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Jack M

Should Auctions be Allowed in the For Sale Forum?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Auctions be Allowed in the For Sale Forum?

    • Yes
    • No

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I had mentioned briefly in another thread that auction-style listings are now fair game.  I don't mean linking to eBay, I mean running an auction right here.  I hadn't given it much thought because I personally have no issue with them, but apparently some find auctions distasteful. So what do we think?  Yes/no?  Feel free to chime in.

*There's no actual mechanism for running an auction here, but it could easily be done by declaring a deadline and taking the highest bid by then.

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My personal opinion is that a big part of what makes this forum so special is the relationship that develops between people, and the trust that ensues.  The current sale mechanism allows for a keen interest in following the classifieds but also a mellow interaction between potential buyers and seller.

I feel that offering an auction takes a lot of the personal out of this, especially for people that are on budgets and may not be able to compete on price escalations.  The seller potentially stands to make more but my sense is that everyone is both a buyer and seller at some point so this should wash out. 

my 0.02


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Can't say I like auctions either, but since this is probably the best place to buy and sell used (and now new?) alpine gear, I don't have a problem with asking folks to make a donation for using the site for profit. I listed a pair of old boots for tiny feet with a suggested price , open to any offers above the cost of shipping, which will go towards the website.

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I too prefer the more direct buy-sell format instead of an auction.  And "make me an offer" type listings also seem to keep that one on one atmosphere.  So I voted no for auctions.  But I wouldn't go away mad if the yes votes win :).

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I voted no, though in actuality I am somewhat indifferent.

Although I don't find auctions distasteful, I think they come with an additional moderation burden and that they (could) increase the possibility that members may get upset with one another if everyone isn't super clear on how things work or whatnot (though a clear set of rules/guidelines may make that less of an issue).

I don't generally do auctions (either buying or selling) because they are more work. When I buy something I want to buy it and be done with it. I don't want to have to deal with waiting for some auction to end and only then discovering whether or not I am going to get the thing that I want. When I sell something I just want to say "This is the price" be done with that.

I agree with Corey's assessment that they may curtail the number of people trying to get hundreds of dollars for old factory-primes etc ... 

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I don't think either way the forum is going to get bombarded with noobs listing their "sweet" 1992 asm factory primes with a reserve of $450.00. And if they did who really cares- same result of nobody wanting that old crap other than as a wall hanger. 

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Honestly I'm not sure that the format really makes a big difference to the seller. The beauty of an auction is of course that by starting low and allowing the bids to escalate the seller is given the assurance that he has obtained the highest price that the market will bear at that time of sale. That's what sellers are generally trying to do I expect. There's a benefit to the buyer as well. The buyer gets to know that the market supports the price he's paying. I personally feel this when, in an auction setting, I am willing to offer more when I can see that my offer is supported by other bids. That gives me the confidence that the item is salable in the event I need to get rid of it later. But how sales works now, at least with respect to the seller, isn't really that much different, it's just a little bit obscured. The current custom on this forum and most others permits buyers to make offers below the seller's asking price.  That means that in order to get what the market will bear the seller sets the asking price on the high side of that number. Market driven pricing is still working its magic. And the seller still gets to see all of the offers, aka bids. But buyers don't get that info. The only time that the potential buyer gets to know that the seller's asking price isn't supported by the market is when the seller has to lower the asking price. Based on current marketplace rules or customs the buyer doesn't really get to know if his offer price is actually supported by the market. I suppose that going off of known historical sales prices for similar items provides some assurance to the buyer. But I'd argue that it's not the same as seeing real bid info for a particular item. Is there some community benefit to keeping buyers in the blind? Would seeing prices get bid upward hurt community feelings of fraternity? What is lost if the forum allows auction type listings but also allows fixed price listings? I'm not really advocating in favor of one mode or another. Just wondering. 

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I voted Yes because I like how auctions work. The market decides what an item is worth. I've sold a bunch of stuff on eBay and I have been surprised both ways about what an item will sell for. If a item sells outside of an auction, isn't more likely that either the buyer or seller is getting a bad deal? Setting up an auction on this site seems like a lot of work to create & manage. Why not just permit links to eBay. If at least two buyers from this site bid on an item, everyone gets a fair deal.  

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25 minutes ago, JohnE said:

If a item sells outside of an auction, isn't more likely that either the buyer or seller is getting a bad deal?

Only if they're unaware of the item's real value.

25 minutes ago, JohnE said:

Why not just permit links to eBay

IIRC, this has always been ok.  Just keep in mind eBay's 10% commission.

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pushing my buttons?... this is a community of friendly carvers, we know the value of boards and gear.

if you want to go to ebay then post there, please don't post here. if you want to find something on ebay

then go there, that's all I ask. lets keep this community civil...

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19 hours ago, queequeg said:

I don't generally do auctions (either buying or selling) because they are more work. When I buy something I want to buy it and be done with it. I don't want to have to deal with waiting for some auction to end and only then discovering whether or not I am going to get the thing that I want. When I sell something I just want to say "This is the price" be done with that.

What he said. 

Another aspect of selling in the BOL classifieds is I feel it's an opportunity to give back (in a small way) to the BOL community.  While I'm usually trying to convert the unused gear I have back into cash to finance the purchase of some other piece of kit, I'm not trying to wring every last dollar out of my sale, and at the same time hopefully provide another member with a decent deal.  I think the quick turnaround from offered to sold on most of my listings indicates that the pricing has been good for all concerned.

I feel like putting gear up on auction removes that opportunity to pass on a deal to another member. 

Auctions also have a competitive aspect that seem to run counter to the cooperative spirit of this forum.  If I miss an item in the classifieds because someone else saw it first, my reaction is "Damn.  Good for you, you lucky bastard".  If I were to lose out on an item on auction, my reaction would be "Damn.  You bastard."  

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On 5/7/2018 at 5:16 PM, Corey said:

Maybe it'll curtail people asking $X00 for 20-year old boards...  

I'm indifferent, so I voted yes.  

So the near mint Burton Prime Speed I bought off the forum for $150 because I wanted to try an old glass board doesn’t belong on the “For Sale” forum because its not a state of the art carbon rubber metal, blah, blah, blah board?

I thought the forum was supposed to be a place to converse with like minded addicts who experience glassy eyed looks when talking to non-believers, a place to exchange ideas, stoke and equipment for a very expensive niche sport.

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7 hours ago, Chouinard said:

So the near mint Burton Prime Speed I bought off the forum for $150 because I wanted to try an old glass board doesn’t belong on the “For Sale” forum because its not a state of the art carbon rubber metal, blah, blah, blah board?

Not at all. It was meant as a joke. I forgot to use the sarcasm font. ?

Old/sub-$100 boards are what got me hooked on this crazy sport. They weren't worth much to the seller but they changed my life. 

We've seen some pretty junk boards listed at exorbitant prices over the years. Of course, there's nothing preventing that even with an auction. 

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