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SES 10 Poll


Which week for the SES 10?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which week for the SES 10?

    • Feb 13-19th - would incorporate Pres Weekend
    • Feb 6-12th - would end before Pres Weekend
    • Doesn't matter, I could go either week

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In deciding which week to hold the SES this year, we came across a problem. The week we have chosen starts with President’s weekend. For those 2-3 days the only thing that will change is the ticket prices and the hotel rooms will be a bit more expensive. Crowds are not usually a problem in Aspen. We think the extra day off would give people a better opportunity to come to the event, because it’s less days off from work. However, we don’t want to burden people with finances. :o

So – we are putting it to the people, since this is your event. Which week would you like to see the SES held?

<O:pPresident’s weekend is Feb 13-15<SUP>th</SUP> 2010

<O:pFeb 13-19<SUP>th</SUP><O:p

Feb 6-12<SUP>th</SUP>


<SUP><O:p</SUP>We will choose based on the results of the poll on July 8th.

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Keep in mind guys, "busier" at Aspen is not what you think or are used to. The place is huge ( 4 mnts worth) and not very accessible to all. In the 10+ years I have been going there, I rarely see a lift line that adds up to much.

So from a crowd standpoint, I would say you will not see a difference. And if you do, 5 minute line vs 3 minutes :biggthump Also, we try to do at least ButterMilk on that Saturday and as everyone knows, we pretty much own the joint no matter what.

Our thinking on this was that the P-day week would actually help people make it out. A large portion of the population has that Monday off anyway so use it and come on out.

But like Michelle mentions, rates will be a bit higher, but only for the weekend and not by much.

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for voting the week before is,that the crowds and the added cost of the lift tickets and lodging would more than offset not taking an extra day off work.(not a high income bracket here)That and the fact that I will probably return to teaching/coaching full time next season and Pres weekend is a biggie.

Back to the crowd issue,;it doesn't take many extra people to make for more danger for carvers,so even if Aspen isn't as much of a Zoo as Vail then ,it's still likey more crowd than the preceding week.

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If there is a chance that the date will change; maybe this rotating banner should be taken down for the time being?



someone plan way ahead book the flight and hotel already.

They might trying to get rebooking fee from Bomber if the date change.

just trying to avoid potential hassle for all.

or add some "lawyer talk" such as that the date is subject to change and blah blah.

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The Olympics starts on the 12th. I doubt that it would make a huge difference to the attendance, but it would give you something to watch over apres beers. It might also mean that some of the beautiful people will be at Whistler, rather than Aspen...

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Been here for Presidents weekend for the last 40 years...

It is way more crowded then, in fact Xmas, Easter,and Pres. week end are the only times it ever does seem like there is anybody around at all.

If you were skiing, then no problem...putting a hundred or so carvers out there

going cross grain is a bad idea for that time frame.

Maybe Summit county would be better then?

There would be NO ONE the week before, do what you will...:eek:

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i think it'd be better to do the week after presidents day, but i guess that means im for before the holidays.

A lot of people have to work during/around valentines which is one of the many reasons some people i know couldn't go.

If I had the money however, i would go after the holidays.

But that isn't an option now is it? :AR15firin

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Shred Gruumer: I never in my careers have had a president day off, in the private sector,,, schools and Government, and maybe Virgina...

Jeez, sounds like you have the wrong job! I have both those entire weeks off ;)

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X-Games Jan 28 - Jan 31

Feb 6-12th - would end before Pres Weekend but would include the opportunity to be part of the World Carving Session and ride with the gang from Pure Boarding Jan 31 - Feb 10

Huge factor for sure.

Some of the best folks on the planet!!

Fun to ride with too!

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