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Congrats to FIN!!!


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I just wanted to say congrats to Fin and his new TD3. Three riders on the last Nor-Am podium were using the binding. I can't remember a time when a bomber binding won a Nor-Am let alone multiple riders on the podium using them. Also to note Ben Fairchild place 25th in the last world cup using the new TD3.

Get them before all the racers buy them out.

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Hi Phil

Would you mind giving the masses a bit more information as to what specifically the racers like about the TD3? What are they saying?

Am I right to assume that most racers are using a plate system with plastic binding parts made to fit the plate or is the shift to TD3’s taking hold?

What is the trend you are seeing with regards to bindings and racers?

Thanks for taking the time to type.


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Am I right to assume that most racers are using a plate system with plastic binding parts made to fit the plate

I'm not supposed to say what it is, but I can tell you it's not that. Knowing what it is, I think there is going to be a paradigm shift in racing to this binding.

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I'm not supposed to say what it is, but I can tell you it's not that. Knowing what it is, I think there is going to be a paradigm shift in racing to this binding.

C'mom, spill it Fin! Or at least tell me this: Are we talking about a whole new binding or a TD3 add-on? Cause if its the latter, I will buy a pair of TD3 as soon as I see whether I get a BOL gift certificate in my stocking! My experience over the past couple of years has been, despite the fact that I freecarve about 100x more often than I race, I've liked what racers have liked as long as it doesn't weight an extra 10 pounds.

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A paradigm shift, didn’t expect to hear this when asking about a racing design trend!

I guess pictures of the prototype are out of the question!;)

Are you able to explain the design philosophy that seems to be causing this shift? Can you give this away without letting the cat completely out of the bag?



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Are you able to explain the design philosophy that seems to be causing this shift? Can you give this away without letting the cat completely out of the bag?
Ok, fine I'll spill the beens:eplus2:

TD3-Racer is going full Titanal. We are talking full integration with Titanal boards jawsmiley.gif

No and no. :rolleyes:

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Just tell me this....that I won't regret buying the TD3. Tell me I'll be even more fired up about the TD3 when I see the new paradigm changing race device. Even if you have to lie!
See post #12

Grab a pair of threes... you'll have no regrets

Keep in mind, most racers like flex and movement in the binding... most free carvers I know don't want that flex. If you are used to and/or like TD2, Cateks, or especially any kind of stepins... you will not be interested in what the racers are using.

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You should have NO regrets with the TD3. The racers are trying out something that is slightly different from the production TD3, but when it is available it will be an easy upgrade if you choose to do so. But as is the TD3 is a great binding and should be considered a viable option for just about every hardbooter out there.

To answer on of the questions above. Pretty much all the racers are using the standard bail version.

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