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Everything posted by tex1230

  1. tex1230

    Ski Boots

    if your feet fit in head SB boots, the ski boots have the same fit. Just FYI.
  2. good luck... more info on the tinkler plate?
  3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/OXYGEN-Kr-70C-ALPINE-RACE-SLALOM-SNOWBOARD-DECK-170-CM-SNOW-BOARD-KR70C-RACING-/230713038275?pt=Snowboarding&hash=item35b79195c3&autorefresh=true not mine - fun little starter board.
  4. tex1230

    Eces Q & A

    Does anyone want to sponsor a guy stranded in Texas? (Hey - you said any questions )
  5. there are several threads on do-it-yourself spacers. iirc, $5 at home depot and some time with a saw and you're golden... longer screws are easy to find. McMaster-Carr is a good source if your local hardware store does not help. Just be sure they are stainless.
  6. Wasn't SWT involved in Catek in some way? anyone tried contacting him?
  7. ...and DiveBummer strikes again. For the record, I bought from Hardbooter a couple of years ago and they were very fast and great communicators. ...of course, I paid in full...
  8. You better add TEXAS to your cute little poll or me & you is fixin to have sum words
  9. There is a huge difference between "in God We Trust", a broad endorsement of monotheism in general, and a statue of Jesus, which endorses Christianity over all other religions... just sayin' I don't really care if you put the Buddah, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and Vishnu on the White House lawn, but you should recognize that there is a prohibition against the country adopting an official religion in the constitution, and religious icons on public land are a clear violation of this.
  10. I thought I was being paged, as I am this forum's official scallywag. Arg! :eplus2:
  11. You may think that the wealthy don't hold their cash in banks, but with the explosive growth in money supply in the last few years, and the Trillions of dollars on deposit in corporate accounts, the big banks could realistically lose every single individual depositary account owned by "the 99%" and still be in great shape. The entire OWS movement, along with the "bank transfer day" is just a perpetuation of the class warfare instigated by the current occupant of the White House and will solve nothing. Until both sides of the arguments get off of their "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality there will be no progress made in this country economically or socially. Divisiveness solves nothing.
  12. that ought to be almost as effective as the "boycott buying gas" days last year or two. :rolleyes: (interesting concept, but even with 25% participation, the banks won't feel it. - the whole point of "the 99%" is that the top 1% control a vast majority of the wealth...and you know where those people are keeping their money?
  13. Deeluxe has had a separate website for their hardboots since they changed the name from Raichle. Don't remember the site offhand but google deeluxe hardboots and you'll find it.
  14. just watching CNN coverage - Vermont looks bad. Positive thoughts to Steph, Alex, Shaggy, Paul, Chris, and all of my other New England friends... Hope everything is ok and you get power&water quickly.
  15. at least 3 years...just like this thread :rolleyes:
  16. back whenI lived in Squaw Valley, I had dreadlocks and decided to get rid of them one day. ended up shaving my head clean bald. The next day was bluebird powder day, rode the whole day and had sucha bad sunburn on my head I was sick for 2 days. OUCH
  17. maybe try epicski.com or a regional board? Used ski boots are a very difficult sale, especially higher prices, but good luck.
  18. bx are generally wider (most bx racers use softboots), have a rounded tail, and are a bit softer (this depends on the rider's personal taste) Top brands I've seen lately have been Kessler and Oxess, but SG and others are making great boards as well. And Palmer - but iirc those were made by kessler?
  19. slalom skate? Mountain bike in the woods? Get up to Mt. Hood or down to South America and get on real snow? possiblilties are endless
  20. you're welcome in Texas anytime...bring some rain with you
  21. He's on facebook...or you could reply to his old thread - may trigger an email alert to him.
  22. I ran the Iron Mountain downhill/speed trap a few times in the late 80s and early 90s. Complete frickin insanity.
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