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Everything posted by Awesomo12000

  1. That's the goal eventually, but in the meantime I need to really work on that core. I'll probably end up with a softer setup when I get back. I might have to go with that trainer idea! Like you said and from everything I've read, a strong core is key.
  2. Hey all, I am wrapping up with snowboarding because of my back. My lower degenerative and bulging discs act up mainly when I carve. Went out 2 weekends ago and have been nearly incapacitated since then. This is the third time it has happened . I'm too young to wreck my back lol. Therefore, because you guys were the ones that taught me to carve (Bob!) I'm going to be selling my setup here first at a heavy discount before I go to the B/S/T. Items include: Donek Proteus 175cm (SC: 12 WW: 21 THIS BOARD RIPPPPS) which is minty with 1-2 seasons, TD3 Bomber Sidewinders (Yellow/Yellow) 1-2 seasons, and Deeluxe 325 W/Bomber BTS springs blue/blue (One season and molded once). Send me a PM. -Alex
  3. These are for sale now, thoughts? Who is going to be the first to pull the trigger on these? https://www.deeluxe.com/products/evolution-series/ground-control/
  4. My buddy works for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, I gotta have him give a reply here. He knows all about PFAS. From what I've heard, it's some nasty stuff. Here in MN, where a large 3M factory exists(ed?), a significant portion of a whole county showed positive for PFAS in their bloodstream. 3M said it's such low amounts and nothing to worry about, but what else would they say as of now.
  5. Deeluxe's decision to put out hard/soft boot hybrids is a great step in the right direction. Many people around my age (23) that tried hardbooting stopped because of the learning curve, the gear is very unforgiving for a new learner. These new boots I think will give a bit more leeway and comfort with the benefit of plate bindings. edit: Also my gf wont try it because it "seems hard" and my friends wont even look at it because they can get a complete snowboard for $400.
  6. I am REALLY pumped for these. My gf wants to get into snowboarding but refuses to try hardboots after seeing me do it. She wont ever do powder or park. This is basically the trojan horse. edit: I have a creeping suspicion that these would be awesome on a donek flux.
  7. The 30th was my only day I could head out. The 6th would be my second day in class and would look bad if I didn't show. Next year lol. Hope you all have a great time. UNLESS i was given some grade A excuses...
  8. Miss it! but my back gave out from it. To the point where its hard for me to snowboard now lol.
  9. Posting way too late, but after silverfish wrapped up, everyone went to Facebook groups. Send me a PM if you need some group names.
  10. trying to get my first run in tonight, anyone going to be out?
  11. For real, wear that sunscreen. The dermatologist is about to remove some pre-melanoma next week. The weaknesses of being Irish. Trying to get out more this season too, although, I never see anyone because I'm usually out from 6PM till close. Did a lot of experimenting with binding and boot setup last winter. Came to the conclusion that loose boots are where it's at (for me) with the Track 325's. Seriously, I'm talking about the least amount of tension required to secure a good fit around your foot/calf area without heel lift. The combined absorption with the BTS and looser buckles of a softer boot made for a better ride, giving much deeper carves. I believe that a "looser" setup allows your body to contour more towards a flowy and progressive deep carve. Pointed a handful of people towards bomber. One grom has been scoping out a freecarve setup. Hoping to see at least one new convert to the darkside of alpine next season.
  12. I went from riding a 171 Metal FC to a 175 Proteus. Proteus absolutely shreds, very lively, and conquers the steeps. But, I'm only 22, and I noticed that the Proteus is physically much more demanding than the FC. You really need to commit to every turn, but it does reward you for the effort you put in. If you don't want to press super hard into turns, I would actually recommend a Metal FC.
  13. Went last night, the snow was really good. It's awesome that carving is becoming a trend now because i saw about 3 kids on some directionals RIPPING,. One kid was nearly laying out some alpine carves. I might go out tomorrow but I need to get my boots refitted, I cant even enjoy riding right now lol.
  14. Damn i feel like im missing all the stoke. Ended up getting back into hardboots. Boots are getting fitted friday, will be out saturday and sunday morning hopefully. Found this too. prepare for your minds to be blown Edit: board porn: 175 Proteus
  15. $550 OBO. I need some new skate trucks.
  16. I'm selling this Metal Razor Sean made with the intent to use with hardboots, from what I remember It has the same construction as a Metal FC. I used it for half a season when I got it 2 years ago. Still in great condition but there's a ding or two plus a few scratches on the topsheet. Edges are a tad rusted. Overall I'd say it'd get an easy 8.5/10. This is a super fun board, great for doing it all and laying down some deep carves. $700 OBO
  17. I just got back. I have no idea, but even down to the cant disk got f'ed. I bought a pair of cheap burton bindings to mount onto a buds extra board. I was surprised at how a 15*/25* softboot setup ripped. Was almost able to get my ass down. I think some of those power plates and lowpro/stiff bindings and boots would be awesome. Donek flux maybe? Regardless, It was an awesome trip. The back country, tree, and dispensary runs made it well worth the loss.
  18. Well... I'm out for the season. Was traveling to Copper mountain and a few miles out of Denver... well... all I have to say is that our roof mounting failed... Both softboot and hardboot setups, boots, bindings, everything. My TD3's PIERCED through my burton. The deeluxes got mangled as well. Everything got obliterated and it totaled two cars behind us. Good thing no one got hurt. Next setup is going to be a softboot carver, think I may ditch hardboots from now on.
  19. Snow was hero this morning Went wayyy too close to a tower on a toeside and slid into it. Dislocated my shoulder but popped it in again. Shit hurt, 0/10 would not recommend.
  20. Snow wasn't all that bad yesterday. Went from noon-2
  21. Is the christmas eve shred sesh going on this year? I'll be out that morning either way Found out today that sidewinders with high angles and 1/2" gilmour bias is pretty hero.
  22. Looking forward to the new changes... hopefully they give the racers a more designated area so we dont have to put up with them lol. currently got a 3rd* PCL sprain, hopefully I'll be carving this season...
  23. Ive been out about 2-3 times every week, just at night till closing though
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