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Everything posted by pokkis

  1. Agree, even board builders dont so much puttin inserts to thinner section, but for plate working that is best available setup I have one board with ASL insert setup and another with GS, so i made mechanics that can be used for both with same plate. Just by changing left side mechanics to right side and vice versa You get it if you think.
  2. Allflex ones, note there are two versions, ASL/W-GS and M-GS
  3. I think new one is only on limited EC-version
  4. One more vote for Crab Grab Shark Teeth Stomp Pad $11.95 Color: glow in the dark
  5. I used speed wax, or rubbed normal generic wax and then "ironed" it with Skimd.
  6. http://www.i-carve.com is way to go, Ivan serves you with good price and service
  7. I'm skater since seventiies. And Windsurfer since same decade.
  8. I dont know how often carvers look up hill for straight liners, if it is safe place&time i look every second turn, otherwise after every turn. It is not so hard if you get used to do it.
  9. I want to have few nicely linked turns. and beat few guys on race track.
  10. Which model is that 164? How you like it?
  11. Allflex, Smooth Operator plate is designed for that
  12. Yes, that board is as good as you said. Still need to test it without plate, but with plate it is joy ride.
  13. Just wondering why you "over tight" them ?
  14. I've been using MS with standard tongue and with softer of two standard springs, and DeeLuxes, and UPZ with red and black tongues. MS is great boot, very comfy, and i would have kept them, but i cold not survive with clip-in bindings, my stomach prevents me to close bindings so i returned to UPZ. Standard tongue of MS is equal for black one of UPZ, so there is none to compare to UPZ red one. Springs on them are easy to replace with standard industrial springs if ones provided are not soft enough.
  15. If dont use rubber pads on end of bases, i at least get nasty marks on board surface.
  16. Yes, if you get thin rubber pads to base ends and shorter screws
  17. For me that does no sense. I calculated few times turns, in Myrkdalen we made 60 turns per run, and one run takes bout 15-20 minutes, and on my local hill i get such numbers that i would multiply that 640 with quite high number. If you ride like 40-60KM per day i would say that one gets easily 2k+ turns per day if you are not in surfing mood.
  18. I wil get 70+ days instead of usual 50+ this year, but as usual have not learned anything new since mid/late ninteens, mainly just able fiddle some parts of my turns. Main learn was perhaps that regards of board i ride i can adjust better my riding according it. Which is not necessary good thing due that prevents defining if board is good or better
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