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I Only See Red, Am I Infected?


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I don't know what it's like to get infected.

But I am dying to find out.

Fedex delivered a nice thin package today, courtesy of Shred.

Got it all mounted and ready to go.

This is my first Virus so I am excited to see what this infection everyone is talking about :lol:

Is there a cure once infected? Or is it all downhill (hopefully) from here ?


Happy Turkey Day Everyone!

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Where/when is this NES? I'm expecting my virus(s) to come in shortly! Got two of us in AB that bought, and a couple guys from the states...

Annual gathering of Carvers for three days in early January at Nakiska organized by Riceball.

Here's the link.


Hope to see you there


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Jan 11–13 works for me. Looking forward to see you all there. This will be my first time going to NES

How does it work? Is there a fee to join?

No fees. Post on the thread that you are coming, and then watch the thread as it approaches for timings. It's pretty typically been three days of riding at Nakiska, people meet in the lodge around 9-9:30, then we go out and ride together for the day. Typically Riceball has had everyone over to his place on Saturday evening for pizza (chip in) to hang out and look at pictures of the days riding.

Lots of fun, its a great place to meer other riders, get pointers from people if you want them, and you get to hang out with 15-20 hardbooters.


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Getting your first Virus is a big event. Ordering your own new personalized one from Frank makes you giddy like a kid on Christmas morning.

I ordered my first from frank a couple weeks ago. He said he was making them (I had a little group buy) last week, so knowing my premium handmade freeride stick is sitting in Germany is MAKING ME CRAZY!!! :D It feels like xmas and birthdays all put together, of course my wallet is a little lighter but...

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Did you get out on the Virus today? I was at LL there was fantastic snow, if a little (or a lot) rocky in sections.

My buddy went to Louis last weekend and wrecked his board, he wasn't too happy. I'll probably go next weekend and finally ride this virus.

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Getting your first Virus is a big event. Ordering your own new personalized one from Frank makes you giddy like a kid on Christmas morning.

Yep pretty big event, ripping out the fedex package in record time :)Hmmnnn maybe go for personalized next year, enough surprises for the wife this year :nono:

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Nice board. You may want to consider putting a lexan plate (1/4 inch) or another type of plate between the Bomber Bindings and the board. Although not as fragile as a Kessler; I have seen Virus boards destroyed (inserts pulled out and top sheet pulled up) by Bomber Bindings. I use either a lexan plate, a Vist Plate or a Kessler K-Plate Speed (copy) on my Virus Boards and have not had a problem.

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Nice board. You may want to consider putting a lexan plate (1/4 inch) or another type of plate between the Bomber Bindings and the board. Although not as fragile as a Kessler; I have seen Virus boards destroyed (inserts pulled out and top sheet pulled up) by Bomber Bindings. I use either a lexan plate, a Vist Plate or a Kessler K-Plate Speed (copy) on my Virus Boards and have not had a problem.

Thanks for the warning, I'll see what I can find.

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I have seen Virus boards destroyed (inserts pulled out and top sheet pulled up) by Bomber Bindings.

Was this a recent board with TD3 bindings like Jesal has on it? Or was this on older board with a metal topsheet and TD1s?

I'm 215 lbs and use TD3s SIs with UPZ RTRs on a 2006/2007 Prior 187 WCRM (metal top) one season of riding (I got this last year), a 2009 Coiler Schubby (metal is a sub layer) three seasons of riding, and a 2010 Donek Incline (Fiberglass) two seasons with UPZ ATBs. I've averaged >25 days a year only on hardboots and have yet to see any damage to the inserts or the board. Additionally I've made some respectable jumps and runs through moguls on the Schtubby and I even took the Incline off the headwall at Standish for about 18' of vertical drop which I guarantee loaded the heck out off the inserts.

I asked Bruce about this when I originally bought the Schtubby and he said with the newer Bomber bindings it wasn't an issue anymore. While my experience my not be the same as Jesal will have with his Virus; other than binding suck, which I got the first time I actually put the bindings on my Sctubby, I've not noticed any damage to my boards from TD3s. It's not my board so I wouldn't suggest that he not use a lexan plate, but I'm not completely convinced that this is actually an issue anymore with more modern bindings.


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