess. think the oxess is gone, but still curious about angry specs/condition/age.
  20. @Ladia PM'd regarding coiler angry and oxess.
  21. was the slice a collaborative experiment that led to the contra? talking sidecuts and flex pattern executions here. however, the slice was designed for softies? i think any softy is a little out of the box for Bruce, but dam does he build a nice bxfr! just professional quality equipment mastery. i have only seen/heard of the contra being on alpine/hardboot/mono/etc boards.
  22. screenshot from video. Not so good quality. Bxfr68.
  23. @Jack M ya but what socks did you ride? I liked the course sets at Shawnee when I did either usasa or the moonlight challenge thing. The Maine series usasa courses were fun and the only time I could race a true GS board. River was awesome too. Clean courses with a couple outlier gates. A couple. Not my experience at some other mountains. The space on a trail has a lot to do with a set too. Or building bx courses for 90lb kids and sending it with 200lbs+. It can be sketchy to race but also a different kind of challenge just to ride for adults.
  24. no wonder the handicaps! i told myself to try to Okemo for daily nastar but never happened. definitely next year. the evening adult race league nastar course sets at crotched and definitely pats peak are more appropriate to slalom boards, or softies. i ran a K68 once or twice, but SB most weeks. way too much skidding with a GS board except for the last four gates. reference back to the reason for choosing the appropriate gear in bx; recovery. i'll also point out that the pats peak course is set over the top of rather significant ruts from previous training. it was downright dangerous at some times and horrible beyond being challenging. good thing most of the skiers/riders are really good and can navigate around potential season ending injuries. from what i can see of @patmoore video above... that looks like more of a gs set course to me. the Innkeepers race might be set with more flow intentionally like an EICSL race, so kind of turns into a wax race at that point. would it be fair to say that there isn't any nastar GS course or usasa bx course set that's going to compare to a high level WC course (snowboard specific)? so equipment choice ultimately shouldn't matter. maybe it's more about tuning and maintenance along with technique and skill with regards to us regular folks. and of course luck with a side of liquid encouragement. there's stiffer/softer equipment and boards with large/small sidecuts in both HB or SB. read that one again. each have their own advantages/disadvantages. also have their own limits. also have their own fun factor. to each their own and go with what's most comfortable under your feet. no excuses. i try not to beat myself up too much about chasing gates. especially in a recreational setting. we're still snowboarding. have fun. fourth place, come and get it.
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