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#6 Snowboard Journal - This is THE ONE!


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OK, my apologies to Jason Ford at the Snowboard Journal. We just received the latest issue of Snowboard Journal (issue #6) and we forgot to announce this in the Bomber Newsletter that went out last night.

If you have not seen this issue or do not have a subscription to get this issue, you need to do so right now! I am talking 8 full color pages of carvers doing what they do best. Also, direct quotes from THIS forum by our own fellow posters. Quotes from Jack M, D-sub, Gecko, RCrobar, and a ton more. If you guys remember, Jason but up a thread simply asking "Why Carve?". These quotes are from that thread.

Pictures are from last seasons Summit Expression Session and are mostly taken at Ajax (main mnt. at Aspen). They include rock stars Chris Webster (helps with this site), Larry "The Butcher" Ledingham, Kevin McDougall, Tim Newburn, Christian Phillips, Norman Bemel, and Scott Phillips.

And thanks to James Cassimus for coming out to the SES and taking all those excellent shots.

This is by far the most press we have ever received for our sport in years. We should support these guys and buy the issue and give them (constructive) feedback. Would love to see more coverage in the future and our support would help to make this happen.

Thanks again Snowboard Journal

* Photo is of issue #5, and not #6


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Got mine today. I got home from work and plopped down and didn't move until I had looked at every page. It took about 45 minutes. I had a great inspiration while reading the ARC article:

BomberOnline Magazine

Jason Ford and Jon Foster are already set up running one magazine. Maybe they'd take on another one say, a bi-monthly issue. Like SJ, you'd have a small advertising base, reader-supported, and who can turn down snow porn?

I'm thinking about another magazine masthead: PLATEBOY, is that too close to the original? I wonder if Hef would mind? Hey, that'd make a great t-shirt for summer. I'll let you know if I can get some pressed locally. What should replace the bunny? I ride at Beaver Mountain. How about a beaver? :)


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"...when it comes to discussing carvers' passion, there is a clear and definite epicenter: bomberonline.com. Bomber's owner, Fin Doyle has created an online community of carvers whose exchanges are as passionate as Star Wars fans, as welcoming as snowboarders were in the early days, and truly representative of the carving population at large."

"Snowboard Journal 006", pg 078

Congrats Fin on the props. The photos were pretty amazing too.

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Originally posted by bschurman

Does anyone know a news stand in the Boston area that I can pick this up at? I won a free subscription at the SES but it does not start until the August issue and I really want to check this one out.



I got mine at Barnes and Noble.

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I got mine in the mail and was happy to show my wife that there are others with a similar addiction. I also got a renewal notice in the mail and was sort of iffy on the renewal due to expense even though I love the Magazine. when I told my wife I was iffy she said she would do the 2 year renewal and that we should, to support the guys who are putting out a quality mag and following their passion and want to bring it to the masses. I think she saw how stoked I was about my little sentence ( lame I know) and wants to see these guys succeed. How cool is she for that ? And how cool are those guys for listening to us and getting the word out? Thanks to SBJ!

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I got on a snowboard for the first time in 1993 at Wachusett Mt in central Massachusetts, wool coat and all, and never stepped into skis ever again. That season I put on hardboots 'cause they were easier to control the board. Then we (my bro and I, Christian) got the Snowboard Life March 1997 with "Carving Capitals" and we were in disbelief. As slalom water skiers, this looked like the Holy Grail in pulling G's to us. We had not really seen anyone do this on the east coast to this extent, except one guy each at Shawnee Peak, ME, Wildcat, NH, and Loon Mtn NH. I would carry this issue in my backpack, looking for instructors to teach me. I kept one page in my jacket pocket in a Ziploc bag to show anyone on the mountain who might steer me in the right direction. I ran into some carvers, but no one could lay it down. After a 1998 trip to Heavenly, our first trip West, we hoped we might get some carving mojo (we still sucked). Then we saw in SBL the calling for the first Pure Carve Expression Session 1999, the pioneer of what now is routine for carving sessions. We scraped our money and went to the Carving Capital, Buttermilk and the 2 mtns (Aspen was still off limits). There we saw all of our heroes from that tattered 1997 SBL issue (that is still in my back pack, just taken out for these scans)....Larry Ledingham, Dave Teteak, Will Garrow, Cliff Ahumada, and in others, we finally saw in real life that it was not just photo ops, but sinuous carves and rips (depending on who it was). Through subsequent annual Sessions, the purchases of Pure Carve 175s (as do Larry Ledingham; as go we...) and "training" at Toggenburg Mtn in central NY, we exponentially improved as we rode with these gracious mentors, including Norm Bemel and Phil Cross, who are the most capable and best styled riders we've seen in the world IMHO (the world does come to Aspen to carve). To be honored among all of the dozens of superb carvers, the thousands of photos the Mag photogs (Cassimus et al) took over the past years since a carving article has come out, and for me and my bro to appear in the same issue TOGETHER (pure coincidence, per Jason at SJ), AND on the same pages as our style hero Larry Ledingham, indomitable Norm Bemel, and the humble stealth of Chris Webster. It is a an unimaginable dream come true for my bro and I to be associated with them. Luckily, all of us on this site have a beacon to decades of carving years ahead of us, as gracefully exhibited by Iwo Jima vet Dick Spector, age 77 or 78 years young. Carving is THE MOST enjoyable sport and has the coolest people to rideup the lift with, and of course, "share in the stoke" (Cliff Ahumada) on the way down.

Thanks to all for a great ride! And to decades more! BRO!!!!!!!!


(Thanks Fin for the site!)


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I - like my bro (Scott above) - also started snowboarding in 1993, but in Switzerland - Grindelwald/Berner Oberland (which happens to be one of the Swiss boys’ - Pureboarding’s - home mountains). I was fortunate to have learned in Europe where they pretty much ONLY had hard boot set-ups to rent (and Hooger Booger boards I might add!). I as well - like my bro, from that point forward - never looked back at/considered skis again. Wow – now closing out our 12th season! As so well stated by my bro – so many great people in this tight knit carving community. In our beginning expression session years; all so open and willing in sharing a personal style/technique tip or two and offering some constructive criticism (thank you Will Garrow - for watching me, for the lift ride analysis, and for letting me follow you and emulate). In all expression sessions; hootin’ and hollerin’ from the chairlifts and of course reliving the entire day’s dream over some cold brew out in the setting sun at the base of Government (Bumps). What great memories with great friends. So much yet to look forward to...

Thank you Fin/Bomber for allowing an everlasting electronic happy hour for discussing and sharing all the awesome aspects of this unique healthy addiction and continuing to carry the “session” torch from west to east coast.

Thank you Jason, Jon and James for renewing all of our prescriptions to this AWESOME drug!

Thank you BRO for the EPIC synchronized corduroy music runs, whether leading or following - it’s so great to be in the same ROCKIN’ music video with you!! “Cominnnn’ down the Mountaaaiiinnnn…”

Yes - to decades more, -

------- Christian.

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Just picked up my copy today. The whole magazine is very nice, beautiful photos and quality although at $CDN17 still a mite steep...

Anyways the carving article was nice to see. The photos were great, my favourite was the one of Scott Phillips. I even got a quote (along with damn near everyone else on BOL), so yay.

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I threw down my 13 bucks ( jesus! ) without much thought at Borders. liked the groomer pics,( reminded my of my computer!) but the content was mostly blurbs from BOL that I had already read. I really wish it had more meat...I was looking forward to a nice long informative rah-rah article.

I can still remember my first exposure to carving literature, Jack Michauds "bend zee knees"and others on SOL.com way back in '95. Those articles got me (dare I say) "stoked" to carve long before I really could. Jack's passionate articles made a huge difference. Not to suck up too much to JM, but they should have put that "craving the carve" article or something in the journal to give curious riders (and old ski salts) more to chew on.

Hopefully anyone with interest will take the cue and hit Bomberonline for info and inspiration.

Hope everyone can slice some last trenches this season!


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I don't know if this has been mentioned, but check out the travel article "Surfing The Andes". Hardboots and plates all around!Gotta be 50 degree+ plus stance angles on the Arbor A-Frame.

Cool stuff.

Hey Phillips broz-- what up? Were you guys at SES this year? Great to hear from you, I was wondering about you. I talked to Butcher last night on the phone. He's driving a taxi.

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Guest jeremiah

My copy *finally* arrived Friday. I was going to go straight to Vermont from the office, but stopped off to kiss my wife goodbye and the mag was in the mailbox. Had a great time reading it this weekend, now I get to go through it in detail.

I was suprised that nobody else had posted about the 'Surfing the Andes' article, especially since it involved Tom Burt. Another great issue, and another $12 well spent.


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Great photos as always- not that I collect footage of carving shots....but I had to buy the issue to reward editor + publisher for doing an article on carving. I also thought I might send JC the $13 directly.

Very nice indeed and great that they have people who read these articles who say "I wanna do that" and then direct them to BOL for info.

Carving before was such a dark art with no info- save a few occassional photos in a mag or in product literature.

I hope to see more footage and hopefully some more footage at higher speeds on steeper trails.

ROOOOOSter baby!


Grand marquis

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