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Everything posted by scottishsurfer

  1. Pretty much the same concept as my not so softboots
  2. Well now i know what im doing for april fools
  3. Looks like he's riding a directional duck stance or a very mild directional one. One of my favorite things about this sport is there is a bunch of different ways to achieve the same goal
  4. true which is more likely to get me into trouble 26 is enough to make me forget im on a board thats only 26cm wide right up until i boot out
  5. Boards like the alloy's and grays make me wish i had much smaller feet p_q
  6. Reminds of Sigi's ride with me vid but with softboots and some slalom
  7. Lol my undoing riding friends normal boards is usually forgoting im not on a board with 27+ waist which usually results in boot out best described as explosive As you requested lurch
  8. The bum in the air is a pretty much the snow surf carving style where there is little to no extenstion during the carve its put it up on edge and let board just run its side cut. part of the reason is these boards are often pretty soft powder shapes so dont take kindly to alot of force being put through them through out the turn, meaning there going to decamber massively and probably fairly unevenly if you try to do the down unweighted/cross under style that your a fan of. basically the boards are dictate that style of riding.
  9. Ive said it before the black and white is getting really bloody old at this point
  10. Never used anything like this but i would be very intrigued to know the know the kind of forces im putting through a set of bindings i get the feeling the loads are way higher than what most soft boot bindings are tested to.... I'm not entirely sure it would be better from a training point of view than say video analysis of watching yourself back in slow motion video. but i guess if you dont have someone to film itd be better. Tech like beckmann says is really usefull if you know how, I used to use a gps watch when practising mtb DH where id use it to work out timings, cornering speed and what line choice was better than another since sometimes the line that felt fastest wasnt .
  11. I did try them and well i hated them it felt like the flat of your foot was attached to the board but there was zero lateral support in the boots
  12. its probably possible to design to L shaped brackets which mount to the boot cuff and lower that where each bracket will only compress the one spring but also hold in place the spring it does not compress in place. I know i probably dont make the most amount of sense but i will mock something up in 3d software tomorrow after work to give you a rough example of what i mean.
  13. I always enjoy looking at the japanese brand catalogs but it also makes me sad that even if i could get a hold of one of there boards my giant feet would make riding them imposible
  14. I rode the Targa's for 2 years and really liked them. The highback is alot softer than say the carbon highback on O-Drive but it offers a pretty good amount of support and response. The Ankle strap on the other hand is probably one of the best ive used on any binding it is very stiff and responsive with zero padding. The only real downsides with the targa is that they are super adjustable so can take a little bit of time to dial in perfectly. They are also fairly heavy but ive never noticed the weight with exception of my airplane baggage allowance.
  15. Yes I ride them but im also rocking more than just the booster straps.... Just checked Its the expert/race ones I use so just step down from the world cup. I generally use them to crank down the top of my boots around the shin/calf area super tight. I will tie the laces then crank the strap which will allow me to then undo the laces and pull them tighter and tie them again. After which I'll crank the strap down one final time and go ride.
  16. Miho is probably only one of about 4 riders ive seen video footage of heel side superman carve in softboots, I'm sure there is way more cappable of it but its super rare to see on film.
  17. Greens and blues if your a competant fast rider can be some of the dodgiest to ride due to them generally being designed to be run at lower speeds for beginers, they can be alot of fun to ride at warp speed though just need to be careful. One of my biggest crashes was on a demo mondraker foxy xr where i hit a blue table top about 10mph faster than it was desgined to be hit needless to say i over shot the landing by a long long way lol
  18. I prefer my mountain bikes acoustic vs electric but from riding my friends Focus jam ebike i can see the appeal to many climbs were a breeze and the extra weight made the bike very stable. Though having spent so long riding normal bikes I severly dislike the effect the extra weight has in terms of balance in the air jumping(super rear heavy) it also made the bike pretty docile and less agile in descents which had a tendency to limit line choice, more sledge hammer vs the scalpel that my meta 4x is.
  19. Nothing really I like the look of them But i prefer boots that lace all the way to the top of the cuff. It seems to be a trend to either have lacing all the way to the top or to have the laces stop early and replace the top eyelets with a power strap. Ideally Id like to have both full lacing and the powerstrap running between the top eyelet and the second top but hey i dont design boots what do i know.
  20. It's a High risk disapline but i do very much credit my experience riding and racing downhill for my ability to snowboard and not really care about the the steepness of a slope. I have it in my head if i can make it down on the DH bike in terms of gradiant i can easily make it down on the board. At the momment were still restricted in where we can travel in terms of recreation and what is open so I'm going to be doing trail riding for atleast a another month or so until i can break out the big bike again.
  21. Oh i do Its have a 2.1mile descent all the way back to my house
  22. Im pretty lucky I have some fairly nice natural trail riding not to far from my house albeit after a 30min near 950foot vertical climb. Bike is a little inapropriate and old school Commencal meta 4x 26inch 130mm fork 100mm out back its an over excited puppy of a bike to ride, not the best climber but boy are descents fun
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