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All the Ladies in the House


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sainte anne is a fun mtn. that have a fun carving trail open at night. wore myself ragged there from weekend with a group of girls from mcgill.


good times good times.

as to speaking in code, ya sure give us something to ranslate at work.

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about canada... although it is easy for me what we have here are really hills and not mountains! let's do stratton or okemo, i'm in... let's do a long weekend maybe, extending into monday or starting on friday??? that way we can continue riding when the crowds are gone... steph, or someone, pick a date so we can all plan... i like late january or early march... count on dave joining me, he couldn't pass up an all girl day but maybe we can send the husbands/boyfriends/ogling women seekers off on a wild goose chase via false info on radios!!! pick a date... any suggestions on which weekend? speak up ladies... which dates are good for you...and we will all show up!


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to sainte anne, so no offense meant... i was refering to what is local to me, blue mountain and mt. st. louis and they are hills with about 500 vertical feet. if sainte anne is a good place let's have it as an option... any opinions from others on it? i am not the hugest fan of stratton either, but my suggestion for killington was shot down... so i was just going with what others were suggesting... where is saint anne? i'm into whatever...

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Just want to comment that this is all still very much up in the air! I'm taking any and all suggestions as to where all us ladies should go. Nothing has been shot down as far as I can see. Here are the suggestions that have been made so far:




Mont St. Anne

le Massif

Any other suggestions??

Andrea, FYI I think I posted just as you posted your suggestion for Killington. You know I would never shoot you down babe!

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Guest Randy S.

What a bunch of leg-humpers we are. This thread was started more than a year later than Fin's "Rules and Guidelines for this Forum" which is stickied and at the top all the time. Yet it has more views than the Rules thread (in a matter of 2+ weeks).

FWIW, I'd be happy to provide free housing to all the single lady carvers who want to come out and carve in Tahoe.

-Self admitted Leg Humper :eek:

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I for one am not a leg humper as I have been with my gf for now almost 5 and a half years.

I am keeping an eye on this thread as no ECES has been announced on the 3 forums I checked (Bomber, Catek and Freecarve). The women thinking of going to Ste-Anne/Le Massif for the Eastern Ladies Expression Session (ELES) is the closest I'll have to carving with a bunch of people from Bomber.

There's some folks from here I'll see (CarvCanada and Bartron), but they're locals, so it doesn't count.:p

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don't worry steph i wasn't upset that killington wasn't getting a good response, (you said not great for carving and someone else wasn't happy with the cost)... i have always carved there/pico and i love it and i'm am negligent to the cost b/c i have a pass there, so i have no idea how it compares to other places as far price. looked up st anne and it's in quebec so not really a weekend trip for you east coasters (ct, lower ny areas). same distance to there and vt places for me so i don't care... let's make a plan...

my vote is week/weekend Jan. 24-30... this is 2 weeks before ses, if that matters to anyone...

speak up ladies...

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i support the approach that any place with great carving is worth going to. unfortunately i have horrible knowledge of areas in the NE due to a lack of travel so i have to rely on you folks. okemo just supposedly has pretty good grooming and people liked it long ago and far away, when the big board magazines actually included articles on techie stuff and included pics of people on alpine boards ripping it up..... sorry, i'm starting to feel a bit nostalgic for a time i hardly knew.

although i must admit that the offering of dinner by cheri does make stratton a bit more appealing.

date wise??? classes thrust me back into a full realization of reality january 25th. but depending on where this happens i can always be creative, maybe hit a sunday and drive back early on a monday. why not that weekend? the 22nd-24th.

to all the folks with real work concerns and family and all that stuff, please start tossing out possibilities. i am a putz and will undoubtedly have to bite the bullet and miss something (work, school) if i want to ride with you folks. i need to warn my boss well in advance and con somebody into subbing for me. he he he, as though i have had any success with that in the past.

oh well, back to eagerly awaiting snow (my boards have never been loved this much before) and studying lawn mowers.

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Here's a thought:

I've got an in for some very cheap tickets for Stratton in the early part of January (2nd or 3rd week). Prices could be $0-$20 tops per day, per ticket. Thats a real good deal! Stratton is a good carving mountain for all abilities, with great grooming. Definately not the steepest terrain, but it has its challenges. Plus Cheri's offer for dinner would make this a very reasonable couple of days! For all you guys out there that are reading this post (obviously a lot of you!), please note that these discounts will only be given to the ladies in attendance.

Ladies, if you are interested in attending, please send me an email at stephanie@casualracing.com, and include all of your contact information (address, phone, email). I would like to try to get something planned now, while the snow is still not falling!

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<<What a bunch of leg-humpers we are>>

Females are a recently new snowboarding demographic, but I think it's safe to say that no one got into alpine for the p***y, lol (that is, it's male dominated obviously- I'm sure the women here are all hotties) Have you tried running game on the slopes? Hell, there's all kinds of innuendo you can say to snow bunnies re: our boards, esp. if they're new (the broads, not the boards -) )- be creative, like that guy who told people his tail was flat b/c he felt like sawing it off, lol. If you are truly machivellian, you could purposely crash into a hot girl and use that to talk to her, hahahah, but I hope it doesn't come down to that, it would be funny though.


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wow, i want a definition of "recently new" from barry.

and anyone else who thinks that they have a valid one.

male dominated, yes, it once was. and alpine definitely sees a lot more men than women. it might actually help if there were more equipment options for women. afterall, you all know how i feel about boots. and having a softer board isn't always an answer for everyone just because they lack a Y chromosome. and yes, i am well aware that having more women involved in the sport would help procure more equipment options. even freestyle had to evolve. but there has definitely been a more positive response in that market with the increasing development of womens equipment closely following the growth in the number of women riding.

and innuendo on the hill?? yeah guys, what is the deal with riding the longest boards possible and kinda dissing anyone who rides anything below a 170 unless it's a madd????

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ok, i'll take that. thanks barry. i realize that the tone of my post was a bit less than pleasant, so thanks for playing along. i hadn't intended for it to be like that.

randomly thinking out loud: a side conversation to further enable this thread to compete with the MADD thread.

is it at all possible that a rise in the number of visible female hardbooters would further bring hardbooting back to a "more accepted" place in the snowboarding world??

i believe that the relatively recent increase in interest in this sport (sport being snowboarding overall), as well as the acceptance of it, has coincided with the rise in visibility of female riders. if this is true, are women potentially able to do the same for alpine??

guys, this is a serious question rooted in curiosity. i only started snowboarding back in '94. at that time there were definitely not as many visible female riders. granted when i invested in my first board the following year, shannon dunn had released a pro model. my thought based on this is that that was a relatively huge milestone in the evolution of snowboarding. shannon was one of relatively (as in relative to the number of men) few pro women riders and undoubtedly having her own board was significant. 3 more years pass and snowboarding emerges in the olympics and for whatever reason a lot more talk is generated around the halfpipe comp than gs. however, nicola thost's handplants and solid (although not too aggressive by today's standards) gold medal runs generated the most talk by blasting away all expectations of women riders. beats me who won the men's comp. but the results of the women's halfpipe left an impression.

in the meantime, the number of women being sponsored to ride is increasing at a large rate. in general i think a lot more people are getting some support from companies, but who knows, maybe it's just press exposure that is making it seem that way (as in there are a lot more ads being run in magazines. blah). women's riding in the meantime is experiencing a huge surge in skill level. not quite up with the men, but increasing at what is possibly a faster pace. this is generating a lot of buzz.

men still rule the roost. men still have the greatest number of products produced for them. men blah blah blah..... they are doing awesome things though, and i do not wish to take away from what the male riders have been doing.

women have exploded into the scene. tackling rails and the pipe with as much aggression, skill and style as the guys, removing the possibility of any gender based excuses for not pushing the progression of skill.

in general, the freestyle side of snowboarding is at an exciting point. ideas are being continually challenged and explored, and oddly enough the sport continues to attract people to it. i believe that women have played a tremendous part in this. maybe it was because anything a la title IX (or whatever) could be avoided when the olympics happened. maybe it's because some part of the population of this earth feels more comfortable with having a female face (or 40) to assign to this sport. perhaps the olympics are what really brought snowboarding into the public eye as a legitimate sport and when it was presented as being fairly balanced gender-wise, it gained even more appeal.

it is accessible. and it probably appears to be even more accessible since just about anybody who wants to do it can, regardless of gender, age, physical or mental gifts.

then there's alpine. alpine is rather inaccessible. it's hard to casually try out due to the lack of gear (i was very fortunate in that my mentorish person was a shop manager who loved alpine boarding. he helped me out a lot). and the main companies making this stuff tend to be these smaller, independent type places. and if you don't already have a friend or 8 who are into it, and haven't really seen it much, it seems like something that only a certain bunch of people like to do. on the brighter side i have had at least two folks this past year mention an admiration for it as well as a desire to learn to do it.

there definitely are not as many women riding alpine gear as men. established point. but who knows, maybe women just appear to be more approachable. maybe we are able to attract more men, women and children because we appear less aggressive. maybe fewer of us are total techie junkies (i love you guys) which may scare some people. the more women we get on board the better?

afterall, riding is all about having fun and why would we go and kill ourselves if it wasn't any fun to do?? i do hope that that is the image being portrayed by most of the folks in this forum who freeride. so where's the most accessible, smiling human face for this sport?

it's probably on the faces of whoever is having the most fun ripping it up.

but please do consider my initial question. is the role of women important in the progression of this sport?? i am curious what folks think. just a thought, just an opinion. i am looking for something to think about. but alas, until that time i will continue having fun dreaming of someone to ride with, as well as snow to ride on. happy riding!!!!

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hey, what else is there to do on this coast anyway??? knit or something??

ladies, although steph is able to get a cool deal at some hill, that doesn't mean that it's final (please do email her if you are at all interested (in riding with fellow women) and haven't done so yet). keep talking about this stuff. share stupid stories, whatever. i also don't want to see this thread fall by the wayside, especially for that one random female carver who only glances at this board occassionally and has missed this thread. i used to be one. remember, we're trying to recruit as many women as we can.

and hey, let's think about inviting madd to come by and demo some gear.

as in, what crazy things would you like to have happen while bonding with fellow women on boards? a swiss masseur, cheesecake, a cup of jamaicanmecrazy, veggie burritos? what things would make this the best possible use of time and money for you guys?? dream big.

and don't worry, i'll be around less as soon as snow arrives.

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Ok ladies, I've only received 3 emails from interested parties. Could it be that you are not really interested? If so, that's cool. The 3 ladies that have responded and myself can get together for a few days of carving. We won't need to use secret passwords and channels to keep the leg humpers away! Although, I'd really love for this to evolve into a little more than that.

There are some suggestions for areas, but other than the deal I know I can get at Stratton, nothing else has been presented. I thought that being able to get a cheap ticket for participants would be nice. Again, if you have input and can find a good deal, please let me know. I'd like to get the details figured out in another week or so. If I don't hear back from you ladies, I'm going to go w/the deal I know I can get at Stratton, plus dinner at Cheri's. Whatever we do, it will be fun:D

Don't let this die!

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