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Everything posted by tex1230

  1. Looks like all the resorts in Colorado are closed for the season - But it's still snowing! I'm heading for Dillon and Colorado Springs next week and wondering if anyone has suggestions of good moderate hikeable spots?
  2. Lee - do you use the DIN soles all the time or do switch them out?
  3. Salomon Verse 4.0 was the last ones I used - saving my nickels & dimes to buy some UPZ this summer
  4. About a year ago, I had a full rupture of my achilles, surgically repaired + 6 months of rehab. Painful, frustrating...but the upside was, after my surgeon & physical therapist told me "no more high-impact sports"(ie no air, no skateboards, no jogging) I switched back to carving...and rediscovered the reason I love this sport.
  5. You can't wear OP cords every day???!!! wow - I need to update my wardrobe.
  6. Probably won't work - subscription service, but I'll try: http://online.barrons.com/article/SB111421563794114952.html?mod=b_this_weeks_magazine_main if that doesn't work I'd be happy to cut & paste in an e-mail I loved those old Rossi carving boards. When I lived in Tahoe back in the early '90s some of my friends were getting product from them & that was when I learned that hardboots were good for something besides the freestyle boards I had been using them on (I was a SERIOUS Damian Sanders wannabe)
  7. Pretty good article in this week's Barron's on the numbers behind the merger if anyone's interested.
  8. I'd probably sell one - but they're probably unrideable. I had to drill a center hole and mount a post for the old Nitro/Fritschi bindings that used the Nitro 5-hole pattern. bindings are long gone, but the post is still stuck there.
  9. With all the money you guys seem to spend on movies why not just buy yourself a plane ticket to Portillo or Las Lenas and carve all summer, too! (I really wish I could) That being said, I think I'll just torture myself with classic movies like: Snowboarders in exile Critical Condition Totally Board 1-2
  10. I still have a couple of Inner-Courses in storage - damn those were great boards...the last asym I rode. If the guys who built those are still around at Mervyn I'd love to see them put something together that had the performance of the inner- course with the durability of the rossi boards.
  11. yep - it was announced on Mar.22 but details were just put out on Apr 13th. I wonder if they'll merge Rossi and Lib Tech/Gnu into one company?
  12. but if anyone here has one for a reasonable price - I'd take a look.
  13. That's why I was trying to contact him - his ad says no shipping, then lower down it says $20 shipping...I'm pulling the bid if he doesn't respond by the end of the day today. I was really bidding on this as a wall hanger anyway - probably would ride it a couple of times...I had one a long time ago and it was fun, but I know they have major problems with delam. I just thought a metal board would look so sweet on the wall.... thanks for all the feedback guys.
  14. got the ones from a few days ago - did you send something new? The seller still won't answer any of my questions. ah, well... maybe I'll get lucky and someone will top my bid and I won't have to deal with him...
  15. Just in case the seller on ebay reads these boards, I want to talk - e-mail me - can't get msg thru on ebay
  16. I had my 172 axis out in ~12 inched of fresh in vermont and it was amazing - floated surprisingly well for a carving board. plus it was stable enough to cut through the crud late in the day. Don't know how well it would do in the deeper Colorado stuff though - I'd probably go for something a little wider.
  17. I'll be there - and if anyone has info on the SES I'd love to try for both!
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