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Everything posted by lordmetroland

  1. The precise reason I stopped wearing Burton Ions. It happened once with a pair of 2007s and sent the outer part of my left foot numb (about the same size area as yours). Sensation fully returned after about six months of no Ion wearing. Then, thinking it was primarily a size issue, but mostly because I'm an idiot, I got a pair of 2010 Ions, moving from 12s to 13s. It wasn't a size issue, it was an Ion issue. Same foot, same nerve damaged, about eight months recovery time. Now I ride DCs and Nikes with my bindings cranked and no relapse. I won't touch Burton's again. So I'm not a COMPLETE idiot.
  2. Thanks for dropping this tidbit, which spurred a trip to their website. Nice to be able to finally make sense of all the Winterstick company permutations and get the sense they're on a stable path. Gotta love the "custodians of history" vibe. Plus the Tom Burt bio made for good reading. The Cordova Peak video link is a must see for anyone who loves to feel their bowels lurch. I swear, I don't know how he made it down with his obviously huge onions clanging around all over the place. Good luck to Winterstick, I only wish they made a wide 180+ board!
  3. Do my eyes deceive me or, at :20, does he stop and turn uphill to double-check if this is really happening?
  4. Inquiring minds want to know...specifics? Length, width, sidecut, construction? Turn-ons? Favorite stuffed animal?
  5. Let's not forget that Linus was able to talk the gullible Charlie Brown into missing Halloween to wait for the Great Pumpkin. Accordingly, I waded into the Pumpkin Patch and tried to put an order through the Catek site for FR2 toe ramps. After cowering under the table once I hit the "submit" button, here's what came back: Caron Alpine Technologies, Inc. :: Warning Order processing error ! Payment processor declined your order. Please review your data and try again. Reason: Error: The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive. (Reason Code 13 / Sub 2) This seems to suggest that, if Catek's not dead, then they are extremely sleepy. For the record, I want to state that trying to place this order does not make me an idiot. It merely confirms it.
  6. The fear isn't that no one is home behind the Catek curtain, it's that someone nefarious is there waiting to collect my credit card information. How do we know that the Catek site hasn't been captured by ISIS who are using the proceeds to fund their campaign? Using the lure of spacer thingys with a starved and desperate population to fill their coffers. It's almost too much to bear. Yet, again, I'm strangely tempted to follow your suggestion. I like cornices.
  7. Why do I have this picture in my mind of you and me standing on a 40 foot cornice, with you saying "Dude, hit it! The landing is totally pillowy!" Yet, I'm tempted to follow your suggestion.
  8. The back end of the Catek site is still live. I was mulling the idea of placing an order for FR2 toe ramps and got to the point of registering an account. I got an automated email response including my profile information but got cold feet when it came to actually placing the order and sending my credit card information into the void.
  9. I thought this was a pretty solid comparison of the Swoard Dual and the Volkl Coal XT: http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10035
  10. Did we just inadvertently stumble on the reason for the slow traffic up to the hills? It only takes one idiot to cause a traffic jam. An idiot with a joint is a sure bet.
  11. Yikes! Best of luck on the recovery / rehab. I'll be on the lookout for unguided missiles at Loveland on Friday.
  12. It's a great idea! I was just explaining supply and demand to my 7 year old daughter yesterday. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about those damn large FR toe ramps I can't find...
  13. That is a bummer! Makes sense to enjoy the remainder of the season. Getting old DOES suck, but the alternative isn't so hot either. On the other hand, imagine how bad getting old would suck If you'd wasted all your time getting to that point on the couch.
  14. What, no Roffes? I'm wearing a Bula hat right now!
  15. This makes 25 years for me. Started on this bad ride right here. That's right, the Ken Achenbach pro model. With the unforgiving Sims bindings with the metal bails over the soft top of a size 13 Sorel. The ankle strap was agony, but I was freakin' SNOWBOARDING, so pain was part of the sacrifice, right? I had no earthly idea what I was doing when I bought the rig, so I had one of the experts at a local Winter Park shop mount the bindings. His "expertise" suggested a 45/0 stance leaving about 3 inches of rear Sorel hanging over both rails. But I was freakin' snowboarding! I must have ridden that set up 50 days during the first 2 months of the season, until I took it into Cruise or Bruise Sports and the owner, Wayne, said, "Dude, who the hell did this to you? That's a terrible stance. And who puts eight fat lag screws in each binding?" He inserted the board with probably a 35/25 stance and I rode it another 70 days that year. Things have come a long way!
  16. "...a festival on the Isle of Lucy..." Classic. And way funnier than snowboarding.
  17. I'd like to "Like" this post but fear it might be misconstrued....
  18. Maybe we should combine the two issues and create a new "Couldn't Hear it in the Liftline without the Aid of my Ear Trumpet" thread.
  19. Bumpin.' I know there's a pair of these under someone's bed, lonesome, emaciated, neglected, just looking for someone to love them.
  20. Helpful information, this. For soft boots, I'd love to see a head to head test with the Bomber Power Plates. I got my first go on the Bombers this past week and, similar to you, was surprised at how well they soaked up the flotsam and jetsam. My only comparison point was the old Palmer risers which seemed to do no more than what the name implied.
  21. Whoa, dude, you may want to take a look at the year on that post!
  22. Ah, exactly what I was looking for. Symptoms typically present on heelside turns, the result being that ugly, straight-legged, butt out, mummy-armed contortion that makes my eyes water when I see it. Great description. Now I have to make sure I'm not doing it!
  23. Can you say a bit more about this? Where does the counter-rotation come in to play?
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