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Ya, there may be a little back peddling going on.

I understand where 1surfer is coming from though. Back when I was young and stupid I honestly believed I could carve harder (on softboots) than 99% hard booters. I eventually learned the truth, and joined the dark side. I haven't been on softboots in 10+ years. :)

I never said 99%.

I think in every sport that 75% of participants are not that great. The top 25% usually hold 90% of the talent.

Being better than 75% of the people in any sport is not that hard if you do it a lot.

C'mon, how many people can do a particular sport, any sport, or more than one sport, eighty to a hundred days a year or so, year after year after year ? Way, way less than 75 %

Thats where Im coming from. Thats all.

Racers edge in Breck used to have a sticker. ( I am not directing this at anyone) It said: "It's not the tune, you suck! "

Yes It's mean, but its true.....

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Hey 1surfer, welcome :D

Mastery is such a neat concept. I agree with you that most 'masters' achieve what they do through countless hours of practice, but don't forget about people who are naturally good at things and have to work less to achieve the same performance.

I admire your enthusiasm and bravado, but does it matter if you're better than xx% of snowboarders on xxxx equipment? I know it's the pre-season, and we're all revved up, but at the end of the day isn't the most important thing how much we ENJOY carving/sliding/skidding/falling/playing?

Hope to meet you on the snow some day... I'd be honored to ride with you.


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I've averaged 70 -80 days per year over the last 26yrs, ski, tele & board (98% in plastic boots), but I don't usually rub softbooters noses in it.

Gave up skiing in laces in '74, gave up telewhackin' in laces in'86, gave up boarding in laces in '88. plastic is good:1luvu:

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Yes, yes I do.

You mean like Fabian or LULU or khumbu or Corbets ? Yah.....

ANd when it's soft enough to get a grip, it puts goose bumps all over my body.

I have close to 2,000 days of snowboarding. U ?:AR15firin

I am guessing we have different definitions of carved turn.

I've been on a true 50 degree slope. No one is carving that. That pitch is way beyond steep groomers. Speed control is the focus. Setting an edge for part of the turn is an important ability to have. However, someone saying they can make a full carved turn at that pitch (with a true carved turn track left behind), I don't buy at all.

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I am not saying that I am any sort of master, just that I have created a situation that allows me practice the sports that I love for at least 300 days per year for the last 25 years or so. I wish that upon everyone !

impressive! that's more than just about anyone has claimed on this forum and that's more days in a year than many top level athletes in fact that's more days than most people that work full time at a job work.

if you're including sports that are not on snow disregard the above......

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How do I get the skidder moniker removed from under my user name ?

I do use an all mountain board because I am an all mountain rider. Not to be crass, but I PROMISE that I can out carve at least 75% of the hard booters out there. Willing to prove it. Oh, thats right, I already did that. I used to live behind buttermilk. I would come out on Wednesdays when it was carving club day and make a point of riding my 163 Underground all mountain board and carving inside the "carvers" lines all day long .... In soft boots..... With all the specialized equipment, only a couple of those guys could carve deeper or tighter.

I think the result was all those boards the underground made for them.

I really dont like skidding turns. I feel guilty, like i'm copping out every time I skid a turn. And I'm talking about all types of terrain in all conditions.

Ever carve turns on a 50 degree slope ? Ever carve in bumps ? I love to.

So my point, to the powers that be, cant it just say "snowboarder" or something ?

No bad vibe, I do respect all disciplines ( except bro brah dufus dorks that like to run into people ) RESPECT......

I am many things, but one thing I am not, is a skidder.

No....I think my dick is bigger. :biggthump

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I just don't understand why most of the people that tend to be a problem on this site are those that ride softboots and come on here and have to brag about well they ride in softboots compared to most hardboot riders? This site is to promote snowboarding using hardboots and plate bindings . There are people on this site that ride both hard and soft boots and they do not brag about how well they ride. I have spent the last few years trying to ride soft boots but I have too many problems with foot pain and will be riding hardboots 100% from now on. I am not going to say that I ride that well in any setup because I don't.I have been riding snowboards since 1978 and have ridden lots of different types of gear and have had fun doing it. I hope to continue to ride for many more years. I don't understand what kind of recognition a person wants to achieve by bragging about how well they ride on this site? Just go ride and have fun regardless of the gear. How about riding all mountain in hardboots and telling us how it worked for you and spending the time to get a pair of hardboots properly fitted so your feet won't hurt. It can be done today with heat moldable liners and boot fitting. Most people that ask me about my gear are afraid to try it at all. Most softboot riders think that their feet will hurt more in hardboots which is not the case anymore. The reason why I rode softboots again was because the gear is cheaper but I could not solve the problems and my feet hurt the same way no matter what kind of boot or binding I tried to use. I have used the driver X boot and think it is well made. I had my boots heat molded and custom insoles. So I have put in a lot of time and money to try to make it work. Soft boot gear has and continues to get better every year. Maybe after you try to get a pair of hardboots working well for you it won't work and your feet will still hurt but at least you tried. I can do more runs per day in hardboots because it is eaiser and my legs last longer especially on steep terrain.

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I've averaged 70 -80 days per year over the last 26yrs, ski, tele & board (98% in plastic boots), but I don't usually rub softbooters noses in it.

Gave up skiing in laces in '74, gave up telewhackin' in laces in'86, gave up boarding in laces in '88. plastic is good:1luvu:

you are like a broken record on this. same post, over and over and over....

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Drop the attitude and the need to talk about how much better you are than anyone and this is a great place to chat about carving. Would you walk into a hunting bar and loudly tell all the occupants that you can land more deer with a bow than they could with a gun because you're so awesome? If so, would you expect any of them to be really enthusiastic about chatting with you?

I've been on a true 50 degree slope. No one is carving that.

Minor point: He did say 50% slope, not 50 degrees. That's 26.6 degrees.

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Drop the attitude and the need to talk about how much better you are than anyone and this is a great place to chat about carving. Would you walk into a hunting bar and loudly tell all the occupants that you can land more deer with a bow than they could with a gun because you're so awesome? If so, would you expect any of them to be really enthusiastic about chatting with you?

Minor point: He did say 50% slope, not 50 degrees. That's 26.6 degrees.

Corey, check again. Looks like 50 degrees to me?

Ever carve turns on a 50 degree slope ? Ever carve in bumps ? I love to.
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You say you have 2000 days snowboarding

then you stated you practice something that you like to do 300days x25 years=7500 days

I use a calculator so 7500 days should be right?

So that's not Snowboarding right? If it's not snowboarding then it's some what a moot point on an alpine snowboarding forum.

I am very impressive and envious of anyone who spent 2k days on the snow.

I know the time/resoruce/dedication required to accompolish something like that. Even at only 30-40 days a season my body is throughly beat; wallet depleted but longing for more snowy days.

Welcome to the forum. Just do what I do. Lie with consistency :)



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You say you have 2000 days snowboarding

then you stated you practice something that you like to do 300days x25 years=7500 days

I use a calculator so 7500 days should be right?

So that's not Snowboarding right? If it's not snowboarding then it's some what a moot point on an alpine snowboarding forum.

I am very impressive and envious of anyone who spent 2k days on the snow.

I know the time/resoruce/dedication required to accompolish something like that. Even at only 30-40 days a season my body is throughly beat; wallet depleted but longing for more snowy days.

Welcome to the forum. Just do what I do. Lie with consistency :)



Just to be straight, that is sport in general 300 days a year or so. And yes I did lie. I probably only worked 25 or 30 days last year.


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Not to be crass' date=' but I PROMISE that I can out carve at least 75% of the hard booters out there. Willing to prove it. Oh, thats right, I already did that. Ever carve turns on a 50 degree slope ? Ever carve in bumps ? I love to.[/quote']

You're adorable. Really - you're very cute.

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