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Yes its get ready time

Bobby Buggs

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Arriving in Vail Dec 8th so Im in the gym doing elliptical, lunges, core and still I try to find an exercise that will engage "carving" muscles. I think the rowing machine is a good one that people over look. It has the push/pull we use and I cant find anything closer than that in the gym. Of course your feet are not in your stance but its the closest active thing I can find so far. What do you have??

Edited by Bobby Buggs
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I agree with charliechocolate and crucible; do strength training and interval training. Also work on your mobility. I wouldn't worry about trying to duplicate the motion of snowboarding. If you're strong and flexible, you can focus on technique once you're on the snow. Crossfit has done wonders for me.

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Olympic lifting and the associated training!

If you're not in a lifting program already, then Crossfit will work out great. Not Crossfit "style" or "boot camp" in the park, Crossfit from a top notch affiliate. It has worked wonders on my ability to be strong and competent at many disciplines of fitness. Another program is Jim Wendler's 5-3-1 program.

Basic strength via compound lifts and multi-plane movements is key. Another thing I've incorporated is calcifying the shin bone. Take 6-12 wire hangers, cut the bottoms off them, wrap some tape around the bundle at one end and start lightly tapping your shins with the other end, holding the taped end. This will create micro fractures in your shin and the bone will grow back more dense. It will also help deaden your nerves so you can tolerate more pressure. I did this on my forearms and shins for martial arts training and it hass helped with early season shin discomfort. The seasons I don't do this are the seasons I get shin bang for a month, go figure.

Edited by breesej
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I agree with Breesej, started crossfit before last season and I had a great season. I felt strong from day one of riding. A year later, I am a lot stronger, better posture, my knees and back are much better. The crossfit program works great for me. You need a good box with good trainers, just like anything it's easy to get injured. On top of it I run bike swim. I like to think of fitness not only a month before seasosn starts. It's a year long process. Work on hips and ankle mobility.

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+1 on Wendler's 531 . Heavy barefoot deadlifts and oly squats til you puke. wipe off your chin and repeat. many times. do not wear a belt unless you plan on wearing it when you are riding. If you cant go bare foot get a pair of pink hi top chucks.


Edited by big mario
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I like to do lunges while holding dumb bells anywhere from 5 to 30 pounds depending on what the objective is.I do a number of variations from slow and high speed lunges(with a jumping movement to switch leading legs)while doing curls and presses or flys and punches (lightest weight for those), and also explosive squats with curls to overhead presses (heaviest weights for those).All these movements linked together recruit most muscle groups as well as enhancing core strength and balance. Plyometric exercises are great too.The more like the real world movement the better.

ps;I like to warm up for the above movements on my spin bike by pedaling while standing (climbing) so my arms and legs get a head start on the intensity of the dumb bell exercises.I also do plenty of focused work on the spin bike as it's 'direct drive' and highly adjustable resistance provide plenty of work load.An advanced trick is to stand up while pedaling no-handed;much harder than most exercises and very effective for core and balance training!

Edited by Steve Prokopiw
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Wendlers!!! Squats, Deads, Powercleans. Bitch at the gym cuz they have two smiths and one squat rack, repeat often.

Don't forget the broscience. 50% fact, 50% magic, 100% results.

Hungarian Deadlifts?? Do you use paprika instead of chalk?? Goulash :barf:


Belts are ok on max sets exceeding 1.5xBW on squats or 2xBW on deads. Just ask JW!

Edited by polaris
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I like x/c and urban skipping. You burn a lot more calories skipping than running, unfortunately my cardio app doesn't recognize this form of exercise. I'm going to start skipping around the Nike campus in hopes of sponsorship.

This is a joke, right?

You ever wear arm warmers while skipping?

Edited by trailertrash
I just gotta know!?
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I don't get to the gym as often as i should, so when i'm not following the 12-oz curl regimen one cool exercise for getting ready for the season is goblet squat (Hold a kettlebell upside down or a dumbellat about chin height) while standing on a BOSU (one of those half ball things on a board) to get the balance thing going. I've been thinking about the rowing machine. Good call, Buggs. The shin flagellation with hangers is very interesting, too. Will have to get on that just to make my wife think i'm truly insane...

Think Snow!!!!

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This is a joke, right?

You ever wear arm warmers while skipping?

Freestyle Ski Ballet and Synchronized Swimming were both Olympic sports, skipping is legit. Finding someone to manufacture foot ware is the next step. The soles always wear out first under the balls of my feet.

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