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Buck Hill 2010/11


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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/19/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>11F early</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>sun</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>soft with crunch</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 3 (me, erik, joe, alex)</td></tr></table>


conditions were tough. first couple runs i had had difficulty adjusting. was hitting ice here and there. had some difficulty holding an edge.

got a wee too close to the tower. whoops. thought for sure i was going to slide into it.


joe, erik and i ventured to olympic. looked promising.


closer inspection of joe's trench. look how at how fat that trench is! time to call jenny craig. yeah, snow didn't hold up very well. there were parts where it was a thin veneer of snow over crud.


i dunno. olympic wasn't to my liking. found ourselves on warners. it was marginal. after watching the lodda rockefeller video i tried to eurocarve. today was not the day. all i could do was make big wide turns.

back at crossroads. met up with alex. although the sun felt warmer, the conditions didn't soften. make big turns.

looking forward to more snow to bury the ice.

Fun With Numbers

earlier in the morning i borrowed eriks blackberry gps to see how fast i was going. peaked at about 32 mph at the bottom of crossroads. i think i could've gone faster. anyways, good to know -- chicks always ask me that question.

later joe was wondering if the snow was slow or fast. i thought it seemed fast but maybe it was because i wasn't turning as much. we both bombed crossroads. okay, i wasn't successful but it was the least amount of turning i've ever done. joe made a second attempt with erik's gps on milkrun. peaked at 45 mph!

Loddo Rockefeller Ground Level Video

as discussed on the chair... this appeared in the video forum.

seriously i would pay money to see this at IMAX.

the best carve video EVER! :biggthump

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/19406013" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="

">Ground Level</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/loddorockefeller'>http://vimeo.com/loddorockefeller">Loddo Rockefeller</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/20/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>?</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>flat</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>snowing</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 4 (me, erik, joe, alex)</td></tr></table>


early morning. completely sucked. when i arrived in the parking lot, the groomer was crawling up crossroads. ugh. going up the chair lift we could see explosed ice.

erik had his doughboy. we took first runs.oh my! there was a 2-4 inch layer of snowcone on top of ice. i could not carve. joe shows up just to embarrass us. @joe, surprised you didn't bring out the kessler. erik changed boards.

went over to warners. the groomer was still working on warners. the conditions were just as bad. about all i could do was point the board and ride upright. at about that time it started to snow.

alex shows up. continued to ride warners. the snow was heavily coming down. after awhile erik and joe take off.

conditions started to change. snow was coming down hard from the east. the wind was blowing hard enough that the snow was stinging my face going downhill. with a couple inches of new snow it was much slower but it also felt like the ice underneath had softened. skiers-left at the top had enough snow that my board floated. towards the bottom of warners it was thick and getting really s-l-o-w. by the time we reached the top the new snow covered out tracks.

we went back to crossroads. long wide turns. snow was deeper. boot was dragging. would've been a good time for the doughboy. it felt smoother on the edges. i had one decent carved turn. the ice underneath had softened.

switch to softboots. really slow, felt surfy. took two runs and left. had about 3-4 inches of snow on top of my car.

in summary, crappy morning (wouldn't have missed anything) however it was better when the snow started to accumulate.

the lifty (alex? wears tan jacket, brown hair) is looking to buy a setup. he offered me $300 for my board. if anyone wants to part ways with gear, talk to him. he's size 11 shoe.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/25/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>10F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>blue bird skies</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>hero</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 2 (me, zack)</td></tr></table>


today was hero. there was a dusting of snow on top of cord. no ice whatsoever.

had an absolute blast! felt great to be out.

Pimp My Ride

met zack from g-team. he rides a donek with a bomber boiler plate.

the custom topsheet graphics are wild. had to take a photo.


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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/26/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>10F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>flat</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>hero</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 3 (me, erik, alex)</td></tr></table>


today was a blast! temp was about 10F. well groomed. light snow was coming down. at on point it was really coming down hard.

conditions were abso-effing-lutely hero. best part was that it was almost like a sunday -- no crowds! not sure why.

i was woo-hoo-ing it near the towers. getting a little crazy but it felt fantastic!

gave pointers to alex.

Mind Fnck

up on top i was having problems with my rear pins engaging in the binding receiver. on one run i was pulling into the lift line when i heard a distinctive click in my boot. it sounded like the retention pin had finally pushed through. OMG!

in the chalet i tried to make adjustments to the binding. it looked like the pin isn't centered. first thing i tried removing the toe bale but couldn't get the lug nut off. during reassembly i must've over-torqued the screw, the bolt that run through the sole block is now spinning on the other side. second thing i tried was moving the receiver one notch but that just made it too loose. crap.

just ordered parts. i can still ride but need to very carely about making sure the pins are fully engaged.


blew out a turn. looked uphill as erik was coming down. he had ghostly contrails of snow rolling off the back while coming out of the turns. something you don't often see. wish i had a camera. would've been a cool action shot.

Victim of My Own Success

2nd to last run. fell on one of my trenches. it was sudden. my forward hand got hooked in a trench and shot my forearm backwards which threw me off. then somehow my arms got crossed and i landed on top of them. hurt enough to call it a day.

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That board is pretty sick, and custom in every way - topsheet design is by a local Lakeville artist. Zach is doing pretty well this year - Today at Giants Ridge, he threw down the fastest time of the day for Slalom!

GR was cold... very, very cold.. Luckily the sun was out, and the wind wasn't.

Hitting Buck tomorrow morning.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/27/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>20F ?</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>flat</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>excellent</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 8 (me, erik, joe, karl, mark s, bob d, leif, mark)</td></tr></table>


early morning the parking lot was 3/4 full. picked up the lift pass from the secret place.

at first there were hardly anyone was on the runs. guess everyone was flocking to warners or the terrain park for some event. warners was closed off. olympic had a race. there were people walking down from the chalet towards warners which was a hazard. chair lift was stopping more than usual.

it was nice to ride milk w/o any races but eventually both crossroads and milk got busy. saw a nasty collision with between a skier and a snowboarder. skier was an older gent that was going really fast - hardly turned. snowboarder was cutting across then run when they converged. not sure who was to blame. i think at the moment of impact the snowboarder was downhill.

snow was excellent. felt really good. a bit faster than yesterday. flat light but it wasn't bad at all. everyone was having great time. :biggthump

yeah, it would've completely sucked to have missed out on today. glad i went. best-est day ever. excellent cord and just for us! sweet deep trenches! people on the chair were aiming their go-pros at us! lifties let us cut in line! skiers and snowboarders begged us to go before them, "Please Mister Hardbooter, do that thing that you do!". man, hope trent doesn't read this. for all the rest who didn't make it, hope the keyboard carving can ease the pain.

we met two other hardbooters; leif and mark.

Why Not

as bobd and myself were getting onto the chair, a skier from behind said something to the effect "we love watching you guys on sundays... always entertaining to watch".

indeed! :biggthump

going to hold out the helmet for tip money.


went to follow karl to pick up his kessler. after locking the board in my car i went for more carving hijinks. rode up the chairlift with a skier.

just as the chair lifts upwards the skier turns to me and says "hey boss, is that a monoboard?". seriously, he called me boss.

i reply "no, its a carving board".

skier asks "can you lay out turns on that thing?".

i said "i can on toe-side. heelside need some work".

skier says "yeah... there were some guys here earlier that were carving it up. completely laid out on the turns!"


As Discussed

check out this guys stance. no way could i ride like that. go to 3:35. makes me flinch.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MgEgGScjnAg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

@bobd, still have your skwal?

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Unfortunately the skwal was part of recession enforced thinning of the fleet. You get a good sense of the fore/aft balance required for skwal riding in the video. It's a very centered stance, with a small sweet spot. A bit too far forward and the nose over hooks, but a little back and you get catapulted into the transition. Wish I still had it.

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toe-side. zip-line noise. heelside. zip-line. ahhh. nothing like keyboard carving! it's been awesome all weekend! :mad:

a few weeks ago when i did some real carving, i was on a blue board for a while, then switched to a red board. the place was empty, and i was the only carver there. i ride up with a skier who starts talking about my board, then he says, "you should have been here earlier. there was this guy catching air between turns on a blue board.". sadly, he didn't call me "boss" though.


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toe-side. zip-line noise. heelside. zip-line. ahhh. nothing like keyboard carving! it's been awesome all weekend! :mad:

a few weeks ago when i did some real carving, i was on a blue board for a while, then switched to a red board. the place was empty, and i was the only carver there. i ride up with a skier who starts talking about my board, then he says, "you should have been here earlier. there was this guy catching air between turns on a blue board.". sadly, he didn't call me "boss" though.


That's funny. A few times after switching from alpine board to skis, I've had people make comments about the guy on the carving board who was there earlier.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>2/28/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>18F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>night lights</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>hard pack, fast</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1</td></tr></table>


at work, someone left me a voice mail on my cell.

oh, yes... i got pwned:


cracked me up. :biggthump


went out for an hour. needed a break from re-working my resume for the umpteenth time. made the mistake of checking out the buck hill tower cam and saw how promising it looked. no race course. duty calls!

the magic show continued at 7:30 pm.

on my donek. the snow was fast and firm/hard. very nice!!! felt great! grippy. left pencil thin lines - best kind! there were a couple places where the snow was scraped away but the ice was soft enough for the edges to hold. there was still cord left under the lift towers. 'tis magic!

saw some tracks that looked like someone carved milkrun. anyone out this afternoon? it looked rough over there so i didn't bother.

might go out wednesday evening.

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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>3/4/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>32F</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>flat</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>good snow</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 1</td></tr></table>


bad day. :angryfire

i spent a couple hours yesterday and this morning trying to fix my toe-bale. turned out i needed to place another order from bomber. i thought i could re-use the bale but the threads are mucked up.

it gets better. i head to buck. snow was decent. half hour into it i feel something go "pop" in the cuff of my rear boot. i stop and wiggle my leg. the cuff is all loose -- broke another canting mechanism. 2nd time.

i dunno... must not have enough inward canting?

was able to salvage one from an old pair of suzukas. so i added three canting mechanisms to my order.

should be working on my resume anyways. will be out tomorrow morning.


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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>3/5/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>18f</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>partly cloudy</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>good snow</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 2 (me, alex)</td></tr></table>


if you read gerg's comment and decided to avoid buck, you had made the right call. congratulate yourself.

in a word, Dangerphuckerous!!! Copyright © 2005 by Trent

lots of waiting on top. despite the crowds, snow was quite good.


was going down crossroads on skiers right. about 1/2 down i look up hill and i see these racers coming down. they were this group of teenage girls i saw earlier standing at the top of the run. they were yelling as they were racing down the hill which was the reason i looked up. i tightened up my turns and aimed straight down. towards the bottom they intended to go to olympic. one girl nearly veered into me. just before she would've hit me i hit the brakes and yelled "HEYYYY!!!!". by the way she reacted it was apparent she wasn't paying attention. she went up on one ski, almost lost balance and then veered away towards the main chair. i slowly headed towards the main chair and one second later yet another girl from that same group almost hits me. she must've been cutting across the run and then tried to cut right in front of me. all i remember was she was in a tuck position and almost ran over the nose of my board. i didn't even have a chance to react. i was pissed. :AR15firin

the question i have is who would've been at fault if we had collided?

there was an adaptive skier out today. he was carving it up on his mono-skier. he was near the bottom flat when a girl skis down from the chalet to olympic and nearly runs into him. she never looked up hill. at the last second he did a hockey stop. they connected but she kept on going. the mono-skier was on the ground.

it was crazy pulling into the lift line.

Best Complement of All

the same adaptive skier stopped me in the lift line.

just wanted to say i like your style!


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<table><th width="125"></th><tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td>3/6/11</td></tr><tr><td><b>Temp</b></td><td>25f</td></tr><tr><td><b>Visibility</b></td><td>partly cloudy</td></tr><tr><td><b>Conditions</b></td><td>good snow</td></tr><tr><td><b>Hardbooters</b></td><td> 3 (me, ben, bobd)</td></tr></table>


firm snow. not as crowded. life is good.

Museum of Questionable Medical Devices

(was talking about this with bobd).

the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices is at the Science Museum. they have a shoe flouroscope on display. basically you stick your shoe into the machine to see how cramped your toes are inside the show. side benefit is that while viewing your feet, the machine modifies your DNA!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wbMN6jueU1A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

too bad they can't make boots more comfortable. my toes are hurting.

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