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Chair accident at Sugarloaf


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I was on the other side of this unique "double-runner" style chairlift when this happened. I saw the other side stop with a strange jerk that I had never seen before. Then we came up to the scene where the rope was on the ground, and it was a very scary and bizzare thing to behold. And then I saw my mother - she was on the side that crashed, on one of the chairs that hit the ground. She is ok. Very shaken-up and some bruises, but basically fine. She skied down on her own. I took some pics of the scene with my wife's phone that I will post later when I can download them. According to my mom, the crash appeared to be caused by a mechanic who was up on the tower. He was banging on the shieve-train with a hammer or something, which they are known to do from time to time for god knows what reason, but he was doing that around the time the rope came off the wheels somehow. The worst looking injury was a guy pinned under a chair and he couldn't get himself out, I believe due to his injuries, but he was conscious.

I hope Sugarloaf gets the message loud and clear, they need to stop spending money on stupid fluff while the wheels are literally falling off the bus.

More later. Here is Sugarloaf's press release:


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I was on the other side of this unique "double-runner" style chairlift when this happened. I saw the other side stop with a strange jerk that I had never seen before. Then we came up to the scene where the rope was on the ground, and it was a very scary and bizzare thing to behold. And then I saw my mother - she was on the side that crashed, on one of the chairs that hit the ground. She is ok. Very shaken-up and some bruises, but basically fine.

Jack - wow that is scary. Glad she seems to be ok. If she is shaken up and bruised I would let Sugarloaf pay for some med care and have her be examined and possibly even an overnight in hospital for observation. Things like bruised kidneys and internal injuries won't show at first other than just not feeling great. It sounds like she did hit the ground and deceleration injuries don't show immediately.

Prayers and vibes for all who were injured.

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Fortunately we just had a 2 foot (60cm) storm Sunday night into Monday, so the landing wasn't solid ice.


This is the woman my mother was riding with, and to the right is the chair they were on.


A few chairs downhill of my mom. These chairs had the worst fall, as you can see. My mom can be seen in a red jacket standing up to the left of the rope.


This guy on the ground appeared to be the most injured. He was conscious, but could not remove himself from under the chair, I assume due to his injuries.


a flattened chair.


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Dang Jack, glad all you guys are ok especially your mom. I was suppose to be on the way up to the Loaf right now.

They resumed loading Superquad and Bateu T-bar in the afternoon, and fired up Bucksaw. King Pine has not been running due to wind, but that is supposed to die down.

Not that I'm qualified to dispense any, but Jack - zip it until you get a lawyer onboard. Take lots of pictures. It doesn't look all that windy from here. Good Luck, and all the best to your Mom.

I'll choose my words carefully, thanks.

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Not that I'm recommending legal action against a resort - but you appear to be skating over deep, dark water.

first off, To Jack and family, thank God your alright. But I always thought the moment you bought a lift ticket/season pass it is the same as signing a liability waiver? maybe not in extreme cases such as this. When I went buddy jump sky diving, I signed a release that nobody gets to sue if the parachute doesn't open, etc. Should the resort be held responsible for an accident like this if it really is poor maintenance and such, absolutely...but it's going to be one hell of a legal battle.

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But I always thought the moment you bought a lift ticket/season pass it is the same as signing a liability waiver? maybe not in extreme cases such as this. When I went buddy jump sky diving, I signed a release that nobody gets to sue if the parachute doesn't open, etc.

This is always one of the first questions that comes up in law school torts classes. "What about the liability waiver on the back of lift tickets?" The answer? Its close to meaningless. Think about it. If it was that easy to insulate yourself from liability, wouldn't everybody be doing it? "By purchasing this car, you're accepting that driving is a dangerous activity and that automobile parts are under constant stress and occasionally fail without warning." ;) I don't think that would stop many lawsuits if it turned out an axle or some other part was made of sub-standard materials, or that a factory didn't tighten bolts properly. The wording on lift tickets can help a resort's case that they warned their customers adequately, but they don't offer absolution for negligence.

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Jack - wow that is scary. Glad she seems to be ok. If she is shaken up and bruised I would let Sugarloaf pay for some med care and have her be examined and possibly even an overnight in hospital for observation. Things like bruised kidneys and internal injuries won't show at first other than just not feeling great. It sounds like she did hit the ground and deceleration injuries don't show immediately.

Prayers and vibes for all who were injured.

I am with Carvedog on this one. Like a car accident, sometimes the adrenaline mask a lot of pain. Some of the issues with soft tissue in the back may not show up for a couple of days or even longer.

Discourage her from signing anything saying she is fine if the lawyers or Sugarloaf's insurance company come around.

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Hi Jack,

We are very glad that you and your family are ok. We were hoping to get in touch with you about your experience. Can you contact me anthonyv.quintano@nbcuni.com


Anthony Quintano

Community Manager

NBC News

Fortunately we just had a 2 foot (60cm) storm Sunday night into Monday, so the landing wasn't solid ice.


This is the woman my mother was riding with, and to the right is the chair they were on.


A few chairs downhill of my mom. These chairs had the worst fall, as you can see. My mom can be seen in a red jacket standing up to the left of the rope.


This guy on the ground appeared to be the most injured. He was conscious, but could not remove himself from under the chair, I assume due to his injuries.


a flattened chair.


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