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How long have all of you run your shells before the finally give up the ghost?  I'm on year 13 with my Suzukas, after 3-4 liners and 2-3 heels as those pieces wear out, but I spent a lot of time/money getting the shell fit right, which I am happy with now.  I've been through two sets of Zipfit liners so far lately, which work well but last perhaps 3-4 years tops at 25-40 days a season.


I'm thinking of investing in foam-injected Conformables or Surefoot liners, but am slightly worried about overall shell life.  I don't want to drop half a grand plus on custom liners then have my boots crack on me.  They physically look a little beat, but no noticeable cracks or stress marks that I can tell.

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If i was going to spend the money on foam injection I would have whoever is going to do the work inspect the boots you have now and give an honest opinion about what might happen? I would tell them how many days you have on them. I have not done foam injection because I have talked to shops that don't do it and they say that it can be less comfortable and if you have a fit problem it is harder or impossible to correct? I have also been told that foam injection makes your boots feel stiffer. the other question you might ask is can I put these foam injected liners in a new pair of boots after they have been made for the ones you have? I assume you would buy a pair of Deluxe boots again similar to the Suzaka? with a heat moldable liner you could use it in a new pair of boots . I would imagine that shell mods that would be needed in new boots would be eaiser since you know what needs to be done based on what was done on the old boots. the fitter could examine your old boots to copy the mods on the shell on the new ones.  I would also like to know if foam injection lasts way longer than a heat moldable liner? Maybe you could post up this info if you can talk to someone who does this work? I too am riding Suzaka and will have to replace them at some point. i am assuming with track 700 as they are similar to suzaka?

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sun exposure is a plastic killer, impact (crash) is another

I have some 20yr old raichle's that have at least 300 days on them, look like beat up crap, haven't used for a few yrs but I wouldn't be afraid to.


If there's any concern used shells for cheap are easy to get.

Edited by b0ardski
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Years aren't an indicator, really.  Days on the hill, that's one true yardstick to watch. In my experience with Raichle/DeeLux hardshell boots is that +-600 days is as good as you'll get usually. They're fairly robust boots, by and large, but go check for cracks carefully. One spot I've seen 'let go' is [not my boots,btw] in the arch of the rear boot, possibly from repeated kicks into chairlift footbars?  Of course, how you ride, for how long, and general care-taking will vary the lifespan by a good bit.  I had one pair, when I first started riding 'skinny' boards, that had the heel 'shelf' nearly burned off on the corner, because I had sanded the heel-blocks on my F-2 Race bindings, and the next thing up the food-chain to hit the snow in a carve was the heel of the boot itself. Those got retired a bit sooner than I had hoped...


Storage is another factor. Direct sunlight will degrade plastics (look at your headlight lenses! oh, wait, my Saab has glass lenses,hmm..) as will several molds/fungi that'll eat petroleum-based products. So, did you store them dry, out-of-the-sun, and not in the ol' barn?

So, check for cracks carefully. Take the cuffs, tongues, inner foot-plate and soles off, use a magnifier too. If there are any cracks, strip the shell for parts, and  move on.


Foam-fitting and older pair of boots is not the best use of money, btw. Thermofitting, fine, because the liner can go into the next pair, but foam is quite permenant, stiff, and precise. It's best used for a fresh (or at least fairly recent) pair of boots. Also, if any shell stretching or inner dremel work is needed on a given shell type, it is best done when the whole kit is fairly new. Both of those 'shell fixes' have potential to weaken a boot, and if it's already old, then, it starts to turn the corner from 'possible' to 'probable' un-intended failure down the line.


Oh, and slightly off the topic, has anyone else noticed Dodge Boots from Vt.? Those look like they might have some potential..

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  • 9 months later...

My Raichle SB-224 (26.5) left shell just cracked yesterday.  The crack runs from the side of the shell all the way around the heel.  It was last run of the day, during a normal/casual heelside, "crack!" - still able to safely make it down the hill.  Glad it was the last run yesterday than the 1st run on the next trip.  Plastic fatigue (more storage age, even though not many days), I'm sure.  

I've also had a crack/split right above the 3rd buckle (covered by tongue) on both left/right boots since last season, too, but I was sorta "patching" them (LOL).  

Well, this crack, I know I can't fix - time for a replacement pair.








If anybody needs any pieces from my SB-224 (eg. buckles, tongues, bolts, soles, etc), I'm happy to give away (free items / you just cover shipping).


Edited by Hiroshi
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I look at it differently, having surefoot foamed liners I put new shells on the outside, just about to get the third set of shells (UPZ) liners at doing fine, but am thinking about checking the weight of new liners from surefoot, and taller, next winter the game changing renual of the Northwave boot is available, bravo

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