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Dear Fin, Jack, and everyone else


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First of all, I apologize for telling a forum member to kill himself. It was out of line and not consistent with the spirit of community fostered on these forums.

I felt that his post insulted my religious background and he and I have had a long series of disagreements.

Secondly, I would like to ask Fin to consider re-instating the old ban on political and religious threads. Given the current political climate of the country and the longstanding disagreements about religion, every one of thesediscussions seems to quickly dissolve into petty fighting. I know you are no fan of TGR, but the political fighting got so bad over there they relegated it into a separate forum (a very rare piece of moderation on a largely unmoderated forum).

There is an old truism that there are two things you do not discuss in polite company - religion and politics - and if you want this community to remain a positive, lighthearted kind of place, I urge you to renew the old bans.

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Secondly, I would like to ask Fin to consider re-instating the old ban on political and religious threads. Given the current political climate of the country and the longstanding disagreements about religion, every one of thesediscussions seems to quickly dissolve into petty fighting.

I agree.


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I would agree that religion is taboo, but I thought the recent political discussions have been well mannered, and friendly. The only post that were irritating were from persons whose post are irritating whatever the subject :lol:

In these days of polarized news sources, the discussions here have been a rare chance to hear other peoples opinions. I know I have moderated my thoughts on many things, after I have actually heard what others think.

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I have seen more friendships lost over politics than any other.

No other sites I visit mingle politics with the general population. They all have it in a separate forum.

yeah, IDK, if people are childish maybe.

for example I enjoy the posts of tex, kent and jack all way right of me don't agree with much they say politically but I like that. for the most part we're pretty civil.

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The problem I have is I LOVE to hear peoples political opinions and to be able to ask them questions. I just don't like the emotion that goes along with it.

I am not immune to it either, I can get pretty bent over stupid things.

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First of all, I apologize for telling a forum member to kill himself. It was out of line and not consistent with the spirit of community fostered on these forums.

I felt that his post insulted my religious background and he and I have had a long series of disagreements.

Secondly, I would like to ask Fin to consider re-instating the old ban on political and religious threads. Given the current political climate of the country and the longstanding disagreements about religion, every one of thesediscussions seems to quickly dissolve into petty fighting. I know you are no fan of TGR, but the political fighting got so bad over there they relegated it into a separate forum (a very rare piece of moderation on a largely unmoderated forum).

There is an old truism that there are two things you do not discuss in polite company - religion and politics - and if you want this community to remain a positive, lighthearted kind of place, I urge you to renew the old bans.

I apologize if my post offended you, it was not the intention. I have removed the thread and will not bring up the topic again. You are correct that religous posts should not be made and it was my mistake for doing that so to the whole board, I apologize and it will not happen again.

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Our founding fathers had the ability to discuss, quite heatedly at times, politics and religion yet still remain close friends. If we were able to do just that, many of the problems would disappear. I'm up for either! And you can have my beer, too... my religion forbids it. Gimme a root beer, please...

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No but most of the members would be more than happy to call someone out for being a RUDE SOB....peer pressure works better than rules:boxing_sm

Yes, in theory, I completely agree. That would work great..........for rational people.

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I'm gonna chime in with my 2 cents here, despite no longer being a hardbooter.

I'm a member of another forum on a completely different subject. This other forum is, like BOL, a great source of info on the subject at hand. (OK, OK, lest I pique your curiosity too much, it's on people who are obsessed with the show Perfect Strangers. OK? Happy now?)

Anyway--they have an "off topic" section for some reason. And it gets heated. People can post on any damn topic they want and say all manner of crazy bull****. I end up remembering the screen names of people I agree with, people I disagree with, and people I think are 5 beers shy of a sixpack.

And so I wonder: What's the point of such a forum? Especially when there are all kinds of websites out there specifically for political discussions (or religious ones)? From Huffington Post to Fox News, there's a place for everyone to share his/her views on controversial topics. The country is divided enough as it is. Do we really need to have every forum on every topic have some designated place where we share our nastiness?

This really is a great forum. It's incredibly useful for anyone into hardboot snowboarding or thinking about it. And people here are nice.

If you want to keep it that way, I'd suggest keeping it about snowboarding.

But Lutherans are evil.


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Problem with political threads is most people have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Zero historical/sociological/economic background, zero analysis, just "thats a stupid idea/republicans=hitler/america=police state etc etc. Useless for all. Nobody learns anything, changes their minds, in fact all it does is further digs people into their little ruts and just flare a lot of tempers.

I like this forum because we concentrate on hardbooting. Keep it that way! OT threads should be light fun reading, not expounding some armchair generals views on geopolitical military theory in Iraq.

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