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Everything posted by tex1230

  1. really? Jean Nerva - Burton video - I think either "chill" or "Scream of Consciousness" "You Carve you carve you carve , no skid even if it's icy" plenty of Neon and Vitelli turns
  2. tex1230


    How does it feel knowing that your quiver is worth more than the entire mountain?
  3. Just one board? Madd 158 I'll change my vote when I get back on snow...may be another year...but that was always my magic board. The 171 schtubby was a close second.
  4. IIRC those are shred grumer's babies (at least, he had the first one I saw)? If Bruce is too busy try emailing Shred for info.
  5. THIS HAS NEVER BEEN ASKED BEFORE!!! :smashfrea:smashfrea search first next time. Sizing charts are useless. measure your foot in cm - that is your mondo size.
  6. Tell you anything? Steve in Oregon = Photodad's love child
  7. that makes me think dirty thoughts... :1luvu::D:D:D
  8. You build those boots and I'll be there to buy the first pair of 27.5 off the line...
  9. It's been 20ish years since I was there, but yeah - a softer Bx-type board is the call. Best of luck - get some video, and have fun!
  10. Dude, Measure your foot in centimeters. Stop worrying about the US shoe size. This has been covered a million times here...
  11. what parts do you need - I was organizing the other day and found some random OS1 parts... couple of kingpins and a couple of canting screws...
  12. you should buy the ones that match your purse, DUH!
  13. we get it...you're stoked...but do you really need 5 threads about the same trip?
  14. You have no clue what you are talking about. Awesome board, probably one of 3 or 4 in existence, probably never going to be made again. If I had the $$ I'd buy it in a second.
  15. Unless you can find an NCAA sanctioned snowboard race, Not gonna happen in the US... Maybe Europe?
  16. I really don't meanto offend, but what's the point? it's like putting z-rated tires on an AMC Pacer - might look nice, but is there any benefit to cutting edge tech paired with 10+ year old board & bindings?
  17. +1 Thanks for all of your service and sacrifices:biggthump
  18. you have waaaaaay too much time on your hands :D
  19. too bad the bomber store doesn't carry those...:rolleyes: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/dakine_concourse.cfm (I have this bag and have carried 7 boards in it)
  20. how are you measuring your width? center to center or heel to toe? 14.75 inches (center to center) and your heel and toe would be touching...
  21. US sizes are inaccurate. plenty of discussion here, but the mondo size is what 99% of us care about.
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