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... for my stoke.

Today, for the first time, I skipped a pow day for the sake of a design project that is not time critical and will not bring lots of money.

I blamed it on windy conditions and low vis, but still... :(

I hear you Boris! I'm remodeling my kitchen and haven't been on snow this season. Granted, the conditions down here have been pretty $****y until a week ago. Still, it's pretty likely I won't get any days in until NICE - maybe a day or two of touring, but nothing substantial.

Getting old, or just having a slow season? I guess I'll know in a year. :)

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I've missed a couple premium bluebird carve days & fresh pow days so I can relate. I guess the reason for me is twofold, Lack of funds being one, and a blasae attitude from many 100s of riding days over the decades. what a tough problem to have:rolleyes:

beginning of the end

The whole world's gonna end next winter solstice so I should be getting as much as possible in

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Mine is pretty much gone....

It has been replaced with skiing with my kids (3 and 5). I would much rather go out with them right now.

That's very honorrable!

I go out on skis with kid on Saturdays. However, weekday outings are for the board.

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I've been so busy, over the last decade, I was lucky to see even 6 days/season on snow. Sad. I'm aiming for 10-20 days a season from now on.

To be clear, I expect to hit 10 days this season, probably more: 4 days at Bachelor, 3 or 4 at NICE, and whatever I can get in with a spring pass at Meadows. But I usually get 25ish, and I'm way off that pace this year. 3 hours round-trip drive is starting to feel kind of long -- maybe I am getting old.

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This thread got me thinking...

1st I should remember to be thankful that I get 5-10 times the on snow days the average skier/boarder enjoys.

28 years of trying to ski/ride as much as possible for as little $ as possible has resulted in an in-distinguished skibum career.

All I have to show for it is some crazy skilz and blurred memories of a long string of truly beautiful and excuciatingly fun days.

The trick for me to keep the stoke going has been constantly refreshing the learning curve.

Started with downhill skiing then nordic, alpine, telemarking, snowboarding, learning fakie, monoski, skibike, hardboot carving; skiing switch and carving switch is my current pursuit of the rewards of climbing the learning curve.

Sorry for rambling, time to go take the snowblower apart so I can weld the impeller blade back on, more learning;)

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My condolences to you Boris. Im headed to Powder King thurs when they open as they have 35 cms of fresh in the last 24. Im hoping we get some more and i think ill bring out the 192 tanker. I only have 11 days on the hill so far, but Powder King, Silver Star, Sun Peaks, Mt Timothy and Troll Mountain here we come!

Maybe a road trip is in order?? OTH Downhill is on in a couple weeks. Lots of fun.

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Mine is pretty much gone....

It has been replaced with skiing with my kids (3 and 5). I would much rather go out with them right now.

Kind of weird for me.

The same here, I have a 3 year old and back on skis since last year for the first time in 20 years. Things are starting to pay off now.

I do have a lot of days on the snow with my carving board this year (I'm not complaining) and many days with my skinny Kastle 1988, 188 cm. :) I realized something, I love carving on my board, but I just love being at the mountain, boarding,skiing, biking or hiking!

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same, my stoke has kind of been waning... I still enjoy it, but if a race weekend comes up, I would much rather be out at the track.

I've slowed down on buying gear by quite a considerable amount (and i'm glad too... hahaha). I currently only have 4 boards in my quiver that are NOT broken - and only two of them get used.

This might be the first season for me to not get 20-25 days on the snow since I started hard booting. AND.... if things proceed as planned, I might not even buy a season pass next year and will likely only get half of my normal days in.

And, as someone else put it, the 3-4 hour 170mile round trip is starting to wear on me too. The injuries aren't helping either - broken leg and more recently, torn labrum in my right shoulder (which I've been putting repair surgery on hold) since I started hard booting 5-6 years ago.

Granted, if i had more time and money, I'd probably be up on the slopes quite a bit more.

Waning stoke for sure - but that doesn't mean that I'm lacking by any means. I just had this crazy amount of stoke when I first started. I'm still working on my switch riding.

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i've been boarding for many years, but really haven't had the passion for many years; ie, until a couple years ago only did 5-10 days a season. the carving thing totally re-fuelled my stoke; it's new & exciting, and i'm loving it. i find passion for sports cyclical though, and sometimes i need a bit of change to keep things fresh. typically it's just a change of genre, but sometimes a sabbatical is what it takes to recharge the batteries. it's all good; follow what inspires you.

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... for my stoke.

Today, for the first time, I skipped a pow day for the sake of a design project that is not time critical and will not bring lots of money.

I blamed it on windy conditions and low vis, but still... :(

To make u feel better; Wind that day stop most chairs not to mention you need infra red vision goggles ;)

I'm lucky so far pass 20 days for this season and counting but for how long..:o Aah Don't want to think about... what's come next I wont worry now... I just wanna enjoy my trenchin the snow...

On the side Note: Bro, dont loose your grip on trenchin Cypress Mountain - Carvers is thriving coz of u :biggthump



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  • 4 weeks later...

My stoke is back in tact for today. It was an awesome epic hero day. It's too bad it got crowded way too fast. I guess it was the crappy season/conditions that was killing my stoke. Still, I'm probably not going to get another day on the slopes for around 2-3 weeks - a whole bunch of other priorities that normally would have taken second seat to boarding... I guess my stoke is on a slight decline. It'll probably be my first season not getting 20+ days since I joined this site.

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Boris, when you lose your gear stoke let me know. I want to make a few purchases ;)

In all seriousness, it happens. My family got me into skiing and riding, and now I'm the only one left who still does it regularly--which feels a bit sad. I've done very little riding this year due to the birth of my son and the lousy weather. But I told my wife that I need to make at least one trip up to Vermont before the season ends. It's like a ritual. Riding makes me look forward to winter. And those trips, riding past the same farms, stopping at the the same general store, being in the mountains, etc, are like reminders that everything is okay with the world. Hopefully my son will eventually become my travel partner.

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... for my stoke.

Today, for the first time, I skipped a pow day for the sake of a design project that is not time critical and will not bring lots of money.

I blamed it on windy conditions and low vis, but still... :(

missed this when fresh, but I think it's all over man. move on to something else. you need to stop the gear hoarding too. I am looking for some cheap step ins, so let me know. ( aww dammit I can't do rolleyes - cleanup on aisle two please)

In other news to renew waning stoke it almost always helps to try a new board......

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Ok to skip a day but for punishment next time your out, take a 180+ board with you to remind you where the roots of this sport are. That should slap the complacency out of you !

... for my stoke.

Today, for the first time, I skipped a pow day for the sake of a design project that is not time critical and will not bring lots of money.

I blamed it on windy conditions and low vis, but still... :(

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missed this when fresh, but I think it's all over man. move on to something else. you need to stop the gear hoarding too. I am looking for some cheap step ins, so let me know. ( aww dammit I can't do rolleyes - cleanup on aisle two please)

Ha, ha, no step-ins here, dawg!

In other news to renew waning stoke it almost always helps to try a new board......

That's true, but it contradicts the no hoarding part :D

...for punishment next time your out, take a 180+ board with you to remind you where the roots of this sport are. That should slap the complacency out of you !

You know, they really are somewhat of a punishment. The longer I am in this sport, less desire I have for high speed, long radius turn, at least at our home hill...

Thanks to all the others who responded, too! Don't worry too much, people, B is not quite done yet ;) I was just surprised at skipping a pow day, willingly...

I had many good days on snow, since the start of this thread!

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Being a grown up is a bitch sometimes- we all can relate.

For me, having had the dubious honor of selling snowboards as a profession, I can tell you that no matter how low your stoke is, it still is all relative.

I remember having to do multiple demo days in bad weather, where you have to get up on the hill by 0700, set up 30-40 boards on the mountain, and then have half of your demo fleet just trashed by the end of the day from guys hitting all sorts of stupid things.

Then you load them back into your van, drive to the nearest tech shop, then have to spend 2-3 hours just getting the bases and edges of your demo fleet back into reasonable shape- quick slice of pizza and then a drive to the next ski hill... Repeat cycle again for the next 5 weeks.

I try to remind myself of those days of positive karma banking, when I'm feeling tired about going out to carve- it always allows me to reset my attitude and expectations.


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